My Ultimate Guides Golden Collection Summaries – Read “n” Be Inspired


As Stephen R.Covey challenges us in “Everyday Greatness” to make three important choices every day:

  1. The Choice to Act – your energy
  2. The Choice of Purpose – your destination
  3. The Choice for Principles – the means for attaining your goals

I wish to use Covey’s exact same words to challenge you regarding my Ultimate Guides Golden Collection as I share with you the introductory paragraphs of my 10 Ultimate Guides:

First, I hope you will be able to sit back, relax and enjoy your reading.

Second, I hope this collection will provide you with inspiration as to how your personally can get a little more out of life – and, yes, give a little more too.

Third, I hope this collection will arouse within you a greater passion for being a seeker for greatness, excellence, and the good life.

Here is the list of articles


  Article Title
My Ultimate Guide To Setting Goals And Achieving Your Dreams
My Ultimate Guide To Making More Money Online Than You Can Use In A Lifetime – And Be Happy With The World
My Ultimate Guide To Landing The Job You’ve Always Wanted And Living A Life Of Your Dreams
My Definitive Guide To Successful Marriage, Happiness And Abundance
My Ultimate Guide To Building A Perpetual Online Money-Making Machine And Being Humble About It
My Ultimate Guide To Radiant Health, Wealth, And Happiness
My Ultimate Guide To Entrepreneurship, Wealth And Power
My Ultimate Guide To Building, Developing, And Managing Your Career And Making It Big In Life
My Ultimate Guide To Small Business Success
My Ultimate Guide To Personal Development And Financial Freedom


Enjoy your reading.

My Ultimate Guide To Setting Goals And Achieving Your Dreams


A popular internet marketer once quipped “failures have goals, winners have systems.” Nothing in the world could be farther from the truth. A system with no goal in view sets you up as a wanderer, a tramp –  with nowhere to go. Don’t be a tramp with no goal. 

To me, a goal is a definite course of action or things you wish to do to achieve your heart’s desire, ambition, and dream. Or simply put the thing(s) you want to achieve. It could be the thing or things you want to achieve within a few months, a year or within a lifetime.

A goal is always bound by action and direction. Without these two ingredients, action and direction, a goal becomes wishful thinking. So goal, ambition and dreams go hand in hand. Ambition is the lofty side of a goal. According to authors James Champy and Nitin Nohria, “good ambition is the lifeblood of human achievement.” Dream on the other hand is the spiritual side of all goals. That’s why we talk about an unfulfilled dream. 

A goal is like a beacon or a lighthouse or a magnet drawing you to your destiny: the person you want to be, the type of individual you want to become, the type of life you want to live, and the type of things you want to achieve or own – either for yourself, your loved ones, your country or humanity.

If you look at the most successful people in all of humanity, they are or were all driven by tall ambition and BIG dreams.  While luck plays a part, the most desirable ingredients are personal drive, ambition, and action.

You could be “lucky” to have a mentor early in life, like Warren Buffet (Benjamin Graham), Bill Gates (James Allen), and Tony Elumelu (Ebitimi Banigo, now the King of Okpoama). What of Arnold Schwarzenegger? Who was his mentor? Was he lucky?

Arnold Schwarzenegger was born in Austria. He spoke no English. His father wanted him to join the police force (his father was a police officer); his mother wanted him to marry early and settle down. But he had other ideas. He had a big dream and a big ambition. He wanted to immigrate to America – the home of the free and the land of the brave.  He wanted a piece of the American Dream. And he did. He did not just succeed and thrived, he expanded. He achieved all the goals he’d set for himself and more, becoming at age 55, the governor of California, the third largest state in the US, in 2003. So seize the card you have been dealt, set goals, follow your arc of ambition, and march forward to achieve your dreams. 


My Ultimate Guide To Making More Money Online Than You Can Use In A Lifetime – And Be Happy With The World


What would you do if you had a magic wand that spits out $12 billion every day of your life for you to spend to your heart’s desire? This is not utopia.

Officially Jeff Bezos’s netwoth is $124 billion as at today (Wikipedia April 10, 2020). The naked truth is no one knows the man’s real worth for sure because Bloomberg today puts it at $130 billion. To put that within context, Bill Gates is worth $102 billion and Warren Buffet $74 billion.

