The Fastest Way Of Making Money Is Online – Forget About Bricks And Mortar


I hope you’re learning to build and grow assets online and in the process multiplying your impact, influence and income.

Maybe if you’re not personally interested in building a business and making money online, you’re encouraging your kids and immediate relatives to do so.

When I was working full time as a bank “top shot”, I regarded these “uninvited invitations” to take a look at the happenings online as the ultimate distractions.

Well, I’m now older and wiser.

I tried my hands and I’m seeing something.

So all I’m asking you is, come and see.

Even if you’re earning N10mm monthly as a VITO (Very Important Top Officer), I want you to spare a minute and realize that you’ll be coasting home with N120mm, just about $240,000 in a year.

But online, $20,000 monthly is for new entrants into the game, not VITOs.

Indeed, unless you hit $10,000 MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) for three months in a row, you’re regarded as a newbie.

I want you to imagine the world circa 1973 – 1975.

You’re IBM, the world’s largest and most profitable company. You’re into mainframes. You’ve just made the biggest income in corporate history, a whopping $1billion.

Then you hear that a group of young riffraffs are tinkering in a garage with what would become the PC that will eventually kill your company.

What do you do?

You ignore the misguided youth. That’s what IBM did.

Also assume you’re in New Zealand, you’re 45, and for five years you keep receiving emails from an 17 year old kid, based in the US, who says he wants to show you how to make money online.

What do you do?

You ignore the mails.

That’s exactly what Jenna Kutcher did.

Until one day, out of curiosity, Jenna decided to open one of the mails Russell Brunson had been sending to her.

Jenna tried her hands and after 3 years of “fooling around” as she said, she’s making over $1mm yearly and her JK5 is now an Instagram standard.

So what is this all about?

I’m informing you that iBMC-4 is launching soon and I’m inviting you to join – out of curiosity.

If you believe this is not for you, I want to invite you to sponsor your kid, a loved one, or your employees who are about to be laid off.

If you’re a VITO, why don’t we do a “Done For You”?

iBMC currently has 76 students (excluding repeats) and iBMC-4 is the last in this series. After the iBMC-4 cohort, the fee will triple so jump in and test the waters.

It’s warmer than you think. It could put N5mm monthly in your pocket if you do it right as I teach Paul Uduk will teach you.

If you’re interested, drop me a mail at or a WhatsApp message on 08033075133.

For reading this mail up to here, please download my free eBook: Paul Uduk Case Study by clicking this link.

You’re invited to join iBMC-4.

As my teacher Russel Brunson would say, you’re always one (FUNNEL) decision away…


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