When Will You Start Helping Yourself?


A couple of days ago I invited three of my friends to join me in my monthly Book Writing Clinic (BWC), a five-hour long seminar where I teach how to write books. The three of them excused themselves saying they couldn’t afford the seminar. The episode made me think. Could it be they didn’t genuinely have money or they didn’t really feel like attending? Either way, this post, which is actually four short posts combined into one, is to challenge, motivate and inspire whoever reads it among my friends, followers, and strugglers anywhere they may be in the world to rededicate themselves to full financial freedom. By that I mean, living life at your own terms. I ask you to read the post to the end with an open mind.

Change Or Go Into Oblivion

About 100 years ago when the agrarian economy was coming to an end, people were still asking for better, more efficient, more effective, more agile, friendlier, more customer-centric, faster, leaner, you name it, horse whips and carts. Henry Ford quipped, “If I would have asked my customers what they wanted, they would have told me a faster horse.”

Henry Ford projected the auto = mobile would be able to run up to 15 miles per hour and there was instant uproar. How can such a contraption be allowed? They squirmed. It will kill people. It will render roads unsafe. Of course, Ford ignored everyone and went on to become the richest man of his era.

Now the industrial era is giving way to the digital era. Barely 30 years old, the internet revolution is minting millionaires and billionaires at a rate never known in human history. Twenty-year-olds, 15-year-olds, 45-year-olds, 60-year-olds, 70-year-olds are building empires from their bedrooms, dormitory rooms, and boardrooms.

But what are you doing about this new gold rush? How are you positioning yourself? Are you acquiring digital assets? Are you running helter-skelter looking for a coach to help you learn, relearn and unlearn? Are you reinventing yourself? Maybe you’re waiting for anointing from your pastor. Yes? Either way, it’s a personal choice. But my best advice is, jump online and start learning.

The Top 8 Myths You Need to Shatter To Become A Published Author
The Little Known Secret of the World’s Greatest Speakers And How You Can Join Their Ranks

As usual, most of the underdeveloped countries in Africa are being decoupled from the rest of the world. Don’t be a victim. My FREE Seminar on How Experts Build Empire runs monthly and it’s absolutely free. There is always a seminar going on somewhere in your neighborhood. For the online version, head to my site www.pauluduk.com, and download the free material and start learning. The material should be live by June 30th so register early to be the first to gain access.


Do You Have Money Targets?

The yardstick for measuring achievement in a capitalist or market economy is money, cash, or financial assets. The more you have the better. If you don’t have it the society ignores you. So set money targets. How much do you want to have? By what age? How are you going to make it?

There is no easy way to making money in a market economy. Hard work, focused imagination, unbridled creativity, aligned mindset, the right exposure, relevant and up-to-date knowledge of the philosophy of making money all play a part. Luck too. Risk-taking too. That is where the mindset comes in.

The strategy and tactics you adopt for making money depend on your age. The young, middle-aged, and the mature need different approaches. Before the advent of the internet, money was made linearly or incrementally but now you can make money exponentially. Today you can become a millionaire within 2 to 5 years and a billionaire within 5 to 10 years. I mean millionaire in dollars. No stealing, no embezzlement of public funds, no kickbacks.

If you want to learn more about how to make money exponentially in the internet era, join my FREE Seminar How Experts Build Empire. It’s absolutely FREE and there is always one going on in your neighborhood.  For the online version, head to my site www.pauluduk.com, and download the free material and start learning. The material should be live by June 30th so register early to be the first to gain access.


Create Your Platform If You Wish To Grow Exponentially And Bank Millions

To succeed massively in the high octane, topsy-turvy, borderless environment of the internet, you need a platform or better still, platforms. It has always been so. Platforms come in various forms, shapes, and sizes. They bear names such as Society, Institute, Club, or Movement.

Along the way, some of them remove the appendages that used to identify them. So you have Rotary, Lions, Toastmasters, Boys Scout Movement, Girls Guide, Institute of Bankers, Society of Engineers, Ikoyi Club, Red Cross, World Economic Summit, Freemason, TED, and so on.

Platforms launch out for an assortment of causes, sometimes very lofty. The majority are not-for-profit. But don’t be deceived, they may not call it profit but they do generate massive surpluses. Where do you think those surpluses go to? Do you think the founders dump them in the Atlantic or Indian Oceans?

