Three Reasons Why You Should Hang Out With Millionaires


One thing Harvard, Wharton, and Oxford, talk less the lesser universities, won’t teach you, is to hang out with millionaires. Though the millionaires retain  some of the most outstanding professors from these ivy league schools as private advisors and consultants, for reasons best known to them, they will never teach you to hang out with the millionaires.

A few years ago when my book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, came out, I started hanging out with millionaires and I’ve never looked back. You see why I keep telling you to write your book? It will open doors. I’m just kidding.

Okay keep the joke aside. I have a secret DVD I watch every month end to recharge. It’s by Nido Qubein, and the title is “How to get Anything You Want: Proven Strategies for Success & Significance. It’s one of my secret weapons to stay energized. Nido said his mother taught him one thing; if you want to be a millionaire, hang out with millionaires.  I didn’t catch it at the beginning but as I hanged out with more millionaires, its full meaning sank in.

It was then I remembered Don King’s powerful boast years back. Don King is a legendary boxing promoter, whose friends include Donald Trump. King once boasted his intention was to become the first African American billionaire. When an inquisitive journalist asked King how he intended to actualize his dream, King retorted, “I’ve just told you,  by hanging out with billionaires.”

So why should you take this very seriously. Because your life will change! And change for the better. You’ll not have to struggle to accomplish anything. And besides, you’ll have more money to pay tithes if you’re the religious type. Again I’m kidding here.

Three benefits of hanging out with millionaires you should not only note but take to heart. I mean don’t just take to heart, start practicing tomorrow. You can start by hanging out with me. Okay you may say but Paul you’re not a millionaire. Don’t be deceived, I am. In Naira; and now also gunning to make it in Dollars. If you want to confirm get hold of my audio eBook, Wealth Beyond Your Imagination – It’s Up To You.

These are the top three benefits why you should hang out with millionaires:

  1. You’ll start thinking, behaving and doing things like a millionaire: You may not fully understand this but it’s something psychological. It’s called the principle of transference. Those of you that did biology in school will remember the process of osmosis. Yes, what the millionaire knows unconsciously passes from him or her to you. Remember your teacher used to say, tell me your friend, and I will tell you who you are. The principle applies everywhere. If you want to be a great boxer, or musician or teacher, hang out with the greatest in those fields and one day you’ll be like them.


  1. They will reveal their secrets to you – when they trust you: I’m adding the second part, ‘when they trust you’ as a caveat. You must be trustworthy to merit being admitted into a millionaire’s inner circle. One millionaire friend told me, Paul, if you want to be rich don’t work for someone. He was encouraging me to go into business on my own or for myself. Then he added, if you work hard, you’ll succeed – for yourself and not for your employer. Then he taught me how he got his stock; why you shouldn’t compete with your distributors; and why thrift in business is paramount to success.


  1. They will introduce you to other millionaires: Even though among millionaires there is a pecking order, they all flock together. The beauty of the game is such that every millionaire wants to introduce you to his circle of millionaires. You see, the truth in networking even at the millionaire level is that you must always bring something to the table. The unwritten rule in networking is, you must give more than you take. So if you introduce an invaluable resource to a friend, you’ve added something to his emotional bank account and so it continues.


So those are the three benefits why you should hang out with millionaires in a nutshell.  You’ll start thinking, behaving and doing things like a millionaire; they will reveal their secrets to you – when they trust you; and they will introduce you to other millionaires thus exploding your reach. Before you reach out to a millionaire always ask yourself this one question, what am I bringing to the table? You cannot walk over to a millionaire and give her $5,000 or even $100,000 and say, madam, I admire your accomplishments. She will rebuff you. First, she doesn’t need your money. Second, she will think you’re trying to show off. Third, it’s unethical and doesn’t portray you in good light as someone well groomed.

But supposing you’ve just written a book with great reviews and you arrange one for her. Your book may be for just $25 but you may hear her exclaim, oh is this the book they’ve been talking about? As I keep saying, your book can open the doors to Buckingham Palace, but on your own, forget it. Now you see where Book Writing Clinic comes in. There is a millionaire waiting somewhere to meet you. Write your book and it will open doors.


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