
How do I grow leads is the top question my students ask me.

We all want leads.

Everybody wants leads to make the proverbial millions online.

Every course creator craves leads.

Leads, if well nurtured, turn to customers.

Customers equals cash in the bank.

Repeat customers equals more cash in the bank.

This is how you *Grow* from ZERO to over *2 Million Followers* in 12 Months according to the guru, Alex Hormozi:

1. Make as much good content as you can.

2. Post it everywhere you can.

3. Learn as much as you can.

This is what you must know:

a) Learning is cumulative.

b) Knowledge multiplies and becomes exponential.

c) The more you learn, the luckier you become.

It’s a virtuos cycle.

Learn more to get more leads.

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