Mastering Internet Business – Everything You Need To Know To Succeed Online


Brief Overview

Mastering internet business is the aspiration of every man, woman and child the world over. Mastering internet business (used interchangeably with online business) is now a must for anyone seeking a decent living.

In this brief explanatory note, I provide a process overview and a checklist of the things you need to do to succeed online. I teach the ideas highlighted here to students in my Internet Business Mastery Course.

The Stages of Internet Business Mastery

Internet Business Mastery, as Scot Cunningham says, has three stages: Crawl, Walk and Run. According to him, at the Crawl stage you are making less than $10K, while at the Walk and Run Stages you are making $100K and above $1m per year.

Newbies and Advanced Beginners

A Newbie is a candidate who is new to online business and the internet ecosystem. An Advanced Beginner is someone with above average understanding of how software, hardware, social media, and search engines work. However, just as a Newbie, he or she is yet to make $10,000 Monthly Recurring Revenue.

Typically, an Advanced Beginner is a versatile professional, business person, entrepreneur, or trainer who is doing very well financially offline.

You can get information on the 10 plus 1 things you need to do to jump-start your online business journey by clicking this link.

Internet Business Foundation Course

Internet Business Mastery Course is a combo and incorporates iBFC. It is designed to lay a solid foundation for success for you as a Newbie or Beginner. It guides you on your journey as you progress to an Advanced Beginner. In the process, you learn how to create a sustainable online business.

What is covered?

It covers the most useful ideas every Beginner needs to know, including terminologies, definitions, and Frequently Asked Questions. The Course is mandatory for every Newbie and Advanced Beginner joining Internet Business Mastery Course.

How it is designed

iBFC is designed to be highly experiential and immersive. All the lessons come in video format while supporting materials come in addition to Video, Audio, PDF, and text formats. Video transcripts, workbooks, worksheets and hands on assignments are provided throughout the self-paced course to deepen understanding.


  1. Learn online business basics or foundational principles how to build a sustainable online business.
  2. Create the confidence you need to succeed as online business entrepreneur.
  3. Reprogram your mind to develop a “helping” mindset.


  1. Understand how “internet business” or “online business” really works.
  2. Position you as the “go-to-person” in your niche of online business.
  3. Harness the internet business ecosystem to create value and wealth.

Contents of iBFC

  • What you need to know about online business
  • Developing online business mindset
  • The difference between online strategies and tactics
  • The different ways of making money online
  • How “The Millions” are made online
  • Some important terms & concepts you need to know
  • The Internet Business Success Formula

Internet Business Mastery Course (iBMC)

Internet Business Mastery Course is a program that shows you how to build a sustainable online business from the scratch. Its objective is to help you create a living, and stop worrying about paid employment even if you’re a Beginner. iBMC runs as a combo with iBFC.


  • Learn the overarching principle that determines online business success.
  • Understand the four building blocks of online business.
  • Create a profile that moves you from a virtual unknown to an online rock star.
  • Master the four core models and the six core strategies for online success.
  • Build online assets such as Home base, Embassies, Outposts, and Listening posts.
  • Master the right marketing techniques and tools.
  • Create your first Minimum Viable Product (MVP).
  • Discover profitable macro and micro niches within an industry.
  • Leverage technology to scale with a caveat that technology is an enabler.
  • Create experiences that ensure your customers turn to raving fans.

Expected Outcomes

  • Launch your first successful entry-level product before you even complete the course
  • Have a functioning dynamic website that converts visitors to clients.
  • Build a mailing list consisting of a minimum of 10,000 subscribers.
  • See 100% increases in your social media profile recognition.
  • Make your first N1million online within 6 months.


