What’s The Secret Of Online Success?


Tony Robbins gesticulating at Time To Thrive Challenge

The Secret of Online Success is that there is really no secret, if I may tell you the truth.

Sometimes or almost 100% of the time, success online or anywhere else does not follow a straight line.

The beauty of online business is that you can scale to infinity.

Last week Dean Graziosi and @Tony Robbins generated over $100m in their 5-day  #TimeToThrive Challenge.

The 5-day event, which ran from 2nd to 6th August, attracted over 900,000 subscribers from all over the world.

Some of the world’s most decorated online gurus and entrepreneurs, including Jenna Kutcher, Brendon BurchardRussell Brunson, @Glo Atanmo, Marie ForleoRachel Miller, Alex Hormozi, Michael McConaughey, etc. were on hand to train the participants.

I was lucky to be one of the 900K participants and I soaked in everything over those 5 days and now soaking in even more because I ended up investing over $1K in their Mastermind dot com platform.

The amount excludes the $41 I’ll be paying monthly to be part of 2022 Project Next.

To say the truth, given the total value of over $11,000 of the offer stack, the $1,284 I’ll end up investing is a no-brainer.

How did Dean and Tony manage to pull off this massive event – attracting over 900,000 participants, out of which one-third to half ended up subscribing for Gold, Platinum, and Black VIP Cards, Mastermind dot com and 2022 Project next?

The truth is, Dean and Tony have between them over 65 years combined experience delivering training off, and online. and doing launches.

Next, Dean and Tony spent over 9 months planning the massive event sparing no dollar to ensure the outcome was guaranteed.

Assuming they paid 50% of the $100m to other contributors as commissions and overheads, they are still left with $50m to share among themselves.

However, does Tony Robbins, whose 2022 net-worth is estimated at $600m, really need $25m to survive?

What attracted subscribers to the event, apart from learning, was the MTP (Massively Transformative Purpose) Tony and Dean highlighted.

Part of the money every subscriber invested goes to Feeding America (50 meals to be precise if you invested as a Gold Card member).

So, apart from the CONSISTENCY of being in the training trenches for over 65 years combined, the MTP drove people in droves to #TimeToThrive.

Dean and Tony did not emphasize the mundane such as Lead Magnets, Landing Pages, Sales Funnels, A/B Testing, but how to move from SURVIVING to THRIVING.

So, as a beginner, the mundane ideas, as important as they are, are not and should not be your highest priority.

Those things are not even needed or required as you are starting as a newbie until you are well over $10,000 MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) and 10,000 subscribers.

Talking about sales funnels to a beginner confuses the issue and makes the entire process so overwhelming.

All you need as a BEGINNER are, 1st: MINDSET SHIFT (that it can be done); 2nd: UNDERSTANDING THE BASICS (how to get started); and 3rd: TAKING MASSIVE ACTION (to achieve result).

So, we are back to where we started.

The secret to or for success is that there is no secret.

All you need is CONSISTENCY (doing the little you know over and over again until it becomes second nature), as Dean and Tony have demonstrated by their over 65 years combined experience in the training trenches.

Therefore, master the BASICS.

The next guiding principle is having a MTP (Massively Transformative Purpose), noting that more money is not what you need, but more impact and influence to make the world a better place.

You must be driven by a mission or goal bigger than yourself.

If you do both well, the money will come.

So, go on and create more impact to change the world in your own small way.

That’s the secret of success.

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