My Book Secret Formula That Banked Me Over 8 Figures



I’m sure the question in your mind right now is, Paul what is your book secret formula that banked you over N10m? Great you asked.

I will reveal the secret to you shortly but tarry a while because beyond my secret formula, there are more urgent questions I get pestered with every day about the book business. If you’re very familiar with my book journey, you by now know that I have written seven books, including Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, dubbed The Customer Service Bible.

These are some of the questions I get pestered with about books, not in any particular order: can I make money from my book?, how much money can you make from a book?, how do you make money from book reviews?, can you make money from a book club?, can you make money from a book?, how fast to make money from my book?, how much money can you make writing a book?, how can I make money from writing a book?, how to make money from books?, can you make money from a book review blog?, how easy is it to make money from a book blog?, how to make money from book sales?, can you make money from book reviews?, how to make money from book reading?,  how to make money from online book club?, how to earn money from book writing?, how much money can I make from a published book?, how to earn money with eBook?, can you make money from book blogging?

The questions come in different shapes and sizes as you can see. Indeed, the questions here are just a tip of the iceberg. The questions pure strangers ask me about book business are vastly different from the ones members of my Book Writing Clinic community ask me.




If you’ve not heard about Book Writing Clinic (BWC), here is a brief: BWC has the purpose to create one million authors with thriving Expert Empires all over Africa. Started in 2015 as a pet passion of our founder, BWC has grown to become a thriving community of over 100 writers, authors and aspiring authors all united in the mission to bring their stories to the world.

The BWC community is composed of architects, lawyers, medical doctors, engineers, journalists, HR practitioners, media and brand experts, bankers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, civil servants and others in between.

As Petrarch, a mid 14th Century Italian Poet mused, “Books delight us profoundly, they speak to us, they give us good counsel, they enter into an intimate companionship with us.” Emily Dickinson said “There is no frigate like the book”, an unknown author counseled “If you drop a book and a three pounds of gold, pick the book first before the gold”, and Charlie ‘Tremendous’ Jones quipped, “ Of all the things in the world only two will have the greatest impact on your life, the books you read, and the people you meet.”

Paul Uduk, BWC founder has said, “There is no feeling more exhilarating than stumbling onto the world’s most iconic airports, libraries, shops and websites and finding your book displayed alongside those of the planet’s most revered authors and icons.”

Here are three reasons you should write a book:

  • Taste immortality.
  • Massively impact the world and extend your reach.
  • Help as many others as you can to succeed.

You can join BWC offline or online. Here are three reasons you should not miss BWC:

  • Learn how to write a book in a few simple steps and move from a local to a global player.
  • Change your footprints and move from a follower to a thought leader operating in seven dimensions with an Expert Empire.
  • Gain access to the most innovative emerging business ideas, tools, technologies and multipliers.


Get a free and short step-by-step guide how to write a book here. Click here to see BWC Alumni Members.


I’m sure by now you’re wondering where is the book secret formula that banked me over banked N10m? Yes, I’ve not forgotten. I’ll soon let the cat out of the bag. For you information, the book that banked me over N10m and still rolls in money today is my second book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, dubbed The Customer Service Bible.

Bridges or The Customer Service Bible has generated comments from all over the world and will soon be translated into Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Hindu, Spanish and French.

I was shocked, and of course humbled, and glad, when one of the world’s best known experts in customer service, Cindy Novotny, endorsed the book. When I sent Bridges to the Customer’s Heart to her in far away California, I thought she’d put it in a dust bin or use it as a door stopper, but she said this, “I loved the book and it is still on my desk”, when I asked her to comment.

You see, Cindy Novotny CHSE, is the CEO of Master Connection Associates, Rancho Santa Margarita, California. She is internationally recognized as the preeminent expert in sales and leadership in the hospitality industry, and has been labeled “One of the top 25 minds in Sales and Marketing.”

If you get to her website, the first thing you’ll see is MCA:  WORLDWIDE LEADERS IN CUSTOMER SERVICE, SALES AND LEADERSHIP TRAINING AND CONSULTING. MCA trains for more than half the five star hotels in the world, including Ritz-Carlton, so when the CEO says, “I loved the book and it is still on my desk”, it’s a big deal.

