This Is What You Need To Do In The Era Of Noise And Information Overload – Promote Yourself



When last did you promote yourself and work? If you don’t promote yourself the world will not even know you exist. Despite the 3.2 billion people they tout hangs in Facebook, none is seeing you, none is hearing you, none is listening to you, and none cares about you. They only care about themselves, their problems, kids and concerns. To have a sliver of chance to be seen, heard, and listened to, tut your horn like never before.

The saddest mistake experts, professionals, artists and indies (independent producers) make is to toil in obscurity thinking that one day someone will discover them.Gals, guys, your chances of being discovered are one in a million. So promote your good work. Let people know you’re a published author or your book is due out in 6 months. Let people know you were part of the team that designed that cool app or software that is making waves in Apps or Play Store. Tut your horn. For every Whizkid, Davido, Jay-Z, and Kanye West, discovered, millions are toiling away in obscurity.

As the uber guru, Tom Peters, told all thought leaders who cared to listen, “You Can’t Shrink To Greatness.” One of Seth Godin’s mantras is, “Don’t wait to be picked up, pick yourself up.” This is particularly important if you’re not a purple cow yet. Get the word out; don’t smile in the dark gals and guys because no one is going to see your smile.

Create links to the amazing things you’re doing and share to all your contacts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, WeChat, Telegram, and many others. There are more than 100 social media sites and micro sites out there. New amazing Apps mushroom every day. Make amazing pictures, brochures, postcards, photbooks, and video trailers about what you do using apps like Issuu, Animoto, Invideo, and others. Let everybody know you’re a proud Harvard, Wharton, LSE, LBS, BWC (Book Writing Clinic) Alumni Member and this is what your team is up to.

One of the easiest or simplest ways to maximize your leverage is to write a book. Nothing else compares – in the long run. So don’t rest, until your book is out. Do you say you hate writing so book is out of your reach? That’s nothing to worry about. There is a ghost writer hiding somewhere in the shadows ready to get your book out for you in flying colours. Just get your book’s outline ready and you’re done. Remember, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Promise yourself you’ll not rest, you’ll not wait, you’ll not jest, until your book is out – this year. Yes, you can do it in 90 days.

This article was about going to bed when I stumbled on Iniobong Enang’s article and it made me smile from ear to ear. Iniobong is not only my protégé, she’s my sister, and doing exactly what this article preaches – letting the world know what she’s up to. By the way she’s a proud PhD holder and a faculty member at Glasgow Caledonian University, Scotland. Iniobong wrote, “Absolutely delighted to have our article (attached) published in International Review of Administrative Sciences, rated 3* by ABS Academic Journal Guide.” Here is the link to Iniobong’s article.


Finally, I too must do what I preach – tut my horn. I’ve written 5 books, several E-Books, including this one. This is the link to all the cool stuff I’m up to, so come over and join me. Yes, I need your help to get some of them off the ground. If I may ask a little favour, go to Amazon and review my Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, dubbed The Customer Service Bible. Some of my friends refer to Bridges to the Customer’s Heart as the NY Times Best Seller to be. Here is the cool link to all my cool stuff. Best.

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