Jeff Bezos together with his ex-wife MacKenzie Bezos founded Amazon on July 5, 1994. The world was just entering the era of the internet bubble (1995 to 2001). No one really knew for sure how eCommerce would evolve. The bulk of the technologies were still rudimentary. It required a ton of faith to jump in. While the fly by night internet millionaire wannabes had all fallen by the way side, today Amazon’s market capitalization is $1 trillion (CNBC). So what did Jeff Bezos do differently?

When asked why he dropped out of Harvard, Bill Gates said the opportunity the computer era presented was so huge it would never happen again in his lifetime so he had to be part of it rather than stay at Harvard. So he set out to become the master of the computer era. In 2007 Harvard awarded Bill Gates an Honorary Doctorate Degree. So it has also been with Jeff Bezos.

Jeff Bezos was already earning over $500,000 per year at a high flying investment firm, D.E. Shaw, when he started researching the internet, circa 1990. In Winners and Losers, author Kieran Levis recounts that when Bezos was doing the cashflow projection to gauge the feasibility of the yet to be formed company, what he saw was mind boggling. The company would be growing at over 1000% per year. No matter how he tweaked his cashflow using a technique financial analysts call stress testing, the company would still be growing at a mind numbing rate of 1000%. A strategist who could see 20 years into the future, indeed seeing what others couldn’t, he grabbed his then girlfriend, MacKenzie, jumped into his Chevy Blazer, and headed to Washington to set up Amazon. He chose the name Amazon so that the company would rank high on yet to be formed Google. As the cliché goes, the rest is history.

So this is what Jeff Bezos did. Just like Bill Gates before him, the Amazon founder noted the trends. He discerned the humongous potential of the internet long before others could even awaken to what it portended. He concluded the internet or online business was the future and such an opportunity may not present itself again in his lifetime so he had to seize the moment, and he did with ironclad conviction. While others, including his ex buddies at D.E. Shaw considered him “mad” for throwing away all the opportunities he had at the investment firm. He was the youngest senior vice president at the firm at age 26. But Bezos knew better.

While you may not be able to set up a another Amazon and become the richest man in the planet just yet, there are certain strategies and tactics you can adopt to position yourself for stupendous wealth and success. My Ultimate Guide To Making More Money Online Than You Can Use In A Lifetime – And Be Happy With The World will show you how.


My Ultimate Guide To Landing The Job You’ve Always Wanted And Living A Life Of Your Dream


The great Chinese general, military strategist, and Taoist philosopher, Sun Tzu, said, “The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought.” I personally like the version that says “a general desirous of victory makes many calculations in his temple before the battle.” To win in life, you must have the desire to prevail at anything you’re bent on doing no matter the odds. John H. Johnson captures this inner game very succinctly in his autobiography, “Succeeding Against The Odds.”

As a green horn starting my career, I never knew I could ask for anything I wanted and get it. I thought good people accept what the society, government, politicians, organizations and corporations throw at them. I never knew I could demand from life what I wanted. I believed you lived life the way life is. The way life is, is this, you are born, you grow up, do what everybody does, work, marry, grow old, die, and then you’re forgotten, never to be heard of again after the fourth death.

That was the mentality I was ingrained with as I grew up so I never questioned anything that was thrown on my path. That’s the mentality that got me into a government corporation where I toiled away for seven years without promotion. And because I was stagnating, when the corporation was clobbered to death by corruption and I got thrown out, the next company that considered me for a job thought they were doing me a favour. I was given the lowest grade they could imagine not minding I had over 10 years solid experience. Indeed I was a proud alumni of the Chartered Institute of Bankers of England and Wales, one of the most prestigious and revered professional bankers training institutes in the world.

The new bank that employed me had 12 layers (grade levels) and they offered me the 3rd grade from the bottom.  And I didn’t question their decision. Indeed, I felt I owed them a gratitude for giving me another lease on life in the first place.

But I’m here to tell you that you’re entitled to live life on your own terms. You’re entitled to demand from life what you deserve. I trust, and I believe, and I’m convinced you deserve more. You’ve worked so hard. You spent years in primary school, spent more years in college, attended university, and came out in flying colours. If you’re the driven type, you’ve added one or two more professional qualifications and certifications to your name as a chartered accountant, banker, or a certified engineer, HR, or IT specialist.  Yes, you’ve further enriched your curriculum vitae (CV) the way by attending company sponsored in-plant and open-enrollment training courses, some in Ivy League referred schools like Wharton. Maybe you’ve even added an MBA and a PhD to your collection. Don’t you think you deserve more?