These are some of the other testimonials about The Customer Service Bible:

‘’…it’s the best business book written by a Nigerian bar none’’. SUCCESS DIGEST EXTRA

‘’It has to be one of the best books I have read and overall the most succinct on customer service in Nigeria.’’

CHIOMA NWAGBOSO, The World Bank Group

‘’Paul Uduk in my opinion, is one of Nigeria’s most authentic experiential writers – tackling such a major business problem with a rare combination of tact, humour and professionalism. Bridges to the Customer’s Heart helps readers shift their focus from what can’t be done to what can be done. It reminds us of our potential as opposed to our limitations. I recommend it unreservedly.’’

RICHIE DAYO JOHNSON (RDJ), Founder, Richmond Johnson Academy

Bridges to the Customer’s Heart is more than a book, it is a ‘road Map to achieving success in life’.’’

YOMI ADENSON, Manager, Management Accounts, Promasidor Nigeria Limited

‘’I must confess that the book you wrote is a masterpiece. When I first glanced at it my mind went to the American inspirational writers. As an apostle of service excellence, I will read the book till the last page.’’

MUNTARI ZUBAIRU, Public Sector, Abuja, Diamond Bank Plc.

‘’Bridges is a handy, timely literary intervention for business success, with a view to entrenching global perspective. Practical, simple and objective.’’

I. O. BELLO (Mrs.), Head Human Capital, PCD Associate

‘’WAO! WAO!! WAO!!! I just could not believe it. Wonderful, beautiful. This book of yours will definitely make a whole lot of difference in marketing and retaining customers in any business.’’

JOHN CHUKU, Business Manager, Warri, DB Plc

‘’I got the bridges, it is a must read for everybody in this life that wants to succeed in whichever field he/she is in. I’ve made up my mind to use it as a training tool for my colleagues in the office. It’s simply beautiful. Thanks so much for finding the time to put this together for the benefit of us all!’’

OLUBUNMI AWODIPE, Business Manager, Diamond Bank Plc.

‘’It is a truly great accomplishment – truly deserving of praise!’’

CHIGOZIEM ONYENEKE, Regional Coordinator (Lagos/West), Diamond Bank

‘’Couldn’t resist, in fact, I had to jump to the last chapter to read the conclusion. Worth every minute!’’

AMY IYK-ASADU, Business Manager, Port Harcourt

‘’The book is a masterpiece!’’

EZE OHAJUNWA, RMO, South & East, Risk Mgt. Div., DB Plc

‘’Bridges is a solid blend of theory and practice, humour and wisdom. Anyone who reads Bridges won’t give bad service anymore’’

MARTIN UDOGIE, Publisher BottomLINE Newsletter

‘’The book is a veritable training manual for individuals, groups and organizations keenly interested in serving the customer passionately while in the process enhancing their bottomline.’’

JUDE ANYIGBO, President,  Fireforte Services Limited

‘’An excellent book – diversely relevant; it brings to the fore many of the service delivery issues encountered in everyday dealings and also proffers practical advice on how to improve our interpersonal relationships. Consequently, it is a must read for my client facing colleagues.’’


‘’Many businesses are searching frantically to find the magic formula to win the customer’s heart. Bridges to the Customer’s Heart provides the magic formula or if you please, the “how to” win the customer’s heart. In a single word, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart is a “necessity” for every business.’’

INAM WILSON ESQ., Partner, Templars Law Firm

‘’Bridges to the Customer’s Heart is simply a practical handbook for all irrespective of your profession or the job you are doing; be you a school teacher, pastor, usher in the church, banker, lawyer, groundnut seller or market woman. Full of practical tips on everyday experience on how to keep your valuable customers and make new ones. Should be on every workers desk for ease of reference.’’

OKECHUKWU OHAMBELE, Procurement Specialist,  Mobil Producing Nigeria Unlimited

‘’Brilliant book, replete with practical ways towards having a share of customer’s mind and an enhanced customer’s experience.’’

NKEM OKORO, Banker and Marketing Practitioner

“Relevant, engaging, easy to read, full of anecdotes / real-life examples of strategies and success stories. Bridges to the Customer’s Heart is truly a step-by-step guide to understanding how to engage customers towards delivering exceptional services that meet their needs. A must for the survival toolkit of every organization desirous of reaching maximum customer satisfaction and, ultimately, profitability.

