The Art and Business of Online Writing


The Art and Business of Online Writing by Nicolas Cole came out in 2020. “This book is dedicated to anyone who wants to become a professional writer on their own terms” Nicolas says.

He went on to add, “I wish someone had gifted me this book when I was 23 years old, graduating from Columbia College Chicago with a degree in creative writing.  Enjoy.”

Nicolas is part of the Category Pirates trio of Christopher Lochhead and Eddie Yoon. Among their books is Snow Leopard.

Nicolas started writing professionally in 2014 and three years (2014, 2015 and 2016) he wrote an article every single day. He emerged the most read writer on all of Quora in 2015. Till date, he still writes 10,000 words daily. His posts have accumulated over 100million views.

The Art and Business of Online Writing is a book in a special class of its own. It stands heads and shoulders above other books on the subject of writing because of its down to earth practical approach. It’s not based on theory, hearsay, and opinions. Nicolas Cole has seen it, done it, and lived it.

The trick as Nicolas points out is “discipline.” Most people – writers, digital marketers, trainers, coaches, consultants, etc. – lack the discipline to stick to it for 10 years. To write daily for 3 years in a row is no mean feat. It shows there is no short cut to being the best. It shows you don’t need special skills.

While a course on creative writing may have helped, Nicolas is not the only person with a degree in creative writing. Definitely his upbringing helped. Overall, the key to winning is “practicing in public” as Nicolas points out.

As the author of eight books, including the latest, The Perennial Winner, I wished I read The Art and Business of Online Writing 20 years ago. The truth is I’ve read it cover to cover and I’ve started practicing more in public.

Before reading Nicolas’s book, I’d read On Writing Well by William Zinsser, which changed the trajectory of my writing. I could sit down and write a 450-word article or 5000-word blog post or a 60,000-word book effortlessly. But On Writing Well was not geared to online writing – where reader’s attention span is shorter than that of a gold fish.

I’ve also read On Writing by Stephen King, and Bird by Bird by Anne Lamot. Quite good books in their own rights but their focus were different. The Art and Business of Online Writing is on online writing and that makes a huge difference in the world of digital marketing.

As good as The Art and Business of Online Writing is, the book has two fatal flaws in my opinion. One: it’s too prescriptive.   Two: it’s too detailed. How do you follow: short / long / long / short or 1/2/5/3/1?

I see these as very distracting as no two writers have the same style and no two readers like the same style. To me, nothing beats excellent prose. Books by Tony Robbins, Carmine Gallo, Jim Collins and Tom Peters are great reads any day.

Overall, The Art and Business of Online Writing is a must-read for those who want to excel as online writers. There is so much the book has to offer. Again, as the master himself, Seth Godin, would say, writing daily is the key. You must have the discipline to write daily if you wish to reach the pinnacle as Nicolas Cole.

Paul Uduk

Author The Perennial Winner

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