Make Money From Your Book And Other Information and Educational Products Fast



This is my call to you. Learn how to make money from your book and other information and educational products fast or go into oblivion. Why you may ask? The reason is because the time has changed and continues to change. So if you’re not taking advantage of the change from the analog ways of doing things to digital ways, you’re bound to be left behind at best, or starve to death at worst.

This is an unusual mail but read it with an open mind. Over 100 years ago when the agrarian economy was coming to an end and the industrial economy was taking over, people were still asking for better, more efficient, more effective, more agile, friendlier, more customer-centric, faster, leaner, you name it, horse whips and carts. The super rich rode on horse-drawn carts. The well to do used horses, mules, and oxen. The masses trekked on foot.

The time was changing and Henry Ford was at the right place at the right time. While the majority clamoured for a faster horse-drawn cart, Ford saw the change that was at the horizon and positioned himself accordingly. The world was in the cusp of the industrial revolution.

Henry Ford projected the auto = mobile would be able to run up to 15 miles per hour at maximum speed and there was an instant uproar. From New York to Chicago people protested. How can such a contraption be allowed? They squirmed. It will kill people. It will render roads unsafe. Of course Ford ignored them and went on to become the richest man of his era.

Another 100 years later, the industrial era is giving way to the digital era, also variously called the information era, internet era and so on. People talk of globalization and information super highways and so on.

The internet revolution has been upon us for some 30 years now and is minting millionaires and billionaires at a rate never known in human history. Twenty year olds, 15 year olds, 45 year olds, 60 year olds, 70 year olds are building empires from their bedrooms, dormitory rooms, and boardrooms. Sadly, most people in Africa have been left behind.

So my question to you is, what are you doing about this new gold rush? How are you positioning yourself? Are you acquiring digital assets? Are you running halter-skelter looking for a coach to help you learn, relearn and unlearn? Are you reinventing yourself? My best advice is, jump online and start learning how to profit from digital or information products.

The easiest information product you can make is a book. Believe me, I’m not lying. When I launched my second book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, I made over eight figures.

This is the truth though. People wrote me fat post-dated cheques. When I called them whether to present the cheques, they would say, the ship I was expecting sank in the Atlantic Ocean. Some would say hold on a few days more. So to be frank, I only saw cash of about seven figures from the book launch.

But that is where the story begins. Since the book launch, I have made additional eight figures from the book sales and spinoff businesses from the book and more continues to roll in.  Banks, manufacturing companies, NGOs, schools and a host of organizations have bought thousands of copies. But more than that, it has opened doors to palaces, executive suites and penthouses.

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Strategies To Position Yourself As An Expert, Create Wealth And Fame Through Book Writing

This is what happened leading to spinoff businesses from my book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart. A year or two after the book came out,  I asked one of my senior colleagues to keynote a Workshop I was organizing and he said “No” emphatically. I was taken aback and was determined to know why.

When I finally caught up with him, he told me in black and white,  “I’m not the right person to Keynote your seminar.” Then he reached into his briefcase and brought out his complimentary card, scribbled something on it, and handed it to me as he whispered, “take this note to Mr. Phillip.”

Mr. Phillip (not real name) was delighted to receive the note. He was even more delighted to see my book. That single introduction has yielded me millions in spin off businesses.

Supposing I had gone there empty handed, that is, without my book, I believe the outcome would have been far more different. As we joke about books, your book can get to Buckingham Palace but it’s very unlikely you as an author can get in there easily.

More dramatic, as a direct result of my book, I was invited as a Motivational Speaker to address the top management of one of the biggest oil services firms in the country. I politely told the Human Resources executive that invited me that I’m not a motivational speaker. My only claim to fame is that I’m an author of a book. The HR executive said to me, “Sorry, we’ve already sent your name as the Motivational Speaker and it’s too late to alter the event’s program.”

The organizers picked me up in their company helicopter. I landed at a mighty gulf course in the middle of nowhere and I was immediately zipped in a limousine to a five star exclusive private guest house. At the venue I immediately handed a copy of my book to the chief executive officer of the company. He gleefully announced my arrival and waved a copy of my book to the admiration of the crowd. That was my first standing ovation.

I made my presentation, doing the best I could. To my utter delightment and surprise, rather than take me back to the airport as was planned, the CEO pleaded with me to stay to the end of two-day retreat. Then added, “I will personally take you back to Lagos with my Gulf Stream.” To this date, we’re on first name basis with this business mogul, and I have also earned millions in seminar fees from his group of companies.

So learn how to make money from your books and other information and educational products starting today. As you can see, it’s not difficult. You only need to write just one book. The two stories I’ve related here are just a tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds of other stories associated with my book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart. Even though I have written six other books, Bridges, dubbed the Customer Service Bible, is the only of my books I ever launched .

From the foregoing you now know how you can make over eight figures by writing, publishing, and launching your book. Just write and launch, you never know how far your book would go. It could even land at the White House.

PSS: You know how Amazon has made it easy these days for experts, trainers, coaches, consultants, writers, and speakers to write, publish, and launch their books, but most don’t know how to actually do it? Please ask me about my upcoming course about how to write, publish, and launch a book in 90 days or less without having to know anything about writing, or spend tons of money in the process.

PSSS: You know how experts these days have the opportunity to reach thousands of people online with their expertise, but most don’t know how to actually do it profitably? Well, ask me about my forthcoming course for trainers, consultants, and coaches about how to create leverage, freedom, and impact in their businesses and lives by building and selling online courses



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