Believe it or not you deserve much more. Your Ultimate Guide To Landing The Job You’ve Always Wanted And Living A Life Of Your Dream is designed to guide you to your dream job and your dream life. A dream job is the type that enables coins to clang in your pocket as George S. Clason writes in his “The Richest Man in Babylon.” It’s the type of job that enables you live in any part of the city that you choose, join any club you want, take your wife(s), kids, and loved ones on vacation in exotic places, eat the type of food you crave. In short, live life on your own terms.

I’m not talking about utopia. Don’t be scared that what I’m talking about will be or is too hard. Don’t be deceived that you need an Oxford, Harvard or Wharton degree to execute what I’m talking about. Indeed, what I’m talking about is so uncannily simple that anyone can actualize his or her dream of landing a mouthwatering job made in heaven. But I must warn you that you must be willing to pay the price to earn that prize. If you don’t, you may end up in a bad place like I did or end up with $66 Billion as Steve Ballmer. He started off as Bill Gates’ assistant.


My Definitive Guide To Successful Marriage, Happiness And Abundance


If you asked me, I’d say marriage is the most revered institution on planet Earth. Ask any woman her happiest day ever and she’ll tell you it was her wedding day. Ask any girl what will make her happy, she’ll tell you the day she gets married. When Sir Winston Churchill described Russia as “a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma”, he may as well have been talking about marriage.

Weddings all over the world are always the most well attended events. Family members, friends, associates and even uninvited strangers attend weddings to witness the birth of a new family and give their blessing. High society weddings are in a special class of their own. When Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, married the late Princess of Wales, Diana, in a union made in heaven on 29 July, 1981, the world virtually came to a standstill.

All women go out of their way to look their best on their wedding day. They adorn the whitest of white specially-made dress designated all over the world Wedding Gown. Why not wedding dress? Or wedding attire? Or wedding cloth? A wedding gown epitomizes purity and the solemnity of marriage. Even in those cultures where the woman marries the man, like in Polynesia, the man wears a specially made wedding gown.

Society ascribes high importance to marriage. Indeed, for the men folk, for you to be regarded a man, you must have married a woman.  To be single at age of 40 is to be irresponsible. Remain single at the age of 50, society will regard you as weird. So men go out their way to prove their manness by working super hard to accumulate enough fortune to get married.

Why is marriage such a favoured institution? For Christians, marriage is decreed by God “…for a woman shall leave her parents and cleave to his husband and the two shall become one.” Ardent Christians will quickly point to the wedding at Canaan and say see, Jesus attended, and performed His first miracle by turning water into wine.

And so it’s apt I’m writing this blog post on Easter Sunday when a third of the world, according to the BBC, is on lockdown and families are together again. What a glorious time for society, families, married men and women. In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to achieve a highly successful marriage, happiness and abundance.  


My Ultimate Guide To Building A Perpetual Online Money-Making Machine And Being Humble About It


The internet era has spawned more millionaires than all other eras in human history combined. Today, there are 2,095 billionaires and 46.8 million millionaires compared to 1982 when Forbes started to publish its list of the richest people. According to, that list had just 400 people and the richest man was Daniel Keith Ludwig with an estimated $2 billion net worth.

Unlike “My Ultimate Guide To Making More Money Online Than You Can Use In A Lifetime – And Be Happy With The World” which focused on the fundamental strategies and mindset required to build an online business, this blog post narrows the focus to the specifics that the most successful online millionaires and information marketers have used to skyrocket their wealth. You can get the earlier blog post here, which I recommend you read first before you digest this one because it sets the mindset tone.

In this blog post I’m going to focus on internet or online business gurus who started barely 15 to 20 years ago and have made millions within that short time frame. This excludes the likes of Gary Vaynerchuk and Tony Robbins who were already millionaires. But thanks to the internet the duo have been able to scale their empires further. Gary has transformed his family’s wine business and is today worth an estimated $160mm to $200mm, while Tony Robbins’ networth as at 2020 is estimated at $500mm. Yet among internet gurus there are those that have made their fortune within 10 years and shorter.

This post will focus on the likes of Ramit Sethi, Brendon Burchard, Jon Morrow, Neil Patel, Ruth Soukup, Pat Flynn, and Michelle Schroeder-Gardner. These seven gurus will give us a broad spectrum what is happening online and how you can copy what they do and build your perpetual online money-making machine. The age of the gurus in my sample ranges from 30 to 43, and their networth ranges from $2 million to $25 million. To put that within context, $2 million in Nigeria’s Naira is N700 million.