TOKUNBO CHIEDU (Mrs.), CEO, Compass Consulting UK Ltd.

‘’Every service provider should strive to operate [with] the principles outlined in this book. You need to wow your clients if you must survive in today’s competitive market.’’

PROF. ATIM ANTAI, Dean, Faculty of Basic Medical Services, University of Calabar


So as you can see, the book secret formula that banked me over N10m has already emerged.  Every writer, author or would be author always has dozens of questions and concerns swirling around his or her mind. They include, but not limited to, making money from book, making money from writing a book, how to make money from your book, how to make money from book writing, making money from books, earn money writing book reviews, making money from an eBook, making money from selling books, making money selling eBooks online, and so on.  But you see, these questions and concerns all amount to putting the cart before the horse.

You cannot know the answer to any of these questions or concerns until you write a book.  Someone once asked Jay Conrad Levinson how much he made from his first “Guerrilla Marketing” book, and he said $10million. He then went on to explain, “The book itself only paid me about $35,000 in royalties, but the speaking engagements, spinoff books, newsletters, columns, boot-camps, consulting, and wide open doors resulted in the remaining $9,965,000.”

Since you’ve read up to this point, let me relief you of the anxiety by letting the cat out of the book bag. Indeed, Jay Conrad Levinson has already released the secret. He made $10m from his book; while the book itself netted him just $35,000, the bulk of the money came from the spin-offs from that first book. A whopping total of $9,965,000. Indeed, according to Amazon Dot Com, Jay Conrad Levinson went on the sell more than 100million books since his first Guerilla Marketing book was published in 1984.

So here is the secret how I banked over N10mm from my Bridges to the Customer’s Heart. The secret is: I wrote and launched Bridges to the Customer’s Heart while a staff of the then Diamond Bank. The secret was the launching. The launch netted me over N2m even though some people gave me dud cheques and over 50% never redeemed “their pledge”. But what the launch did was to put the book out there for all to see, hear, and talk about. TV and radio stations started inviting me for interviews and their talk shows, newspapers and magazines wrote articles about the book. But more importantly, the book opened doors to Fortune 500 and some of Nigeria’s biggest companies. I’ve sold more than 3,500 copies of the book, the bulk at N3,500 per copy. To be modest, the spin-off business has been in millions of Naira and it’s not slowing down.


If You Want to Make N10mm Tomorrow, Write a Book and Launch It.

How Experts Build empire: The Paul Uduk Case Study.


There are so many spin-offs from books that I wonder why most experts don’t take book writing as a serious business. In recent time I’ve stopped wondering and have taken it as a calling to drag my friends and foes alike, scratching and screaming, to the book writing kingdom.

Janet Switzer has identified 52 profit centers experts can exploit. Though some of the centers require advanced skills, there are also basic products any expert can develop and they include books, eBooks, audio books, workbooks, coaching programs, keynote speaking, corporate training contracts, book clubs, book summaries, book reviews and many others.

I believe the open secret how I earned and continue earning money from my books will ginger, inspire, and motivate you to write your first book, or take your book business more seriously than you currently do. With the world in lockdown mode, there is no better time than now to dust off your book writing notebook, iPad, or Evernote. When you do, you can learn how to make money as a book blogger, how to make money from your book on Amazon, earn money with ebooks, learn how to make money from book PDF downloads. Say this is my money making tips book – on books. And you would not be wrong.

Are you attending the next BWC?


PSS: You know how Amazon has made it easy these days for experts, trainers, coaches, consultants, writers, and speakers to write, publish, and launch their books, but most don’t know how to actually do it? Please ask me about my upcoming course about how to write, publish, and launch a book in 90 days or less without having to know anything about writing, or spend tons of money in the process.

PSSS: You know how experts these days have the opportunity to reach thousands of people online with their expertise, but most don’t know how to actually do it profitably? Well, ask me about my forthcoming course for trainers, consultants, and coaches about how to create leverage, freedom, and impact in their businesses and lives by building and selling online courses.


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