Congratulating Book Writing Clinic Alumni Authors

Book writing is not for the faint of heart. So, I dedicate this post to BWC alumni members who have made their stories available to the world. Congratulations on bracing the tape with your published book. It’s tough to become a published author. It’s tougher still to become a New York Times or Wall Street Journal best-selling author. You’re inching gradually towards the ultimate prize. Congratulations for your dedication and hard work. Book writing is

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Write A Book If You Want To Be Famous

Some people write books after they become famous and some write and their books make them famous. Bill Gates wrote The Road Ahead (1995) and Business at the Speed of Thought (1999) after he’d become a billionaire and famous. Tom Peters and Robert Waterman Jr. wrote In Search of Excellence in 1982 and shortly after left McKinsey and became super famous. Tom went on to write many other best sellers including Thriving on Chaos, Pursuit

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