What Are Your Plans For 2024?


It’s not for nothing that I’m asking you, “What are your plans for 2024?”

The end of year is here and we’re going to witness “End of Year Resolutions” galore.

For ladies, fruit of the womb, husband, health and wealth will top the list.

And for gentlemen, health, wealth and a new car will be on top of the agenda.

What about Nigerians wallowing in poverty? For them three square or round meals and good health will suffice.

For the super ambitious, empire builders and internet gurus, getting a Tesla, Porsche, Lamborghini, will be a dream come true.

If you have worked so hard, there is nothing wrong in splurging on yourself now and then. Rolls Royce? Sure you can go for it.

Uyi Abraham, the brain behind Vonza, recently bought two – Rolls Royces. One for himself and one for his wife.

Uyi arrived America with a just suitcase and $100 in his pocket. And a tall dream.

As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is always a way.

Beyond toys, I’m more interested in how many thousands of lives you want to impact in 2024 and beyond.

As Peter Diamandis like to say, if you want to become a billionaire, impact a billion lives.

Peter is a futurist and one of the men behind the XPrize, Singularity University and other moonshot projects. One of his moonshot projects aim to mine rare metals from near-earth asteroids.

Peter writes about exponential organizations (ExOs), online business and the bright future. His top two books are Abundance, and BOLD.

With an online business, you can easily build an empire spanning the globe.

It used to take upwards of 100 years to build a business spanning the globe – think Coca Cola.

Today a kid with a laptop can build an empire from his mother’s kitchen – think Piggyvest (Odunayo Eweniyi), Tuteria (Godwin Benson), Flutterwave (Olugbenga Agboola).

While unicorns mostly in fintech and SaaS make the news, building an online empire of any kind doesn’t come easy.

Put another way, many young people underestimate the amount of work required to succeed online.

The truth is, you’re either at it or you’re not. Dabbling into it now and then is a waste of time.

There are 24 hours in a day. Unless you are willing to devote 3 – 5 hours daily to your online business, lower your expectation for success.

There is no magic. There is no secret. There is no key. The only formula is action.

The more you do the more you win because you’re dealing with machines – algorithms. The algorithm rewards numbers.

In the beginning, quantity triumphs over quality. So keep churning out whatever you have for your target audience.

As you become more experienced you start upping your quality.

In 2024 focus single mindedly on building your online business. Cut down mercilessly on time wasters. You know what they are.

Yes, talking about online business, don’t try to reinvent the wheel. Shine your eyes. Look at what is working for others and model accordingly.

There are hundreds of ways of making money and building empire online.

The top two ways include setting up a SaaS (Software as a service) or Fintech business.

The drawback in the two are the huge financial outlay required and you must be tech savvy to start with.

Any other person can do the others and they include blogging, drop shipping, affiliate marketing, course creation, and content creation.

Others are website design, content marketing, book sales, Google AdSense, YouTuber, and Agency business.

Yet others include social media marketing, Search Engine Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, consulting, coaching and graphic design business.

As disparate as the different strands of online businesses are, they all overlap. You can decide to set up an agency to do them all or you can decide to niche down.

Setting up an agency is capital intensive but not overly so compared to bricks and mortar business.

Going the nicher way can be very lucrative but you’ll initially be operating as a self-employed until you gain traction.

The biggest names out there built their empires focused on single niches. They include Brendon Burchard, Ramit Sethi, Stu McLaren, Jenna Kutcher, Amy Porterfield, Marie Forleo, Pat Flynn, Joe Polish, Ali Abdal, John Lee Dumas and Michelle Schroeder-Gardner.

The above brand are the biggest online trainers, podcasters, YouTubers, bloggers and coaches. Their networth ranges from $5m to $30m.

Michelle’s networth is in the lower ranges and she into blogging.

Michelle sticks to her knitting as her brand name says, Making Sense of Cents.

She blogs on how to save money and how to make money from little endeavors all from her beautiful website. She has been at it for 11 years

So, making money online is not a walk through the park. It requires time, effort and perseverance.

I see wantrepreneurs dabbling into online business and want to become super wealthy overnight.

So, back to the question: what are your plans for 2024?

Have you set up your website? Have you begun your blog or podcast? Do you need the federal government’s approval to do any of these?

Make 2024 your year of online triumph by targeting $10,000 MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue). If you can make $10K MRR, you can make $100K MRR. Will it come easy?

Think about this. You spent 12 to 15 years from primary school to university or poly. My question is this, is spending one to two years learning digital marketing (online business) too high a price to pay?

Succeeding online is not easy but if you’re determined you’ll succeed beyond your wildest dreams provided you’re willing to learn the BASICS.

Your medical, accounting, banking, etc., degrees are not valueless, but you need something extra to give it more value. That something is a digital education “degree”.

Find a good course and learn how you can win online by learning the basics. Then find a coach to hold you by hand to select a niche you can dominate.

My All-New Internet Business Mastery Course 2024 (All-New iBMC2024) is a good place to start. This is my invite for you to join. Click here to join.

If your plan in 2024 is to gain total financial freedom, join me and cut years off your learning curve. Stop struggling alone.

Once again here is the link to join the All-New iBMC2024.

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