Private Letter to BWC Alumni Member


Good morning and a wonderful Sunday to you.

I hope you’re taking the goings on in the country in your stride.

Don’t allow the cost of living and the Naira – Dollar rate distract you from getting your book done and dusted.

You attended BWC (Book Writing Clinic) a few months ago so I wanted to follow up on your journey.

Are you making progress with your book? I can’t wait to hear.

How far with your manuscript? I believe you’re writing 1 to 3 pages daily? Writing at that rate should give you 180 to 540 pages in six months – more than enough for your first book.

How about your book’s cover page? Is it captivating and readable from 10 miles away?

What about the internal structure and formatting? I believe it’s elegant and music to the eyes.

Regarding proofreading and editing, I believe you and your team are doing a great job. Don’t scrimp on editing. Find the best editor in the world.

Cover design, formatting and editing are the three lynch pins. The keys to the kingdom as I like to say. Once you get these basics right, you have won half the battle. The war however remains to be won.

How about your book’s website? Is it up and running yet? Don’t wait, set it up immediately. Let the whole world, especially your target audience, know about your upcoming bestseller. If you don’t blow your trumpet no one else will blow it for you.

Have you created an account on Amazon and set your book on pre-order? Doing that means that your book will start selling before your manuscript is ready or you’ve even written a single word. I forgot to inform you, this is the number one thing you should have done the day after BWC. Maybe we should have done it right in the class. Actually we did that during the last Abuja BWC.

Have you registered for iBMC to set yourself up for winning at scale?

A book as we discussed is not an end, but a means to an end. A means to a glorious future. To scale and reach millions of people all over the world requires special skills we don’t cover at BWC. We cover that in Internet Business Mastery Course (iBMC).

Visualize your book’s trajectory and set yourself up about actualizing that vision. When you hear a book is a multiple New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller and goes on to sell millions of copies, nothing happened by accident.

If you look at Atomic Habits by James Clear, Ego Is The Enemy by Ryan Holiday, and Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo, the authors of these massive best-selling books orchestrated winning strategies from the get go. You should do the same.

Back home, Olumide Soyombo’s *VANTAGE* is a perfect example of a book done right. You can imagine the amount of work that went into setting everything up. And you can’t believe everything about the book, including publishing, were handled right here in Lagos. Here is the book’s URL. You can access the site by typing this link directly into your browser:

To give you a leg up to prepare to win at scale I’d like to inform you that a new iBMC is billed for November. I’d like to invite you to join. Don’t wait. As a BWC Alumni member, you can join at the 2020 rate while non BWC Alumni members will have to invest 3X that amount. I hope you’d take advantage of this perfect incentive. Again, don’t wait as it might not last forever.

As the saying goes, heavens help those who help themselves. If you want to win massively as an author, then set yourself up to win. Do what winners consistently do. Winners always ere on the side of action.

I don’t know when I’ll find time to write you another private letter, all I’d like to say is, don’t allow your investment in BWC to be in vain. I can remember the gleam in your eyes the day you attended and promised to go all out and conquer the world.

I am looking forward to seeing your name splashed all over CNN, New York Time and The Guardian as the author of a NYT bestseller. I believe in you. You can do it.


Paul Uduk

Creator Book Writing Clinic (BWC)

BWC has the Mission to Create 10 Million Authors all over Africa

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