Share Your Expertise Today and Start Earning Good Money


Certificate of Recognition by GMYT

You can share your expertise today and start earning good money immediately you finish reading this post. Gone are the days when you needed three PhDs and numerous MBAs to write for a top publication. Forbes, Fortune, and the WSJ had and still have their special writing styles that only the specially gifted could meet. Gone are those days. You don’t need Forbes and Time Magazine to write. You don’t need Reader’s Digest either.

Today you can be an expert in any subject or topic you set your mind to. And you don’t need to adhere to a special style.  Technology has democratized everything. You can become an agency of one. You can be expert in real estate, sales funnels or artificial intelligence, to mention three.

Take the example of the health care industry. All over the world you see supplement sellers positioning themselves as health and financial experts and dancing to the bank. They educate people on prostrate, fibroids, libido and how you can make money and travel round the world. They will have photos and bank alerts to back up their claims.

Being an expert in anything is not the same as being a jack of all trades. If you dedicate one hour per day to studying a subject, in 90 days you’d become a top expert in the subject. Robbin Sharma, the author of The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari invented a formula, 90/90/1, to back up this wisdom.

Let’s look at a concrete example like real estate. Assuming a broke, lay-about, with no roof over his head, approached you with real estate deals, you’d think twice. In all you’d take whatever he or she says with a pinch of salt. Most likely you’d dismiss him or her as a charlatan and a conman.

But supposing this same individual had spent three to six months interviewing top property moguls in Nigeria.  And supposing he’d produced a brochure with the title, Top 100 Property Moguls in Nigeria, and sent it by FedEx to you? Would you be tempted to read? And supposing she’d gone ahead and written a book and set up a YouTube channel to spread her message? You’d probably treat her as an expert and buy the book.

If you were in the property market searching for something to invest in, you’d respectfully contact her. You’d with all humility ask her to link you up with one of the top moguls. And you wouldn’t mind engaging her and paying a consultation fee for her expertise. The reason you’d treat the ‘expert’with so much deference is because of the value added to you.

People will be willing to pay you when you add value to their lives. To add value to people at a high level, you must be an expert. You can become an expert by what you have achieved assuming you have invested years to achieve mastery. This way you’re  a ‘Result Expert’ as Brendon Burchard, the author of The Millionaire Messenger coins it.

Another way you can become an expert is through research, as in the real estate example in the previous section. In this instance you’re a ‘Research Expert’. A third way to become an expert is to become a ‘Role Model’. An extreme example is Malala Yousafzai, the Afghan youngster who the Taliban shot because she insisted on going to school. Luckily she didn’t die and became a role model and ended up winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

That you can become an expert in anything and start earning money is no bluff. Recently I was invited to speak at the 7th Global HR Outlook 2023. I spoke on AI and ChatGPT. By the way I’m no IT expert and there are hundreds of IT experts all over Lagos. But I’d been researching and writing on ChatGPT since OpenAI released the chatbot in November 2022. Lo behold, I became an ‘expert’ in ChatGPT.

In summary, you can indeed become an expert in anything if you knew how to package what you know. You can become a ‘Result’, ‘Research’ and/ or ‘Role Model’ expert by packaging, positioning and promoting yourself. You must be persistent and don’t go it alone. Enlist partners, friends and associates because today things happen in networks and the bigger your network, the better. 

Networking is very critical because without it you’re doomed. Experts call the concept ‘network effects’. It’s based on the law of large numbers. The bigger your network, the more valuable it is. Kevin Kelly elaborated on this in his iconic book, New Rules For The New Economy. Recall Google shut down Google + (Google Plus) because it only mustered about 360m subscribers. Compared to Facebook with over one billion subscriber at the time, Google + was a dwarf.

With your expertise and a well-oiled network you can start enjoying what Pete Vergas III calls Other People’s Platforms (OPP). You’ve probably heard about OPM (Other People’s Money) before but today you need OPP to enjoy more OPM.  The company P4PE, the organizers of Global HR Forum, invited me to speak on their platform. Assuming you have 12 invitations per year to OPPs with each paying you $1,000, you’d make $12,000 from that stream of income. Global experts like Seth Godin, Simon Sinek, and James Clear easily clear $25,000 per speaking engagement. That is $300,000 in one year.

Share your expertise today and start earning money in diverse ways using OPP. I help people just like you package their skills, knowledge, and ideas into products such as books, courses, and speaking engagements, podcasts, YouTube channels, amongst others. You can join the growing number of my friends and associates and start learning as early as today.

Don’t wait. Join me today because there is no crowd in the expert mile. You can even reach me 24/7/360 by joining my Premium Members List. My Premium Members List for 2023 has closed for now. If you want to join I’ll put you on the ‘Wait List’ for the next available opening. All you need to do is to say Paul I’m interested.



Be Consistent. Be Generous

I’m the Creator of iSchool where I teach my friends how to write books, create online assets, and pursue financial independence.

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