
Good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you’re in the world.

I believe you woke up this morning feeling strong, energized, and full of optimism.

Above all, I believe you woke up happy and determined to create impact at scale despite the gloom all round.

How has it been since your New Year goals and resolve to do more, be more, and create a bigger impact?

Nice to be in touch to catch up and find out the strides you’re making to push to the front.

I believe you got the two books I emailed you, and if you were one of the “Winners”, you got the third book.

July is nearing its end. So, I’m asking, how are you repositioning to become an *Influencer* or a *Key Person of Influence* in your field and niche?

Many things go into positioning or reinventing yourself as an Influencer or a Key Person of Influence (KPI).

Publishing a book is a good place to start. The biggest names we know started with just one book: Prof. Wole Soyinka, Prof. Chinua Achebe, Chimamanda Adichie, to mention three.

So, set yourself a goal to publish one book worth reading before 2024 runs out.

Many experts complain of lack of time. But this is the secret, once you set the goal, you’ll be surprised you’ll find the time.

While working on your book, concurrently embark on a full scale project to reposition yourself as a notable *Key Person of Influence* in your niche within Nigeria and beyond.

It will require you doing things differently.

It will require you doing the following, with FOCUS:

1. Developing your Teachable Point of View (TPOV).

2. Having a vibrant blog to share your TPOV.

3. Creating a suite of products in your niche to help project your influence.

Doing the above three things will enable you to create impact at scale over time.

And, if I may add, creating impact at scale takes time.

In short, it’s not a walk through the park. It requires massive determination. That is why very few make it to the mountain top.

John H. Johnson said, “I’ve been at the bottom of the valley, and I’ve been at the mountain top. I must tell you, the view from the mountain top is more glorious”

You may say, Paul, I’m the shy type, I hate publicity. And you may ask, Paul, where do I begin or how do I get started?

To get started, start where you are. The first thing you have to do is to *Decide*.

Once you’ve made the decision that becoming a *Key Person of Influence*, or an *Influencer*, would be a worthwhile pursuit, half the battle is won.

Next is to find a *Coach*, and the third, is to join a *Group* of like-minded aspiring influencers.

Needless to say, you have to be willing to invest money to reach your goal.

Some people go to Harvard, some to Oxford, LSE (London School of Economics) and some others to LBS (Lagos Business School), hoping to reach their goals.

But you don’t need to spend N150m to N80m to become an influencer by attending Ivy League schools. You don’t have to cough out N30m if you’re considering LBS.

I’m willing to be your *Coach* and you won’t have to mortgage your house, farms, certificates, your children and children yet unborn to *Win at Scale*.

Let me know if creating impact at scale is something that energizes you and whether you’d like to take the conversation forward and further so as to hit your first goal on or before 31 December, 2024.

Just send me a direct mail via Facebook Messenger.  If you have something longer to say, you can email me at pauluduk at gmail dot com.

Better still you can jump on a chat using this link: https://tidycal.com/visionandtalentltd/15-minute-meeting-1kgpnj4

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