Let Me Help You Punch Mediocrity Out Of You


You heard me right, let me help you punch mediocrity out of you. Make it a priority to be mediocrity free.

Mediocrity is a disease. It makes you believe you know more than you really do. It makes you proud. It gives you inflated ego.

When you’re mediocre, you only think in terms of your position, not the impact you’re creating. Minus your position, you’re empty, naked, and inconsequential. Don’t allow the mediocrity disease afflict you.

To inoculate yourself against mediocrity, humble yourself and adopt the mind of a student – the learner. Yes, engage in perpetual learning. If you do, you’ll remain evergreen.

Thirteen years ago, I embarked on a mission to punch mediocrity out of Nigerian organizations – public and private sectors. It actually began two years earlier when I wrote Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, appropriately dubbed The Customer Service Bible.  Bridges was quickly followed by The Gods of Quality Strike Back.

In both books I warned mediocre organizations that they would die and quickly be forgotten. Starcomms refused to listen and quickly died. RIP Starcomms. One BIG bank I called by name and warned is on its death bed.

A little over three years ago (October 20, 2020) I extended my crusade to punch out mediocrity from organizations to individuals by launching OCCCNA (Online Course Creator Community For Newbies And Advanced Beginners).

I created OCCCNA to be a huge classroom where anybody could go and learn everything digital – digital marketing, email marketing, content marketing, affiliate marketing, podcasting, YouTubbing, drop shipping,  Google Adsense and do on – as the world moves without stopping to digital.

I dedicated the community to helping newbies in particular to succeed at scale. As I mentioned above, the focus has been on digital skills. The aim is to punch mediocrity out of you and take your game to the next level because nothing dramatic happens in your life unless something new comes into you or something old goes out of you.

The community has exceeded the 15,300-member mark. The aim is to hit 50,000 by the end of 2025 and 100,000 by the year 2027.

If you want to punch mediocrity out of your organization, don’t wait, jump unto Vision Knowledge Base. Gratis.

If you want to work on yourself and become mediocrity free, pick a pen and start writing a book or jump unto ibmcer and get started. Also gratis.

The disease of mediocrity is no respecter of age, gender, profession, stage in life, financial status, religious and political affiliation. You won’t even know you have it until you embark on finding out your mediocrity index.

Best of luck as you join the anti-mediocrity train. Signup here let’s talk if you need guidance.

Paul Uduk

Anti-Mediocrity Advocate

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