Why Choose to Remain Analog When You Can Go Digital?


The question is, why choose to remain analog when you can go digital?

The world has gone digital and if you don’t embrace digital, you’ll be left behind.

You can choose to reinvent yourself and become a digital nomad.

The alternative is to remain an “analog commodity” expert that no one needs.

One bitter truth you need to learn and internalize is that whenever there is a paradigm shift, the knowledge base is reset to zero.

When that happens everyone has to relearn anew.

To relearn, you have to unlearn everything you already knew, including how the economy works.

You have to also relearn how money is made, dying and growing industries and so on.

Do you know why the most accomplished accountants, tax experts, lawyers, etc. got employed by Steve Jobs?

Yet Jobs considered the conventional school a waste of time.

It is because Steve saw ahead and decided to stake a claim in the gold mine the computer industry was set to become.

You get the gist?

But it’s not too late for you to change course.

This is the question I have for you again, why choose to remain analog when you can go digital?

Why run after endless certifications, which will leave you in penury rather than learning things digital like building lead magnets and funnels?

I see this scenario all too often: you’re a triple Chartered Accountant.

Your long list of qualifications includes BSc, MSc. MBA, ACCA, FCA, and several Post Graduate Diplomas.

You’ve practiced as an Accountant for 15 years and at age 55 you jump over to read Law.

To what end?

If your aim is to make more money or improve your chances of getting a better job you’re wasting your time.

You know why? Because accountants and lawyers are in excess supply.

Today the world needs intelligent website designers, funnel builders, SEO experts, SaaS builders, AI engineers, robotics programmers, and so on.

Your commodity qualifications are dead on arrival my friend.

Your PhD is neither here nor there.

Even if you want to take up teaching as a profession the irony is that the likes of Shola Akindela and Ezra Olubi of Paystack fame will not find your class interesting at all because you’ll have nothing to teach them.

While Shola’s networth is about $100m and he’s barely 40 you are gunning for more qualification at 60.

Does it make sense?

You say money is not everything.

If money is not everything, why are you gunning for more degrees?

My friend, paper qualifications today are USELESS.

Ask Elon Musk?

How many MBAs, ACCAs and PhDs have Elon?

Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard because as he put it, the opportunity he saw in computers would not repeat itself in his lifetime.

Steve Jobs didn’t even bother.

Yet Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have been awarded more honorary PhDs than all Nigerian professors put together.

When Steve Jobs gave his “Connecting The Dots” speech at Stanford, he said he was wearing an academic gown for the first time in his life.

And he was feeling uncomfortable.

So lift your head a little higher and scan the horizon.

What do you see?

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What the world needs today is not more degrees but more solutions to ginormous problems facing mankind.

My country of over 230 million people has no functioning refinery.

All our textile plants have collapsed and cotton farmers have turned to kidnapping and banditry as a means of livelihood.

How is your 5th degree going to solve the herders-farmers’ clashes?

Think about that as you shell out cash to register in yet another theoretical degree program that brings the world no good.

I teach my students how to see beyond their current challenges and look over the horizon of possibilities ahead.

The world has gone digital and if you choose to continue operating in the analog realm, you have yourself to blame.

You can learn to package all the ideas, information, skills, knowledge and wisdom you have into products that improve the lives of people around you.

You can harness the enormous power of social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, YouTube, etc. to impact people all over the world in a unique way.

But first you have to learn the basics of “digital.”

That is what I teach in Internet Business Mastery Course (iBMC).

Meanwhile, iBMC-7 is registering students and if you’re interested to join click here.

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