Jon Morrow is paralyzed from his neck down. The youngest on the list, Michelle, started her blog circa 2013 and a student loan of about $38,000 was still hanging around her neck. Ramit Sethi’s first product was an eBook that he sold for $4.95. Today some of his coaching programs go for as much as $12,000. When Brendon Burchard started in 2010, his only claim to fame was his novel, “Life’s Golden Ticket.” Today he has written four more, including “The Millionaire Messenger”, “The Charge”, and “The Motivation Manifesto.” Oprah calls him “One of the most successful online trainers in history,” If they can do it, you can too. I learn from all these gurus so I’m well positioned to share their secrets, reveal their strategies, and everyday tactics. Indeed, how you can be like them.

Before we dive deeper I want to sound a quick warning. You may become more confused after reading this blog post so to avoid that, I ask you to read my “How Experts Build Empire: The Paul Uduk Case Study” first by going here, and also read “My Beginners Guide to eProduct Development” by clicking here or here. Both will simplify a lot of things for you and also put many things within context.

Building a perpetual money-making machine is actually the end-game in the long tortuous journey en-route building an online business empire. You will not be able to jump to the end-game unless you follow a “systematic, methodical, and strategic principles” as Ramit Sethi recommends. If you do, you will succeed, if you don’t, you will fail. It will be only a matter of time. The seven gurus I follow and have highlighted here follow systematic principles and those principles have enabled them succeed beyond their wildest imagination. Having said that, let’s look at how you can build your perpetual online money-making machine. 


My Ultimate Guide to Radiant Health and Happiness


An African proverb says every child says his mother’s soup is the sweetest. That may as well be true because beauty, as Shakespeare says, “Is in the eye of the beholder.” You may not have known until now, but I want to tell you, my mother was the most beautiful woman of her era, far more beautiful than Helen of Troy.

My mother lived to be 92 though she made it known to whoever cared to listen she was more than 100. She worked hard, she never fell sick, and she was happy. What are the origins, causes, sources, attributes,  of radiant health and happiness. My ultimate guide to radian health and happiness sets out to tell you.

The second of four children, my mother got married between the age 17 and 19. No robust birth documentation back then. She completed primary school but never attended secondary school (high school).

She learnt sewing (fashion designing) and set up business as a seamstress. She must have been in that for close to 20 years and was very popular with nurses in the biggest hospital in our area and they were her captive market. During cropping season, she farmed. Indeed she farmed until five years before she passed away, always making morning rounds to the farm behind her house.

My mother never fell sick in her lifetime and ate everything and shunned neither sugar nor salt which health experts say are silent killers.  My mother’s only health routine was enema, with water-leaf extract, which she regularly used till almost her last day. My mother never used a walking stick.

At age about 70, she approached the local hospital and got a job as a linen washer (washerwoman). She was proud of the apron they gave her and wore it with pride. She worked for about 10 years before she was layed off. She was bitter and never stopped complaining about the lay off.

My mother once told me she had hernia removed from her in a private hospital. She never told anyone before she went there. I was shocked when she told me. She passed away after about four days brief illness. The Priest who heard her last confession said she asked him to pray for her to die. I guess she was tired of living. Well that’s the brief story. What was the secret of her long live, radiant health and happiness?


My Ultimate Guide to Entrepreneurship, Wealth and Power


If you Google entrepreneurship, you’ll get 640 million hits in 0.79 seconds. However, if you Google sex, you’ll get 3.55 billion hits in 0.61 seconds. Try leadership and you’ll get 2.46 billion in 0.90 seconds. So as you can see entrepreneurship is not very popular that’s why you have so many poor people on planet earth.

If 10% of the human population took to entrepreneurship with gusto as Jeff Bezos, Bill Bates, Warren Buffet (the Oracle of Omaha), Jack Ma, and Henry Ford, Sam Walton, Masaru Ibuka, and John H. Johnson before them, the world would be awashed with wealth and abundance. Not to forget uber entrepreneur like Richard Branson who make entrepreneurship fun. If you agree with me, then The Ultimate Guide to Entrepreneurship, Wealth and Power is for you. 

According to Wikipedia, entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often initially a small business. The people who create these businesses are called entrepreneurs. The 18th century French economist, Jean-Baptiste Say, who first coined the word entrepreneur in about 1800, said, “The entrepreneur shifts economic resources out of an area of lower and into an area of higher productivity and greater yield.”

