The Top 7 Mistakes I Made Before I Got My First Book Published



Not too long ago a publishing agent wrote to me from the UK seeking to know if I could write for a US publisher “for global electronic distribution at very lucrative terms.” Among the books the US publisher was looking for was a short guide of 3,000 to 5,000 words. I pinched myself. How did I move from an unknown back-office banker just a few years ago to a thought leader operating in seven dimensions today? I did a few things but let me share with you the top 7 mistakes I made before I was able to move from here to there so you don’t repeat same, which could be fatal in today’s fast paced economy.

  1. I didn’t believe in myself: Huge mistake. It took joining Toastmasters and a trip to Calgary, Canada, for a complete stranger to tell me, “Paul look inwards, you have all it takes.” I did just that. Toastmasters International builds your confidence and when once you have confidence nothing can stop you.


  1. I thought I was not smart enough to write a book: When you compare yourself to legends like Ken Blanchard, Tom Peters and Steven Covey, you feel paralyzed that your book will never measure up. You don’t have to. They all started somewhere. Just start. Write your first book.


  1. I didn’t believe in my book: Another huge mistake closely aligned to the self-defeating beliefs number one and two above. I thought no one needed another book on customer service so I left my manuscript to gather dust for years. Oh, how wrong I was! My book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart is now referred to as the Customer Service Bible.


  1. I didn’t seek help: One of the worst mistakes you can do to your career in any field. Going blindly into battle. Ignorance of the law, you have heard, is not an excuse. I knew nothing about the publishing business and I didn’t know how the book industry really works. You don’t need to know anything about how the book publishing industry works, all you need is to seek help. Look for someone that knows. Get a coach. Get a mentor. Find anybody that can help you.


  1. I thought I needed to publish with the top five global publishers: Nothing can be as foolhardy as writing to Pearson, Elsevier, Penguin Random House, Wiley, or Simon & Schuster that you want your works published. You manuscript goes straight to the trash can. There are other ways. Self-publish your book through Author House, Trafford and many other self-publishing companies. Better still head to Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) and get your book done and dusted. You can have your book in paperback, eBook, and audio almost for free on Amazon within a day.


  1. I thought I needed a huge capital: I went to a big publisher in Ibadan and they gave me a bill of N5million (about $3.5million in those days). The one in Lagos charged me N5,000 for ‘manuscript submission’ (and I paid) and N3.5million for publishing. Madness! Don’t mortgage your family farm, house, and your entire future to publish a book. You can do it for almost free now right on your website.


  1. I was born too early: Yes as you can guess, there was no internet in those days and there was no Book Writing Clinic. Nothing! As a matter of fact, if you needed to get anything done, you needed to travel to London or New York or Paris. Today, you need just your laptop and smartphone. This is the best time in all of human civilization to be alive. Wake up and walk. Don’t wait for miracles.


There you are. Those are the top 7 mistakes or lies that held me back. Don’t allow anything to hold you back. Write and publish your book without much sweat. The world needs your wisdom, the world needs your point of view, the world needs your story. Wake up and write. You may make money along the way but that’s not the main point. By writing you gain immortality. You’ll feel contented. There is no better feeling. Imagine visiting libraries all over the world and seeing readers, young and old, reading your creation. Imagine walking through some of the world’s most beautiful airports and seeing your books displayed. Imagine your books on Amazon.

Come Saturday, 23rd March 2019, another thrilling edition of Book Writing Clinic comes alive right in Ikeja. Don’t wait, register. Don’t be misled by the title. BWC is not only about how to write a book, but it also shows you the step-by-step strategy on how to set up your Expert Empire. Indeed you can operate in seven profitable dimensions as an author, speaker, trainer, coach, consultant, seminar leader, and information marketer. You can’t beat the feeling of operating in seven dimensions! Leave your comfort zone, jump in, the water is warmer than you think. BWC alumni members gain automatic access to my Inner Circle Club. Remember, there is no greater burden than carrying an untold story. Not my words, but Maya Angelou’s.

To join is easy. Simply text or email me saying you’re interested.  Text to  +234-8033075133 or email or fill a form at




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