Why 3% Pass Rate In Online Education? (2022)

Why 3% pass rate in online education is a question that should concern every course creator. The 3% pass rate or 97% failure rate in online courses is a big scandal and a dent on the image of online courses segment of the education industry. This abysmal pass rate has worried me over the years and others. “Most online courses assume you are a wizard on a computer. You are a “techie” marvel. Lessons bandy

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Winning With Online Courses Was A Blast

The Graphy powered Winning With Online Courses free live webinar was a blast. Winning with online courses happened yesterday 23rd July; did you attend? If you didn’t, you missed a lot. iBMCers (graduates of Internet Business Mastery Course – iBMC) and non-iBMCers attended in numbers. And everyone had a testimony. Below are a few. Galaxy S20 FE01: I’m happy I attended. Thanks for inviting me. Eno Ekong: A fantastic coach. Thanks immensely. iBMCer Binta Ibrahim:

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