From Jean-Baptiste Say’s definition, if you want to become an entrepreneur you must be ready to add massive value to the world and keep innovating and creating and the world will reward you. The economic resources Say talks about could be a product (X-Box), a service (Netflix), or experience (Disney). Adding massive value is the key to being an entrepreneur. The entrepreneurs who transform industries, impact lives, and who we view with admiration, awe and envy are noted for innovation and creativity.

Unlike an entrepreneur, a business owner, as the uber coach and founder of Strategic Coach, Dan Sullivan, says, “Is someone who’s no longer operating from a place of creativity. They likely produced something of value early on in their career but instead of committing themselves to continuous growth, they’re riding the profit of their early successes. Whether or not the decision was made consciously, once someone has chosen to no longer create or grow, they’ve ceased to be an entrepreneur.” I fully concur.

So if you own a corner shop, a computer repair business, or a taxi business or even a big supermarket, you’re a business owner. The business depends solely on you. You cannot scale, you cannot grow, you’re stuck with the business. As the Wikipedia definition says, the business is often initially a small business. To make the leap from an inventor and founder to an entrepreneur, you must be willing to put structures in place, scale, and continue pushing to defy gravity to move to the entrepreneurial phase.


My Ultimate Guide to Building, Developing, and Managing Your Career and Making it Big In Life


Dreaming up and setting up a great business is not for everyone. Some people thrive best when they’re in management and leadership positions making things happen. They are the names behind iconic brands such as GE, P&G, Nestle, Unilever, 3M, Mitsubishi, and Samsung, to mention just seven. I call these set of people careerists. The companies they run may not have sexy names as Google, Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Alibaba, eBay and Rakuten, to also mention seven, but they have been at the forefront of pushing societal development.

The four of the biggest careerists that have ever trodden corporate boardrooms I can recall are Jack Welch, Harold Geneen, Lee Iacocca, and Roberto Guizueta. No one has ever done more for Coca-Cola than Roberto Guizueta. He settled the cola wars. By the time of his untimely death in 1997 he’d become the first employee in all of history to accumulate wealth of $1 billion. Lee Iacocca saved Chrysler in a dramatic fashion when he took his case to the American Congress despite the American free market concept of free entry and free exit. Harold Geneen led arguably the biggest American corporation of all time, ITT. Jack Welch who passed away recently at age 84 is famous for working for 40 odd years with GE, 2 decades of those as Chairman & Chief Executive Officer. He transformed GE from an analogue to a digital corporation and made GE the most valuable corporation in the world for 10 consecutive years. Nicknamed “Neutron Jack”, Fortune Magazine voted him “Manager of the Century” In 1999.

How did these legends achieve their feat to be regarded by some with unparalleled love, admiration and awe? They were not sinless. Some hated and vilified them. But the society as a whole gave them more than a pass mark. They were all rated “great” in their respective eras. How did they navigate their careers? What did they do differently? What accounted for their career longevity? What can you learn from them? The Ultimate Guide to Building, Developing, and Managing Your Career and Making it Big In Life sets out to show you how you can follow the footsteps of these legends and come out a career winner. I feel compelled to write this blog post because no one showed me the way when I started my own career. I would have paid a fortune to get this information when I started out but today you’re getting it absolutely free thanks to the internet. But first, my story.


My Ultimate Guide to Small Business Success


The majority of small businesses remain small because they don’t know how to grow bigger, lack ideas on what to do, and are stuck gasping for breath. However, a small universe of small businesses intentionally chooses to stay small even though they have all it takes to grow bigger. Bo Burlingham wrote about those businesses that intentionally choose to stay small in his “Small Giants: Companies That Choose to Be Great Instead of Big.” Seth Godin extolled the greatness of the excellent small businesses that choose to stay small in his “Small Is The New Big.” This post is for those great businesses that choose to remain small and would be entrepreneurs that may want to follow in their foot-steps.

Small businesses are generally categorized as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and their definition vary from country to country. There are also micro enterprises and solopreneurs, the majority of which are not businesses at all by the true definition of business but I include them here as sometimes they provide the owners the sole means of livelihood. The major criteria used in categorizing small businesses are the number of employees and annual revenue.

UNDP on its website,, states that “SMEs can be considered as having, say, between five to two hundred employees and are found in the formal sector (i.e., they are formally registered as a business organization).” According to UNDP, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises constitute over 95 per cent of all enterprises and account for two thirds to one half of total non-farm employment and gross domestic product (GDP) worldwide.

