
Have you thought about 2023 and how your life will change going forward?

2023 is exactly 38 days away and as the Scout Motto says, “Be Prepared”.

Perhaps you have the philosophy that when you reach the bridge you’ll cross. I surveyed a group of highly educated friends how 2023 will impact them and the consensus is that it will be a tough year.  

They cited the war in Ukraine, global food shortages, Nigeria’s general election, runaway inflation, high cost of living, and so on.

As you can see, none of these factors are within your control. The only thing within your control is your mind and you can embark on personal transformation to remain evergreen.

After I left my banking job in 2010 I embarked on a total personal transformation and I’ve never looked back.

In 2019 I started teaching a group of friends how to transform themselves, pivot online, build assets and personal brands to scale their financial reach. I called the event Let’s Crush It.

Thanks to C-19 and the lock down, in 2020 I personally pivoted online and it has paid off financially and in other dimensions even though I’ve barely scratched the surface.

So, Let’s Crush It is the yearly tonic you need to thrive off and online. It takes place once a year and if you miss it you have to wait one full year to experience what it has to offer.

Let’s Crush It 2019 had a record number of attendees from Lagos, Abuja, Kano and Port Harcourt. That of 2020, 2021, and 2022 were low key Zoom events as we counted our blessings and thanked the Almighty for seeing us through the pandemic.

This year’s will be electric, bolder and more focused and will produce online personal brands by the end of the year so don’t miss it.

Before I taught what I read in books, at Let’s Crush It 2023 I’ll be sharing the strategies that the global elites use to conquer the internet.

That’s not all, you’ll learn first-hand how I modeled those elites and started netting eight figures yearly through my digital marketing activities. These strategies continue to boost my global reach.

I’ll share how I became Graphy super affiliate and how Forento also signed me up. Graphy is one of the largest Learning Management Systems in the world out of India and Forento is a start-up based in Sweden.

Graphy logo

While Let’s Crush It 2023 is for members of my BWC and iBMC inner circle, I’ve reserved a few spots for non BWC and iBMC members.

During the FREE event, which combines deep learning, networking, and strategy setting, you’ll learn how to position yourself as personal brand.

You’ll also learn how to create assets such as digital Courses,  Podcast, YouTube channel,  Facebook groups, Books, Website and Communities online.

On top of that, I’ll show you how to identify your ideal “DOT” or Customer Avatar, that will end up being your true fans. Your true fans will snap up everything you produce and even pay and retain you as a coach for years.

I’ll show you also how I built a Facebook group of almost 5,000 members from scratch within 2 years and that is recently adding 50 members daily.

Let’s Crush It 2019

That does not mean I’ve arrived because making $10,000 monthly recurring revenue online is not a walk through the park. And making $100,000 and then escalating to $1million is as hard as a rock.

Yet, others, young, old and middle age are crushing it out there; why not me and you? How do they do it?

It’s easy. It starts with figuring out how they do it: by networking, rubbing shoulders and learning from those that have made it. That’s why I learn daily. Join me and learn.

So don’t miss Let’s Crush It 2023.

During the event we’ll honour Agnes Singbo who won the OCCCNA MEGA CHALLENGE 2022 with more than N3.5m worth of prizes.

Mark your calendar. I am inviting you to Let’s Crush It 2023. Date is 17th December, 2022. Time is 11am. Duration is 11am to 3pm. Venue is LCCI, Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos (by Japaul). 

Please confirm your attendance so we reserve a seat for you.

Let’s Crush It 2023 is 100% FREE. So once again, confirm if you wish to attend as gate crashers will not be welcome.

Confirmation is simple. Just send “YES, COUNT ME IN” via WhatsApp to 08152627510, with your name of course supplied, and you’re in.

Let’s Crush It 2023.


Paul Uduk

Creator BWC, iBMC and iSchool

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