
*When are you launching your online course in 2024?*

If you have attended my proprietary BWC (Book Writing Clinic), or iBMC (Internet Business Mastery Course), or you have at least 10 -15 years industry experience under your belt, you can, and should launch your online courses flawlessly in 2024.

Indeed, you don’t need 10 years’ experience to create and launch online courses, and the industry does not matter.

Sadly the majority of my friends and associates do not know or are unable and unwilling to execute online courses.

So, I’m here to tell you that online courses are the fastest and easiest way to make money.

And the online course industry is exploding like a supernova and hitting $398 billion in three years (2026).

After I retired from the financial services industry in 2010, the first thing I did was to launch my training company, Vision & Talent, which generated enough cash to keep body and soul together.

Sadly I didn’t get to keep all the cash due to three mistakes I made (the three mistakes I made will be the subject of the next instalment of this article).

Thanks to COVID-19, in 2020 I pivoted online, and launched my first online course, even when I’d by then never heard of Zoom.

This is what happened: In two launches to a tiny list, within six months I generated more money than Vision & Talent did in its best year. Since then, I’ve never looked back.

By the way I knew next to nothing about social media, course hosting software, coding and audience building strategies.

I had to learn along the way.

As I made progress, friends asked me to show, teach, and coach them on how to create and launch online courses.

Along the way, I made lots of mistakes by also buying courses from “gurus”, who knew nothing about course design and pedagogy.

Buying courses from them was a blessing in disguise tough: it opened my eyes to what I knew.

Even though I don’t know coding, you can’t buy experience. But you can get coders just buy asking.

Here is another thing I found out: unlike coaching and consulting, online courses are super scalable as a later found out.

You build the course once and enjoy the income for years.

And if you master how to launch a course the right way, you can reach hundreds of students from all over the world.

So, if you want to make good money from online courses in 2024 and beyond, then join me on a free webinar,

*How to Create And Launch a Profitable Online Course With Zero Training Experience*.

The webinar will run on Saturday, 30th December, 2023; Saturday, 6th January, 2024; and Saturday, 13th January, 2024. All at  8.30am. One webinar, repeated three times. Join any you like.

You’re invited.

However, admission to the webinar is strictly by *INVITATION*.

The unserious, who are not interested in attaining financial independence, are not welcome.

If you’re keen in making good money from online courses in 2024 and beyond request for the *webinar code* and I’ll send it to you.

Here is the WhatsApp number to use: 08033075133.

Please do not share the webinar code with any other person without my prior authorization.

If you’ve attended any of my courses or you’re a BWC or iBMC Alumni Member, you can use the webinar code to access my automated webinars throughout 2024, gratis.

Begin 2024 on the right footing, don’t miss the webinar on *How to Create And Launch a Profitable Online Course With Zero Training Experience*.

You don’t have to be a trainer or HR expert to launch a 5, 6, or 7-figure online course.

I’ll show you how to tackle the most difficult thing when it comes to course design and development: *course curriculum* or simply, how to arrive at your course content.

You don’t have to overwhelm your students with 50 or 100 videos like the technicians who only know coding.

If you’re interested in joining the free webinar this Saturday or the next two Saturdays, simply ask me for the webinar code (ask through this WhatsApp number: 08033075133 or email address: pauluduk@gmail.com).

Remember, many are called, but few are chosen.

As I’m writing this I remember what Brian Dean, a sharp young guru of the “Skyscraper” fame, and the founder of Backlinko (which he sold to SEMRush for $4million (N3billion)), shared with me two years ago.

Here is what Brian Dean shared with me, verbatim.  


One of the most common questions that I get is: “Brian, I don’t see any ads or links to services on your site.

How do you make money?” The short answer: online courses.

The longer answer… Right after I launched Backlinko, I started to get emails from people that wanted me to help them with their SEO.

And I’d say “yes” to almost every single one of them.

At first, I really enjoyed consulting. It felt cool that a publicly traded company or a growing Silicon Valley startup would want my advice.

And they were paying me well for it. Plus, the work was pretty easy.

All I needed to do was hop on the phone and answer questions about SEO. All good, right? Well… not really.

Over time, I started to HATE consulting. (In fact, I remember staring at my calendar and PRAYING that my clients would cancel at the last minute. They never did 😀 ).

So: why did consulting start to get to me? Well, not only were consulting calls super repetitive, but they put a BIG damper on my flexibility.

Want to go to the gym in the middle of the day? Too bad, you have a call at 1pm. Want to go on a spontaneous trip to Thailand? Well, you need to reschedule 57 calls. But worst of all, I quickly realized that consulting was NOT scalable. Not even close.

There are only so many hours in the day. And only one of me. So by the nature of how consulting works, this model put a giant ceiling over how much I could make.

Maybe you can relate to how I felt. Maybe you want to make your business more scalable? Maybe you want to quit your 9-5 and do your own thing? Or maybe you want to add a new revenue stream to your existing business?

Courses can help with all three of these things. So, what did I do?

I decided to launch my first course.

I’d never created an online course in my life. I had no idea what I was doing. So it took a while for me to go all-in with courses and quit consulting altogether.

But over time, online courses went from (as the kids say) a side hustle… to my main thing.

And one of the first things that I noticed from running an online course business is that, unlike consulting or services, courses are SUPER scalable.

Create a course once. Benefit from that course over and over again.

The best part? You can launch an online course …while running your existing business.

As you just saw, I started my course business as a side project. And gradually grew it until it became my main thing.

Flash forward to today, and Backlinko is a multiple seven-figure online course business.

In fact, a while back I was featured in Forbes as a “million-dollar one-person business”.

And that milestone was only possible because of online courses.

I’m not telling you all this to brag. In fact, I can’t even brag all that much because I’m not the only one that’s doing well with courses right now. Not by a long shot.

According to Global Industry Analysts, the online course industry is currently worth 107 Billion. And they estimate that’s going to triple to 325 Billion in the next 5 years.

So yeah, the online course industry is blowing up right now. And more and more “normal” people are doing well with online courses.

One of my favorite examples of this is Backlinko reader Mikkel Sciegienny. Mikkel runs a growing online course business about Microsoft Excel.

That’s right: Mikkel’s entire business is teaching people how to use Excel. And he’s crushing it.

Now I know this might sound impossible. Especially if you’ve never created an online course before. I get it. I felt the same way when I was first getting started.

That said: you can start selling your first course faster than you probably think. And you can do it on the side.

But to succeed with online courses, you need the right approach. Specifically, you need to avoid the four rookie mistakes that most people make with online courses. (How do I know about these rookie mistakes? Because I’ve made them all myself!).

Do you already have an existing course? Or do you plan to start one? Write me back and let me know.  


Well, you’ve heard from the horse’s mouth.

Online courses will hit $398billion in 2026 according to new estimates: less than 3 years away.

Stake a claim in this lucrative goldmine and achieve the financial freedom that has eluded you all these years.

Here is the number to ask for the webinar code: 08033075133. Or email address: pauluduk@gmail.com.

If you are interested in more than just attending the free webinar, reach me through this link:

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