On January 1st every year, everyone (a world of 7.8 billion) takes off from the same starting block at 00.00 hours and by 00.00 hours on December 31st the hens come home to roost.

When you look closely, a large majority will become worse off, a big slice will remain stagnant, a handful will become slightly better off, but a sliver will take a leap for the better – becoming wealthier, healthier, and happier.

What set the tiny sliver apart? One thing. Action. The tiny minority took action to actualize their dream. They embraced change. They learned new tools, technologies, ideas and navigated trends. In short, they moved away from their comfort zone. Sadly the majority did not.

However, knowing the appropriate action to take, mastering the requisite skills to deploy, and getting connected with an ironclad network that enables you skyrocket your impact require uncommon skills, years of learning, toil, trial and sweat. It is not a walk through the park.

You could cut your learning curve by 5 to 7 years if you knew the right person to approach for help, joined the right network and positioned yourself appropriately. I personally learnt this lesson the hard way, spending thousands of dollars, man-hours and being frustrated until I met someone I submitted to tutelage and it has made all the difference.

Are you ready to cut your learning curve? Are you ready to learn the appropriate action to take, hone the requisite skill, and join the type of network that will enable you finish stronger going forward? Are you ready to start constructing the roadmap that will radically change you, and position you as an Expert?

Are you ready to position yourself as the person that both individuals and organizations are willing to pay thousands to develop and motivate their people at their annual retreats, workshops, conferences and training programs? Are you ready to learn how to produce blockbuster products and build platforms that people are willing to pay thousands to buy and join? Are you ready to enjoy the online (internet) lifestyle?

Think about how your life could change if you could manage to position yourself in such a way that organizations would be the ones ordering their purchasing department to “get us that guy”, rather than you going cap-in-hand begging for patronage.

Think about how your life could change if you could develop platforms people would be willing to pay you handsomely to be part of. Consider how your life could change if you could launch irresistible courses online and have people line up literally begging you to admit them to your courses.

Thousands are losing their jobs and you might be next. It’s has nothing to do with age, skills, and country. It’s about technological innovations that are obliterating most jobs. No one is immune. Unknown to you, your current skills are already compromised.

So now is the right time to reinvent yourself. You see, the fastest growing industry in the world today is not banking, oil and gas or telecoms, it’s INFORMATION MARKETING.

It’s the reason why companies and individuals such as Tesla, Google, Amazon, Oracle, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, Brendon Burchard, Jeff Bezos, to mention just a few, are today the most valuable and successful brands on earth.

The reason is this. Whenever there is a paradigm shift, the playing field is reset to zero and the organizations and individuals able to quickly master the new era come up tops. They are the innovators. Any wonder Jeff Bezos is the richest person today, Henry Ford was the richest during the industrial era, and Genghis Khan was the richest during the agrarian era?

If you’re ready to break free, I’m the one that can help you. Here is the good news. Starting from October 2020 I’m going to admit a few lucky ones under my wings and pull back the curtain to reveal to them how the information marketing industry really works and how you can position yourself to tap this massive industry.

I will show you how in two free webinars I generated seven figures within two weeks. I will show you how the internet gurus are generating thousands of dollars monthly through books, blogging, drop shipping, eCommerce, affiliate marketing, online courses, webinars, sponsored posts, guest writing, script writing, and freelance writing amongst many others

This is not a quick fix. There is no miracle involved, only hard work, striving, and the willingness to hop unto the road less traveled to learn the new skills.

Luckily we have something for everyone. It doesn’t matter where you’re on the journey. If you can send a text message to someone using a smart phone, you can succeed online.

Imagine writing a book that earns you $1,000 in passive income monthly. Imagine designing and promoting online courses that brings you $5,000 monthly. Imagine doing a combination of the strategies that the most sophisticated online gurus do to quadruple your income to $20000 monthly? Sounds farfetched? Yes, to those with no clue, it’s fantasy.

But ask Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, Ramit Sethi, and Jon Morrow, to mention just three teachers I learn from, and they will tell you, Mr. Thomas, it’s very doable. They earn over $100,000 monthly each online.

Here are the courses I have for you to choose from:

  • Book Writing Clinic – How Experts Build Empire
  • Publish. Launch Your Book In 90 Days – Guaranteed
  • iBusiness Foundation Course (For Newbies)
  • iBusiness Mastery Course
  • iSchool Complete Experts Course (aka Experts Empire Program)

These courses come with iron clad money back guarantees. If you complete any of the courses and for any reason you’re not fully satisfied with your result ask me for a refund and I’ll gladly refund your fee within 48 hours. There will be no questions asked. And there will be no hard feelings.

So as you can see, you have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. You see, if you don’t change the way you live your life, the only thing you’ll unfortunately get at the end of the day will be regrets. No one wants regrets. Everybody craves to be better, richer, and healthier, but only action can guarantee that your wishes don’t remain just that, wishes and unfulfilled dreams!

Pat Miseti said, “You can either make money, or excuses… you can’t do both.” And Ty Cohen said, “There is nothing worse in life than going in the wrong direction in full speed.” Chris Fong drives it home when he says, “There are so many ways to make money online these days. But getting started is the biggest challenge for most people.”

In today’s world, advanced, fanciful educational certificates don’t matter much as they used to. Don’t get me wrong, education matters but not paper certificate. What matters more today is imagination. What matters are the skills you’re able to hone! What matters is your ability to master the secret of the new trade. Technology has leveled the playing field so anybody can join in, whether you’ve just finished NYSC or you’re a veteran who has been on the job for 25 years with battle scars all over your back.

Who am I looking for? I am looking for the person who is willing to move mountains, pay any price and push to the front until he wins. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to actualize your dream of mastering online business and becoming financially independent?  Are you willing to stay the course and not quit? You may just be the one I’m looking for.

How do you get in? If you have read up to this point then you may just be the right person I’m looking for.

To join any of the Courses is simple. Here are the Courses.

  • Book Writing Clinic – How Experts Build Empire
  • Publish. Launch Your Book In 90 Days – Guaranteed
  • iBusiness Foundation Course (For Newbies)
  • iBusiness Mastery Course
  • iSchool Complete Experts Course (aka Experts Empire Program)

All you need to do is to click the link to the Course you have settled for and you’ll be taken to a landing page where you will complete a form requesting to be admitted.

If you wish to go for a book writing Course, it’s advisable you start with Book Writing Clinic and if you want to start with the online business Course you begin with the Foundation Course.

In all instances, where you need clarification, you can always reach me by email via info@pauluduk.com.

Paul Uduk

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