Those profits (sorry, surpluses) end up in the founders’ pockets. Some of these movements, clubs, institutes, or societies are over one hundred years old and their founders have since long died but their estates or the foundations they founded continue to receive the surpluses and will continue to do so till thy kingdom come.

A great number had set up foundations to shield the founders’ families from the prying eyes of the public while they quietly continue to milk the cows they set up. So what I’m saying is this, you need a PLATFORM if you want or wish to scale and become stupendously wealthy. Thanks to the internet, your Platform can easily scale and reach the entire universe within the twinkle of an eye.

Do you know that Facebook is a platform with about 3 billion active users? What of Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and the like? Each of these platforms has users running into a billion or close to. Do you know why Google Plus (G+) decided to close down? Because it had a paltry 345million users so Google decided it was not worth their trouble.

You may say these are huge endeavours beyond the capacity of mere mortals like me and you. I would counter by saying wait a minute, was Mark Zuckerberg not a mere mortal when he set up FB?

But do you know that you can still set up a Platform with just one, ten, twenty, fifty or one hundred thousand members and dance all the way to the bank? It is not magic. I belong to some of these Platforms. Some are free and some require a subscription. Check these out: Learning Annex, Experts Academy, Service Quality Institute, Association for Talent Development, High-Performance Academy.

What I’m saying is, you need a Platform of yours to start milking your cow. Please don’t get me wrong. To set up and scale juicy Platforms require grit, strategy, tactics, massively transformative purpose, hard work, endurance, determination, persistence and the “X” factor of never, never, never giving up. Get hold of someone who knows how to set up profitable Platforms to help you get started. Ask him salient questions and if you get satisfactory answers latch onto her coattails.

If you want to learn more, join my Free Seminar, How Experts Build Empire. There is always one going on somewhere in your neighborhood. Head to my site www.pauluduk.com, and download the free material and start learning. The material should be live by June 30th so register early to be the first to gain access.


 You Must Perspire Until You Reach The 7th Dimension of Expert Empire

As you may already be aware, there are seven dimensions en route Expert Empire.  The first six dimensions are Author (writing), Speaker (speaking), Trainer (training), Coach (coaching), Consultant (consulting), and Seminar Leader (organizing seminars – those huge seminars that attract 1,000 to 10,000 guests at a time). The 7th Dimension of Expert Empire-building strategy is Information Marketing. It’s the most lucrative, producing millionaires at a rate unknown in any other time in history.


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You can build your Online Empire in a variety of ways but selling information products is the fastest route to wealth. Internet millionaires like Ewen Chia, Omar Martin, and Frank Kern, to mention three, built their empires partly by selling digital products through affiliate marketing.

John Chow rocketed onto the online scene when he showed the income power of online business by taking his little blog from making zero to over $40,000 per month in just two years. Today John Chow dot Com is one of the biggest on the internet, with over 200,000 active readers.

Michelle Gardner, the owner of Making Sense of Cents, from $38,000 in student’s loans now grosses $1.5m per annum. Michelle left her highly lucrative financial industry job to give online business a trial and she has never looked back. Same with Andre Chaperon, the owner of The Tiny Little Business. He’d lost his job but now Andre grosses $150,000 monthly.

What of the KING of them all, Jeff Bezos, who is today the world’s richest man? He started Amazon in 1994 when no one knew how or what internet business was all about.

What is peculiar with these examples, including Bezos,  is that they didn’t have any special skills. Indeed all took leaps of faith and gave their all to it. From zero they were able to “make it” within 2-3 years. It took Bezos about 14 years to break even and another six, about 23 years in all, to become the #1 richest man on earth. He’s in a special class of his own. Don’t go there.

But what of Michelle Schroeder-Gardner? As I mentioned above, she is the owner of Making Sense of Cents blog. She started blogging as a hobby in 2011 and today grosses about $150,000 monthly. And there are many others ahead of her. Gary Vaynerchuk, Neil Patel, Pat Flynn, and Jon Morrow, readily come to mind.  They all started from zero, knowing nothing about online marketing or internet business and through trial and error crushed it. You too can.

With the exchange rate at $1 = N360 do you know the meaning of $10,000/month? It’s N3,600,000. Even if you make $1,000 per month you should jump at it. Learn more at my FREE How Experts Build Empire Seminar. Head to my site www.pauluduk.com, and download the free material and start learning. The material should be live by June 30th so register early to be the first to gain access.

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