
Let’s write a book together – join the Book Monetization Challenge. This Challenge would not have come at a better time than now when the economy is gradually heading towards a downturn.

Everyone needs a good source of passive income and there is no better source than a book.

Do you know you can generate income and smile daily to the bank if you have a book?

Do you know writing a book is not that easy?

Do you also know that you can make money even if you’ve not written a single word as an author – if you knew what to do?

Do you know that you can even use your book or a chapter of your book as a Lead Magnet?

Many people blame lack of time for their inability to write their book or even get started.

What about if you could dedicate 2 hours per day for 5 days to start monetizing your book even when your book is not done and dusted?

Join the Book Monetization Challenge during which you get:

1. Your Done With You Book Outline.

2. Keywords to make people fine your book online easily and buy.

3. 5 Book marketing platforms to start selling your “Book” right away

4. Your Amazon Author Central Account to be recognized by Amazon.

5. Your Amazon KDP Account to start selling your eBook before it’s even ready (and Amazon will promote it for you).

6. Upload your Book Cover to Amazon KDP USA, UK, France, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, and Germany, to whip up interest in your book before it’s even ready.

7. Design your book cover on Canva and save the N35,000 you would have paid to a designer.

8. Pre-market and get endorsements for your book using Other People’s Platforms (OPP).

9. Get an affordable Ghost Writer to write your book if you can’t or won’t write by yourself.

10. Launch, Market, Sell and start making money from your “Book” using “Coming Soon” strategy.

11. Get endorsements from industry titans and make money from your “Book” using the “BOOK MARKETING TRIFECTA” strategy.

12. Make money while giving away your “Book” for free using  “FREE, PAY FOR SHIPMENT ONLY” Strategy.

13. Create a 1-Page evergreen Sales Page and start selling your book before it’s even ready.

14. Use Social Media (WA, TT, FB, IN) to generate BUZZ for your book and become a celebrity.

15. Get invited to Radio, TV, Conferences, and Platforms you don’t even know exist, to speak and promote your book and get it noticed.

16. UNANNOUNCED BONUSES + The Top 3 participants will get my How Experts Build Empire Course for free (N120,000 Value).


Note this is not a Course, Workshop or a Webinar, but a CHALLENGE, where I force you to do in 5 days what most people (including you and me) would not do in one year.


The mistake ALL or most people make is to wait until their book is 100% ready before they start monetizing their effort. CAPITAL NO. Sadly, I made the same mistake with my first 7 books because I didn’t know what I know now. Now you also know.


Your book is your IP (Intellectual Property) anchor and your most powerful source of passive income that can bring you money day and night if only you knew what to do to allow it make you money nonstop.



You guess right. I’m sick and tired of seeing friends waste years not being able to monetize their effort even when their manuscript is 70% ready. Yes, you can start monetizing your effort even when you’ve not written a single word. All you need is an idea and what I will challenge you to do in this Challenge.



If you really want to start generating serious income even when you’ve not written a single word, all you need to do right now is to join the BOOK MONETIZATION CHALLENGE and pay on or before June 30th at 6pm. To join, send an email to paul@pauluduk.com with BOOK MONETIZATION CHALLENGE as the subject and a single word “YES” as your message and you’re in.

The fee is N5,000 as against the N50,000 value of the Challenge. Once I receive your email, I’ll send you the account details to pay. The key is joining. 

You can pay anytime subject to payment before 6pm on or before June 30th.

There is a caveat though. I’m admitting only 50 candidates. So, admission is strictly on first-come-first-served basis.

Participants from outside Nigeria pay $20.

If you send your money after 6pm on June 30, 2022, I will return your money to you.

Remember, I don’t need your N5K or $20, all I need is you having a skin in the game.



Do not register for this Book Monetization Challenge if you are not ready to dedicate 2 hours per day for 5 days to do all the assignments. This is a Challenge, not a Course; less talk, more action. Unlike my Courses where there is money back guarantee, there is NO money back guarantee in this Challenge. Your money is gone once you pay and find excuses not to participate.


Send YES to paul@pauluduk.com with BOOK MONETIZATION CHALLENGE as the subject.


Talk to you soon


Paul “Online Biz” Uduk

I Help Beginners Build Businesses and Assets Online

My Motto >>>There is no defense against excellence

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