  • Making sense of online business and the internet ecosystem
  • Developing credibility and gravitas
  • Building relationships and cultivating your 10,000 true fans
  • Building and nurturing your mailing list
  • Creating and developing your products
  • Marketing and sales and monetizing your effort
  • Moving online and evolving strategies to win long term

The 7-Step Internet Business Success Model

I use the Model (also called the 7-Step Internet Business Success Formula) in teaching my students how to succeed online. It comprises of the following:

  • Learn and retain everything using a “Second Brain”
  • Becoming an Attractive Character
  • Generosity the key to Building Relationships
  • Audience Interest
  • Products & Services That WOW
  • Marketing And Irresistible Offers Make Selling redundant
  • Moving Online

Watch a short video on the 7-Step Internet Business Success Model by clicking here.

The Two Primary Enablers

  •  “YOU” And Your Mindset
  • The Technology Factor

Special Design Features and Benefits

iBMC uses as I have highlighted the 7-Step Internet Business Success Model to make the course come alive. Students are admitted into a private Facebook and WhatsApp Groups with lots of interactions. Questions, challenges and issues are resolved right in the Groups. See the Model below.

Every student is given an Accountability Partner for mutual support and encouragement. A comprehensive Activity Schedule and Self-Assessment Sheet are provided to guide the students thus providing a sense of direction.

In addition, every two weeks there is Progress Review Meeting to compare notes and set the tone for the following week. Finally, a formal Graduation and Send-forth Celebration are organized to bid the students farewell. The entire design is intentional and aims at motivating the students as they journey to success as online business entrepreneurs.   

Even after Graduating, ex-students, called iBMCers, remain iBMC Alumni members for life.  Our mantra is to develop a life-long learning mindset. Accordingly, we have developed an array of Programs in our Experience Annex to help our students gain online mastery. See below:


Paul Uduk is Nigeria’s #1 personal coach, author and trainer. A trainer of trainers, and the author of seven books, Paul has over 360,000 training man-hours under his belt. After a successful banking career, Paul has set his sights on mastering the online business and considers creating one million authors and one million online entrepreneurs all over Africa as his life’s mission. Paul recently partnered with Graphy and Vonza to make their all-in-one course hosting platforms widely accessible to Nigerians and others all over the world.

iBMC Process Overview Checklist

  1. Learning

Preliminary Lessons (iBFC)

Core Lessons (iBMC)

Subsidiary Materials

  • Welcome And Orientation Webinars
  • Welcome Notes
  • Video Lessons: Internet Business Success Formula
  • Progress Review Meetings (over 22) on YouTube

Webinars by Online Business Coaches and Trainers

  • Paul Uduk
  • Amy Porterfield
  • Gillian Perkins
  • Michelle Schroeder-Gardner
  • Brendon Burchard
  • Ali Abdaal

E-Books to read

  • Vonza Guide On Online Business by Vonza
  • The Paul Uduk Case Study by Paul Uduk
  • How to Create and Sell an Online Course by Mani Baidhurya
  • 30 Successful Business Ideas by Ramit Sethi


  • Catapult by Uyi Abraham
  • Launch by Jeff Walker
  • Make Market Launch It by Pam Hendrickson and Mike Koenigs
  • E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber
  • The Millionaire Messenger by Brendon Burchard
  • Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson
  • Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson
  • Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson
  • Unlock The Secrets by Russell Brunson
  • 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss

2. Developing visibility

  • Update your portrait on all your social media platforms
  • Update your profile on all your social media platforms
  • Complete ALL the fields provided by the social media platforms
  • Write articles for local newspapers, magazines etc.
  • Write articles for online articles online newsletters and platforms like Substack, EzineArticles, etc.
  • Be active on social media platforms (3 minimum) and post interesting ideas daily
  • Join a minimum of 3 groups of interest on FB and be active by contributing to discussions
  • Participate and speak in online and offline conferences, summits, workshops, webinars and seminars
  • Write a book in an area you are an expert in and are passionate about (max 120 pages)
  • Write an eBook on a topic you are familiar with (max 45 pages typed double spacing)
  • Develop your Intellectual Property such as eBooks, books, courses, ultimate guides, newsletter and white papers.
  • Join Toastmasters International and learn to speak professionally
  • Create a blog or a website (enlist the services of a reliable webmaster if you’re not tech savvy)

