You can become a highly sought-after influencer if…


Influencers Paul Uduk & Paul Onwanibe


You can become a highly sought-after influencer if… you follow the proven path. As an influencer, thought leader and coach you can get paid thousands of dollars annually as individuals and organizations enjoy the value you bring to the table. All you need to do is to master how influence is built in the internet age. An influencer, also sometimes used interchangeably with thought leader, is someone that commands influence, respect and trust.

In the days gone by, to be an influencer, you needed to run a Fortune 500 company or be a multi-millionaire. Alternatively, you needed to be a great sportsman or woman, actor, actress or entertainer. Yes, great professors, authors and country presidents and prime ministers also commanded influence.

That’s why John Wayne, Pele, Mohammad Ali, Jack Welch, Abraham Lincoln, Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs, Oprah are all household names. Michael Jordan, Indira Gandhi, Sheik Maktoum bin Mohammed all belong to the global list. Some influencers like Pele, Mandela, Oprah don’t need a second name to be recognized.

The majority of these influencers made their mark in the analog age. Today anybody –  teacher, nurse, medical doctor – can become an influencer. With the press of your computer keyboard your TikTok video can go viral making you an instant celebrity. But being a celebrity may not necessarily make you an influencer. No doubt, as an amateur, you may enjoy your celebrity status for a few hours before disappearing into oblivion.

What you need to become an influencer

To be a true influencer, you need a teachable point of view. What do you stand for? What are your values? What do you bring to the table? A teachable point of view is a cohesive set of ideas, values and ways of energizing people that can be articulated clearly to others. It is a person’s ability to externalize ideas, experiences, and make implicit or tacit knowledge explicit. Until you have a teachable point of view you cannot become a true influencer.

You can become a highly sought-after influencer and reap outsized rewards if you follow the proven path. What that means is, do what works in the internet age. You must know who your target audience is, what they want and how to reach out to them.  The key is having a target audience that is interested in your message. Then packaging your message in the best way they want it. And finally, sending the message to them in the way they want it. Then, you must be consistent.

Your message, also called content, can be packaged in the form of video, audio or text. A collection of your content is your intellectual property. Your content must add massive value to your target audience. To be a runaway successful influencer, you must know your audience more than they know themselves. Click this link to read how to learn online business the right way.

How to cultivate audience

There are many ways to reach and cultivate an audience. One is through social media like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and hundreds of others. Another is through search using Google, YouTube, Bing and many others. Having your own house, guest posting and directly helping others by answering their questions are also important.

Three brief influencer cases

 Today you can become a highly respected influencer within 2-3 years if you’re consistent and persistent. You’ll command not only respect but attract millions into your bank account. Take the case of Ali Abdaal. A medical doctor, 4 years ago he decided to follow his heart and passion by opting to become a YouTuber.  Today he is a multi-millionaire with close to 3 million subscribers. Vanessa Lau left her corporate job to jump online and crossed the $6million mark barely after three years. Pat Flynn lost his job as an architect and started teaching how to pass architecture exams. Today Pat is a millionaire and his Smart Passive Income courses and podcast are a must.

Influencers like Tim Ferriss, Brendon Burchard, Joe Polish, Jay Abraham, Marie Forleo, Peter Diamandis, and Ramit Sethi, to mention seven, are in a class of their own. Some of the influencers here were broke and their future looked bleak but they pushed themselves. They persisted. All they did was to make up their minds to give the internet a try. Yes, all you need to know is that they all started one day.

No special skills needed

You don’t need any special skills to become an influencer; all you need is determination and courage. You need boldness and drive. You need to overcome procrastination and perfectionism. If I were you, I would look for a relevant course, register and start learning. I would look for a coach and mentor for guidance.

In summary, you can build a highly lucrative business and an enviable lifestyle as an influencer starting now. All you need is to push yourself a little harder. You need a mindset change believing that anybody can succeed online – age, gender, education level are no barriers.  All you need is: START today. I will be your coach and mentor. Click this link to learn all you need to know about internet business mastery course.

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