Stop Gathering More Knowledge, Begin Executing On What You Know


Ty Cohen said, “There is nothing worse in life than going in the wrong direction in full speed.” How true and sad.

Today, the richest people are not professors, medical doctor, accountants, bankers, but school drop outs who have mastered HTML and learnt how to write codes.

By some estimates, 99.99% of books in major libraries all over the world are worthless and 80% of the courses you’re attending are leading you nowhere. In fact, they will leave you poorer.

Let me say it, you have enough knowledge to write ten books so what you need is not more knowledge, but how to implement what you already know. How do I know?

Because I have been in the trenches long enough to know what works and what doesn’t.

In the picture at the beginning of this post you can see me teaching Total Quality Management to a group of senior executives. The same idea is being recycled today as Agile Principles.
I have received so many testimonials from my students I can write ten books on testimonial writing.

Here are samples from various courses I’ve taught, books and Guides I’ve written, and platforms I run, to mention a few.

On Coaching

Manasseh, “I want to tell you that your encouragement to continue to be better inspired me to enroll for the Jack Welch Management Institute MBA program.”


Aliyu, “This should be extended nationwide. People should be made aware through TV, newspapers, magazines and any other means of communication.’’

Abubakar, “I will advise that this course be given adequate publicity nationwide. It is of tremendous value not only to business but human development.’’

Taiwo, “In fact, it is the best and most informative course I’ve attended so far”,

Sulaiman,  “Nigerians should as a matter of urgency make it an integral part of our culture.’’

Zachary. “It’s a revolutionary idea. It will go a long way in changing our society if implemented the way it should. It is really desirable.”

Oreagba, “I almost feel I can conquer the corporate world.”

On Ultimate Guides

Charles, “This article is already a huge reference material for me. Thank you very much for contributing to my knowledge. Someone said he wonders why you are giving out these materials out for free and I think he or she was not joking. That is why I said I will be prepared to pay money for the ones I have requested and I was not joking either.”

Dr. Firewole, “It was so captivating that I read it all within a few hours. I rate the book 9/10. I am particularly intrigued by the enriched references that garnished the book.”

Prof. Oyewole, “I will rate this manuscript as 9 over 10.”

Prof. Oyewole, “Overall, it is an excellent document, which I will rate 9 out of 10.”

Chukwuma, “I have gone through Guide #4. It’s classic. I rate it 10/10.”

Chukwuma, “You did not disappoint as usual. I rate this 9 over 10.”

On Bridges to the Customer’s Heart

Success Digest Extra,  ‘’…it’s the best business book written by a Nigerian bar none’’.

Chioma, ‘’It has to be one of the best books I have read and overall the most succinct on customer service in Nigeria.’’

RDJ, ‘’Paul Uduk in my opinion, is one of Nigeria’s most authentic experiential writers – tackling such a major business problem with a rare combination of tact, humour and professionalism. Bridges to the Customer’s Heart helps readers shift their focus from what can’t be done to what can be done. It reminds us of our potential as opposed to our limitations. I recommend it unreservedly.’’


Chidi,  “Thank you very much, Paul. You made today a memorable day. It was quite worth more than the investment.”

Sylvia,  “I am so elated. Going to spread [the news] because everyone who wants to make it in life needs to attend BWC.”

Philomena, “Thank you so very much. The content was well delivered. Am glad I attended BWC. Truth [indeed is] I’m looking forward to greater future with BWC.”


Olakamma, “For me iBMC is a game changer.”

Oseloka, “In just seven days I achieved more visibility.”

Modupe, “I’ve been forced to FOCUS. I have progressed.”

Kingsley, “iBMC is a Masterclass”

Kayode, “Excellent value for time and money.”

On How Experts Build Empire

Prof. Oyewole, “I was surprised that you offer to send me the five modules that you promised and indeed have sent the first two modules. Sincerely speaking, I think that I need to pay for them.”

So what am I saying?

What I’m saying is this; after 30 years in the trenches what you should be learning now is how to build Email Funnels, Create Products, Build Product Ladders, Scripting, Customer Segmentation, HTML, Coding. Speaking,, Story Telling, etc.

Luckily you don’t need to do or learn all these things by yourself; get a Virtual Assistant to help you out while you focus on building your economic machine.

If you’re above 40, stop attending free theoretical “training” that leaves you poorer in terms of time investment but invest time in learning how you can convert what you know into immediate cash and wealth. 

Today you build wealth by having a business that generates Predictable Sales, Bankable Profits, and has Transferable Value.

Recall Stripe bought Paystack for $200million not long ago. The three boys behind Paystack did not have MBA, MSc. and so forth, they just knew how to code, and write scripts. 

The idea is, when there is a paradigm shift, the knowledge base is reset to zero and everybody has to start learning afresh. If you don’t, the world will pass you by; it’s just a matter of time.

Learning begins with understanding the fundamentals; that’s what iBMC is all about. Class runs every three months, the next being May. If you wish to join, you can do so by clicking this link to get the brochure to learn more and by  clicking this link to get the Confidential Information Form to complete and email to

You can see the full Courses line up by clicking this link.

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