3. Build relationships one person at a time

  • Pick your phone and call your ex-schoolmates, ex-classmates, colleagues and ex-colleagues, associates, etc.
  • Reach out to strangers off and online (they are friends you have not yet met)
  • Touch base with friends through Messenger, WhatsApp and all available channels
  • Network effectively, off and online
  • Attend offline social and non-social events
  • Learn the principle of Six-Degrees of Separation
  • Create a good “Lead Magnet” (articles, Guides, eBooks, etc.) that you can give out to friends and strangers, etc.
  • Be generous with your time and everything else
  • Do free and paid webinars, seminars, workshops and courses regularly
  • Give out some of your valuable items such as books and, E-books for free

4. Build a mailing list

  • Use a “lead magnet” to collect email addresses
  • Build a mailing list using Excel first (the target is 10,000 subscribers)
  • Open an affordable mailing system to customize mails to your subscribers
  • Join Facebook groups and make friends by being helpful and generous
  • Attend and organize conferences, clubs, summits, and network: always be helpful
  • Keep building and nurturing your list again by being helpful and generous

5. Create a product

  • Survey your subscribers to find out what they want.
  • Create your Entry-Level product with Text, PowerPoint or Video
  • Create a “Trip Wire” to test the market/validate your survey findings.
  • Sell your Entry-Level product to 10 paying clients to further validate your product
  • Use camera or screen capture software like Camtasia or Screenflow to create your courses for higher monetization value
  • Stick with one product for as long as necessary
  • Continue to refine your offer until it’s the best in its class
  • Graduate your students to intermediate products and keep adding value
  • Create a value ladder to give your subscribers more choices as you gain experience

6. Marketing And Selling

  • Educate your subscribers on your subject area why they need a change of perspective
  • Carry out online webinars regularly to educate your subscribers
  • Market and sell you product manually through WhatsApp and Facebook
  • Jointly market and sell your product with a group or association you belong to
  • Create a “Landing Page” and a simple “Funnel” for your product to automate the process
  • Write short captivating scripts and sales letter to educate and market your course
  • Do a mailing sequence of 3 – 7 days to educate your target audience and sell your product
  • Use VSL (Video Sales Letters) to market and sell your products
  • Employ social media (FB, IG, TW, LN, PR, YT)effectively to market and sell your products
  • Upsell and downsell your customers as necessary
  • Use your platform(s) and social media to market and sell
  • Harness third platforms in your marketing toolkit

7. Harness Technology to Scale

  • Migrate your products and services fully online and focus on scaling to reach more subscribers
  • Build effective sales funnels for each of your products
  • Optimize your blog or website and everything you produce for SEO 
  • Employ the concept of “Circular Viralocity” to have effective social media presence
  • Automate your marketing and sales efforts to the point where most of what you do operate on autopilot
  • Embrace all the tools that enable you create a second brain and enhance your productivity: Canva, Designrr, Todoist, Evernote, Notion, Readwise, Instapaper, Airr, Roam, and many others.

8. “You” and your mindset

  • You are the driver of your business and you hold the key to your success
  • Develop focus
  • Have passion for success
  • Develop a positive mindset
  • Embrace new production tools and technologies
  • Be overly generous to your customers on all stages of their journey.
  • Create products and sales funnels, shoot and edit videos, master video sales letters (VSL), write scripts and sales copy, etc.
  • Learn social media marketing, content marketing, basics of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SEM (Search Engine Marketing), and how Google, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn and other search and social media algorithms work.
  • Master all that are required for success in all aspects of your business
  • Know that Learning is never ending so continue until you win.

I’m Paul, I Help Beginners get started, build businesses and assets online

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Learn how to write a book and earn passive income for life at Book Writing Clinic

Learn how to make money online as a Creator at Internet Business Mastery Course

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If you want my Ultimate Guides (10 in all) on various subjects you’ll love email me at with Ultimate Guides as the subject and I will email them to you.

My Motto >>>There is no defense against excellence


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