Create a media empire starting with one book

You can create a media empire starting with just one book. *Tom Peters* created his empire starting with In Search of Excellence (written with Bob Waterman Jr.) (10million copies sold worldwide). *Stephen Covey* started his empire with The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (40million copies sold worldwide). *Napoleon Hill* built his empire around Think And Grow Rich (100million copies sold worldwide). “Tony Robbins* amplified his empire with books: Unlimited Power, Awaken The Giant Within,

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Writing an evergreen book may sound daunting to a first time author but it can be done. And you can make good money from your effort. The late Jay Conrad Levinson once shared a story, he said, “Someone once asked me how much I made for my first “Guerrilla Marketing” book. The answer I gave was $10million.” Jay went on to say, “The book itself only paid me about $35,000 in royalties, but the speaking


Congratulating Book Writing Clinic Alumni Authors

Book writing is not for the faint of heart. So, I dedicate this post to BWC alumni members who have made their stories available to the world. Congratulations on bracing the tape with your published book. It’s tough to become a published author. It’s tougher still to become a New York Times or Wall Street Journal best-selling author. You’re inching gradually towards the ultimate prize. Congratulations for your dedication and hard work. Book writing is

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Write A Book If You Want To Be Famous

Some people write books after they become famous and some write and their books make them famous. Bill Gates wrote The Road Ahead (1995) and Business at the Speed of Thought (1999) after he’d become a billionaire and famous. Tom Peters and Robert Waterman Jr. wrote In Search of Excellence in 1982 and shortly after left McKinsey and became super famous. Tom went on to write many other best sellers including Thriving on Chaos, Pursuit

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Write, Publish And Market Your Book On Amazon (In 2023)

How about if you received notifications like the ones above every month and each was for $10,000 or even $1,000? Wouldn’t that be cool? How about if you could move from merely wishing to become an author and become a published author and start earning money from the stories you have by sharing them to the whole world? How about if you could set up and optimize your book business funnel and ecosystem – writing

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How I Wrote 40,000 Words In 10 Days And How You Can Write A Book In 30 Days

  As the Nigerian government announced the COVID-19 lockdown, I thought to myself, what can I and other members of the Book Writing Clinic (BWC) community do to stay productive? Then an idea struck me.   The Idea of Articles Marathon Why not go on a writing marathon? Specifically, articles marathon. I then announced the idea of a writing marathon to BWC members. I called on all members to turn to their pens and laptops

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How Raymond Aaron Became Book King

  There is only one BOOK KING or KING OF BOOK in the world and that man is Raymond Aaron. To be KING OF POP, like Michael Jackson, or Elvis Preasley, or Madonna, or even KING OF PONZI, like Bernie Madoff, is easy, but to be KING OF BOOK, is a rare honour. Few achieve it. You may think that Amazon or Jeff Bezos is the legitimate King of Book, and you’d be wrong. That

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