How To Make Money Online  – The 3 Things You Should Learn To Do Right Now

How To Make Money Online  – The 3 Things You Should Learn To Do Right Now



Everybody craves to make money online. Everybody wants to be like Jeff Bezos. Mostly people crave, dream, fantasize, and pray that a miracle would happen where they would be blessed with the type of billions Jeff Bezos has amassed.

As a trainer, no day passes by without people calling me to ask how they could start making money online. What I tell them is that Jeff Bezos did not just sit down craving, dreaming, fantasizing and praying for internet millions, he took action by setting up Amazon when no one even knew what the internet business was all about way back in 1994.

So if you want to make your internet millions or if you’re the modest type and just want to know how to make money online, the three things you should learn and do right now are:

  1. Take Small Action
  2. Take Big Action
  3. Take Massive Action

Just learning and doing these three things will put you in no time on the path to your internet millions. And you’ll be made for life.

Sounds simple but it’s not as trite as you may think. Neither is it more complex than that. You may even be furious and dismiss my notion with a wave of the hand. Can just taking action lead you to internet millions? Indeed you may fume and I concede you’re right to be skeptical. So at this point you need a major clarification. You don’t need to take just any action, but the right action, at the right places and at the right scale and your internet millions will inevitably come pouring into your bank account.

Here are the three things you need to learn and know about how to make money online as a beginner:

  1. Learn how to develop products
  2. Learn how to grow your audience
  3. Learn how to sell your products

They sound simple. Just learn how to develop products, grow audience and sell products online and the millions will come rolling in? In all sincerity, for you as a beginner, those are all you need. If you ask an internet guru like Jason Fladlien who has help his personal clients develop and sell products in excess of $300 million since 2007, he’d tell you, yes, that’s the way to go.

But if it were that simple, why is everyone not an internet millionaire? So what I’d like to add at this point is that, as hard as these three things are, all you need for success is to understand the fundamentals. Learning to master the fundamentals is key. When once you understand the basics, you’re poised for success.

The truth is, learning is hard work. Who wants to do hard work? No one, as a matter of fact!  All people want is the easy way out to internet millions. So we settle for the easy and fun things. We do MMM, MNM, Real Estate Arbitrage, Online Gossips Groups, etc. where supposedly you can make millions without hard work.

But if you look at Jeff Bezos, he decided to take on the hard work. He started by selling low value stuffs like books online. In July 1994 when he started Amazon, the books cost between $5 and $10. He’d put the books at the back of his car and drive to the post office. People mocked him but he knew where he was going. He knew one day he would be able to scale and reach millions all-over the world. That’s why he took a leap of faith and resigned from his $550K job and started selling info products.

Info products are simply digital products delivered in the form of texts, audios or videos. According to Forbes, the online info products market is set to hit $326billion by 2025. So you can see how simple it is to make millions online if you can just learn how to get the tinniest percentage of this humongous amount.

So my question is, how are you learning to benefit from this Bonanza? Yes, Bonanza, because anybody can do it. You don’t need to know Oga At The Top, a Minister, Senator, Governor, VP or Presidency. All you need is a little work daily.

At this juncture, it’s necessary to expand the hard work you need to learn doing to include:

  1. Learn how to make yourself noticed
  2. Learn how to develop products
  3. Learn how to grow your audience
  4. Learn how to market and make offers
  5. Learn how to sell and monetize your efforts
  6. Learn how to position for sustained success

The internet or blogging guru behind Smart Blogger, Jon Morrow, has identified the Five Phases every would-be internet millionaire must pass through and they include:

  1. Comprehension
  2. Connection
  3. Conversion
  4. Content
  5. Customers

Jon Morrow’s Five Phases roughly coincide with the Four Stages identified by another online business guru, Ramit Sethi, of “I Will Teach You To Be Rich” fame. Ramit’s Four Stages encompass:

  1. Learning Stage
  2. Audience Stage
  3. Product Stage
  4. Sales Stage

The mistake beginners make is that they jump to the product or sales stage without conquering the learning stage and the ultimate result is massive failure. You can’t ignore the learning stage because that’s where you learn the fundamentals without which you’re destined for failure.

A guru desirous of making a quick kill from a beginner would rush you to the content and monetization phases leaving the learning and audience phases without which you cannot succeed. I personally fell into this trap and poured thousands of dollars into a bottomless pit expecting internet millions overnight. I even had a product site developed for me in Canada, which cost me additional thousands of dollars, and it all came crashing down.

From these experiences, I vowed to help those who come to me for advice to follow the correct sequence of things. The first thing you have to know as far as the internet is concerned is that, just as pregnancy, you can’t fast track it under normal circumstances. A normal pregnancy must go for nine months. So you must have the discipline to learn the basics first before you jump to monetization, which is the last stage in the sequence. Although there are advanced strategies that can enable you skip some stages in the normal sequence, without knowing the fundamentals you’ll not be able to deploy the advanced strategies.

The Internet is huge, complex and messy. Only a tiny number of people who have disciplined themselves to learn the fundamentals know how to navigate through the maze. So if you want to enjoy the internet millions, find a well structured course primed to teach you the fundamentals no matter how educated or sophisticated you think you currently are.

So in summary, the three things you should learn right now are:

  • Learn how to develop products
  • Learn how to grow your audience
  • Learn how to sell your products

In a similar vein, the three things you should do right now are:

  • Get off your couch and look for a course designed to teach you the fundamentals.
  • Get a course designed to teach you how to craft products and grow your audience.
  • Get a course crafted to show you how you can monetize your efforts.

In How To Make Money Online: The Three Things You Should Learn And Do Right Now, I have shown out everything that I’ve learned in the past seven years or so how to make internet millions. When gurus talk about internet millions, to the uninitiated, the notion of making millions by doing just a few things sounds arcane, mysterious, unbelievable, and downright deceptive. But it’s not – if you know the right levers to pull and right things to do.

If you start learning today immediately you finish reading this article your online millions will hit your bank account sooner than later. With the exchange rate hovering between N450 and N480 to the dollar, $10,000 is a mammoth N4,500,000 to N4,800,000. Imagine if you could scale those figures by a factor of ten. Is learning how to do just that too much to ask?

Luckily you don’t have to look too far for courses that are designed just for you as a beginner.  Our iBMC (Internet Business Mastery Course) is designed to help beginners advance to a point where they can start making money online. The course covers the 5 Phases of internet business mastery: Learning, Audience, Products, Sales, and Scaling. It’s actually 2 Courses in 1: The Foundation Course and the Mastery Course. The iBFC (Internet Business Foundation Course lasts 4 Weeks and the Mastery Course 8 Weeks.

You’re given an Accountability Partner immediately you join and also admitted into our  private Facebook and WhatsApp Groups where members share experience, exchange ideas and encourage one another. Once in two weeks we have a private members only meeting via ZOOM. I personally went through such an online course and it cost me $2000. But iBMC won’t cost you a tenth of that and you can pay 1 – 3 installments as you please. The fee will go up in September when the Courses launch formally.  So this is the ideal time to jump in. All you need do is sent a WhatsApp message to +2348033075133 or email to and you’ll be guided on what to do to enable you join and start learning.

Paul Uduk

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Paul Uduk

Learn how to make money online within 4 weeks. Heaven helps those who help themselves so stop praying and start doing because prayer without works is dead. iBMC (Internet Business Mastery Course) is designed to put you on a fast track to start making money online within the shortest possible time. Join our first set of candidates who are already seeing real result within two weeks since joining. All you need to do is text or send WhatsApp message to +2348033075133 or email to

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