UNDP on its website,, states that “SMEs can be considered as having, say, between five to two hundred employees and are found in the formal sector (i.e., they are formally registered as a business organization).” According to UNDP, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises constitute over 95 per cent of all enterprises and account for two thirds to one half of total non-farm employment and gross domestic product (GDP) worldwide.

Small businesses are generally categorized as Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and their definition vary from country to country. There are also micro enterprises and solopreneurs, the majority of which are not businesses at all by the true definition of business but I include them here as sometimes they provide the owners the sole means of livelihood. The major criteria used in categorizing small businesses are the number of employees and annual revenue.

UNDP on its website,, states that “SMEs can be considered as having, say, between five to two hundred employees and are found in the formal sector (i.e., they are formally registered as a business organization).” According to UNDP, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and micro-enterprises constitute over 95 per cent of all enterprises and account for two thirds to one half of total non-farm employment and gross domestic product (GDP) worldwide.


My Ultimate Guide to Personal Development And Financial Freedom


The terms self-help, personal development, personal improvement, personal growth, self-improvement, and information marketing are often used interchangeably. The industry is increasingly being referred to as the expert industry in recent times because, according to Brendon Burchard, it’s where “experts” operate.

While self-help (also used without hyphen) is now viewed as derogatory because of the assortment of snake oil salesmen (call them charlatans) that prowl about, online and offline, seeking who to unleash their wares and cures, it was the term first used to describe the industry and was coined by Samuel Smiles, a Scottish Doctor, in 1859. However, according to, the origins of self help date back to the book “The Constitution of Man,” written by a Victorian phrenologist, George Combe, in 1828. It was followed by Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “Compensation” in 1841.

The personal development industry is estimated to grow to $13.2 billion by 2022, up 33.33% from the 2016 base of $9.9 billion. Quoting market, Iulia-Cristina Uta writes, “the self-improvement market was worth $9.9 billion in 2016 and is estimated to grow to $13.2 billion by 2022 with 5.6% average yearly gains.” 

Writing in, and quoting Niels Eek, a psychologist, Iulia-Cristina Uta, elaborates, “Self-improvement is about consciously identifying and developing one or more facets of your life. From the perspective of an entrepreneur, self-improvement will often entail some sort of mental training but can mean anything from practicing stress management to valuable goal-setting. Professionals are often keen to learn things like time-management techniques (for better prioritizing tasks) and increasing productivity without compromising mental wellbeing.”

According to, the self-improvement market is wide and encompasses a large variety of products and services which range from books, to e-books, online courses, coaching programs, webinars, “academies”, “universities”, “masterminds”, masterclasses, conferences, mobile apps etc.

Taking the digital angle, Hazel Davi, a guest blogger at quoted various sources and research findings as pointing to the fact that compared to other age groups, millennials are the most driven to engage in self-development. Writing under the title, “What does self-improvement look like in the digital age?”, she asserted, “Millennials love self-improvement; whether it’s learning how to be an inspirational leader or change-maker, coding for beginners or Leaning In – they seemingly can’t get enough of it.” You can get the full article here.

Since its creation in 1859, the industry has become unstoppable with thousands of “gurus” peddling their wares to whoever cares to read, listen, view, try, and buy. When asked whether he was a “guru”, Peter Drucker had responded that, “The term charlatan was too difficult to pronounce so someone invented the word guru.” In this regard has this to say. “Consumers are realizing that there are many so-called “experts” now peddling a variety of online “masterminds”, “academies”, “universities” and coaching services. Too many, in fact. As a result, gurus are trying to figure out how to cut through the clutter while consumers are trying to identify legitimate, competent experts.”

According to September is National Self Improvement Month in the US. According to the blog, it’s “a time to reflect upon your life, set new goals and take strides to make personal changes in order to achieve the life you truly wish.”  The US is unique in this regard as the only country I know of with a full month set aside for self improvement. Any wonder the US is the global centre of gravity for self-improvement. The industry was estimated to be worth $11 billion in the US in 2018, according to





My Ultimate Guides are about 4,000 words long on average each. If you want any ultimate guide delivered to your inbox, shoot a short email to me at and I’ll send it to you. Join the conversation by leaving a comment on your take on the ideas shared. Do you want to take the discussion to another level by looking at other angles? Please do. Hope you enjoy My Ultimate Guides Golden Collection.

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