
Today we continue with our lesson on Learning.

If you have not read Part One, Part Two, and Part Three, do so before you read this to gain clarity.

Learning is the key to success online.

Learn to create your first product but don’t do it for the money.

Do it for posterity.

Do it for legacy.

Do it so your granddaughter or grandson will show off in school and say my grandma or grandpa created that.

Gurus have created this notion that once you start doing business online, money, yes big money, will come tumbling unto your laps.

While that’s true in the long run, in the short run it’s ton of hard work.


Work should be your daily mantra in the beginning.

If you do it well, the money will come.

So, what exactly should you be working on?

First or simultaneously work on building your list and creating your first product.

Your product should be in various formats with videos leading the way.

Get more details here by reading my E-Product Development Blueprint for Beginners

Start shooting your videos because the coco as they say is in the videos.

Come out of your shell and do videos.

Go out daily and fool yourself in front of the camera and let the people laugh at you until one day they will stop laughing.

Put your hand in your pocket and buy Camtasia and start recording your lessons.

Don’t wait until you’re perfect.

Perfection comes from doing.

As Zig Ziglar used to admonish, you don’t have to be great to start, you have to start to be great.

Get a coach and register in a good course (like iBMC).

Your coach will help you believe in yourself.

Stop wishing, stop planning, stop thinking.

Just go out and do it.

Execute. Implement. Do. 

Don’t do it for the money, just get on with it, if you do it well, the money will come.

Until the next episode; stay blessed and never tire Learning.

If you’re interested in my FREE Ultimate Guide on Setting Goals click here to download .

Read and share with friends with no strings attached. All I ask of you is to give me feedback whether you agree or disagree with what the Guide has to say.

If you want to receive my 11 remaining Ultimate Guides I’ll email each to you automatically once I have your email address.

This is the link to download my Ultimate Guide on Setting Goals.

Best regards

Paul Uduk

Author, the yet to be New York Times best-selling book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart

Creator, iBMC and BWC

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