Are You Learning Anything Online Today?


Are you learning anything online today?

It’s important you learn something online everyday until you master what online business is al about.

Start by learning the basics and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

In 2021 I started a Facebook Group by the name Online Course Creators Community For Newbies And Advanced Beginners.

It stemmed from my frustration with the “Gurus” I followed.

Most speak to impress and not to express.

As a trainer I know that people come to your course with different levels of understanding so your Course should address three levels of need: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

So as a Beginner or Newbie myself, the Group is for beginners like me.

It started slowly and for the first six months or so we were about 10 – 20 in the Group.

Just a few friends I personally invited.

But guess what, in January this year membership started gathering momentum.

Today the total membership is over 2000, growing at about 200 members monthly.

To slow down membership growth I even had to impose membership application before one can be admitted.

However that has not stopped the growth, I receive about 15 applications daily.

By the end of this week we are likely to surpass 2500 members and at the rate membership is growing we may surpass 10,000 by the end of the year  

How have I been able to keep membership growing?

Simply by posting relevant content and educating visitors.

So if you’re a Newbie or Advanced Beginner, welcome to the Online Course Creator Community For Newbies and Advanced Beginners.

As a Newbie you will face many stumbling blocks to success but you need to be consistent and persistent.

So my question to you is, are you learning anything online today?

When I started online years ago I was not consistent

Sometimes I did nothing for months and now and then wrote articles on any topic that tickled my fancy and uploaded online.

Between 2014 and 2015 I uploaded all my books on Amazon.

Other than that I did nothing, however, I was consistent when it came to learning.

Then along the line I met a coach who taught me how to create products.

So I jumped in and started creating my first set of products using Camtasia.

I was quite pleased with what I learnt and I even enlisted the help of a guru in Canada to create a product website for me.

All these I paid through my nose of course but I was not making a dime.

If you want to learn how to make some income through affiliate marketing get Michelle’s free eBook by clicking this link.

As I have said, these efforts yielded next to nothing but big LESSONS.

I documented the lessons I learnt in a comprehensive Case Study and shared with friends.

If you are interested you can get my Case Study here.

The key reason why I failed was that I didn’t follow the proven path – learning the BASICS and being consistent.

I like to console myself by saying you don’t know what you don’t know.

Succeeding online is not about being smart, fast, agile, clever, tricky, tech savvy, social media savvy, adverts savvy, understanding how to use pixels, or being an expert in lead magnets, Call To Actions (CTAs), funnels and so on.

Internet success is not about Products, Audience, Marketing, Selling, Tactics or Strategies.

Success online boils down to just a simple thing: having the DISCIPLINE to learn how the internet business ecosystem works and building relationships.

Success online is about mastering how everything online and all the systems work together to produce concrete results.

Concrete results like having 10,000 subscribers and making $10,000 monthly online.

Despite the glamour you see online, less than 10% of gurus make up to $10,000 monthly online.

If you wish to learn affiliate marketing get Michelle’s eBook on the subject here.

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner was the person who taught me Affiliate Marketing.

As I mentioned earlier, my first teacher taught me how to create products and host them on a product website but that effort as I’ve mentioned before didn’t yield any result.

However, it was only when I registered in a comprehensive course that took me through the four phases of internet business success that the needle started moving in my favour.

The key phase in the journey is LEARNING and without the discipline to learn you’ll be trading water or just on a treadmill as the Americans say.

So that’s why my constant question, are you learning anything online today?

These are the types of ideas I share with my students in Internet Business Foundation Course and Internet Business Mastery Course.

You’re always welcome to learn more.

So to the question again, are you learning anything today?

What are you doing online to move the needle in your favour today?

Let’s start learning.

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