
Let’s Crush 2022 is almost here. It’s Saturday 8th January, at 9.30am. You can log in from anywhere in the world.

Here is the Zoom link to join the webinar. You can equally copy the link (below) and paste directly in your browser if the first one doesn’t work.

https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89603811817?pwd=ZzNsdGt4NXV1Y0liM3czb0I0eUNnZz09.  The Meeting ID is 89603811817 and the Passcode is 164965.

To prepare let me give you a leg up.

First, remember, Let’s Crush 2022 is for Online Course Creators, especially Newbies and Advanced Beginners, struggling to wrap their heads around what Online Business is all about or maximize their impact or are trying to build their audience base above the proverbial 10,000 mark and push through $10,000 in MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue).

During the one hour, thirty minutes session, I will show you all you need to do to Crush 2022 and emerge victorious.

We will use the 7-Step Internet Business Success FormulaTM; the exact Framework I use to teach iBMC Students.

The Framework has “YOU” in the centre and has Technology, which serves as an enabler, enveloping it.

“YOU” are the driver of the entire process: You have to cleanse yourself of “Imposter’s Syndrome”, attune your perspective to think Long Term and think in terms of continuous Value Addition to your subscribers and students, and finally embrace the Flywheel Effect concept.

As for Technology, you have to understand the basics of Mailing Systems, Webinar Platforms, Course Hosting Platforms, and how to make Social Media algorithms and Platforms work for you.

The framework itself is very straight forward and covers:

a) Mindset: Change your thinking, change your life.

b) Online Visibility: Don’t die in obscurity.

c) Relationship Building: Relationship is the key to success online and offline.

d) Audience Building: Your list is one of your most prized assets.

e) Product Creation: Your products and services will make you rich.

f) Online Marketing & Sales: Unless you master these skills you’re dead in the water

g) Web Presence and Automation: To scale and make it big, you must have effective web presence and automate everything you do to work on autopilot.

Winning online requires continuous learning to master the key ideas highlighted in the 7-Step Framework.

As you’re starting out, “Web Presence and Automation” are not prerequisites for success, all you need as a Beginner is to master or understand the basic tools, techniques, processes, procedures, and systems  and how they all come together to create massive wealth online.

Get it clear, despite the razzmatazz, making it big online is not a walk through the park but it starts with mastering the basics.

 Unless you master the Basics you’ll be spinning your wheels as the Americans say: all motion, no movement.

Are you excited and ready to Crush 2022?

Then let’s move.

Saturday. 8th January. 9.30am.

Here is the Zoom link to join the webinar. The Meeting ID is 89603811817 and the Passcode is 164965.

The alternative link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89603811817?pwd=ZzNsdGt4NXV1Y0liM3czb0I0eUNnZz09.

As with everything technology, you may experience hitches while trying to log in so see if you can Link Up at least 15 minutes to the time to avoid last minute rush.

Best regards.

Paul Uduk

PS: It doesn’t matter whether you have PhD, MBA, MBBS, BL, LLB, MSc. BSc, HND, ACCA, or you have been working for 20 years as an IT Expert, if you’ve not achieved $10,000 MRR, you’re a Beginner and you need to learn how the Crush It Online.

PSS: Here is the Zoom link to join the webinar. Meeting ID: 89603811817, Passcode: 164965.

The alternative link is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89603811817?pwd=ZzNsdGt4NXV1Y0liM3czb0I0eUNnZz09.

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