Does attitude really determine altitude?

A popular pastor years back proclaimed “Your attitude determine your altitude.” So, does attitude really determine altitude? Keith Harrell’s book screams, Attitude is Everything: 10 Life-Changing Steps to Turning Attitude into Action. Jeff Keller not to be outdone goes a step further and shouts, Attitude is Everything: Change your Attitude, Change your Life. Two of the fathers of modern motivational literature, Napoleon Hill, and W. Clement Stone, had in 1960 written what many consider the

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8 Simple Ways You Can Convert Knowledge Into Loads Of Cash Starting Now – First Overcome Fear

Make loads of cash with your God-given knowledge starting now. But first you must overcome fear, imposter syndrome and lack of self-belief. Inflation is not only biting harder, its literally eating Nigerians raw with prices changing by the minute and thousands of business are closing down. I called my senior sister yesterday and she lamented that her “water” and “ice selling” business has collapsed as she can no longer afford petrol. So, if you’re someone

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