Learn Digital Marketing The Right Way in 2023


These are hard times especially in Naija so learn digital marketing the right way in 2023 to succeed at scale.

Those grounded in digital marketing know that it’s not about having thousands of followers on YouTube or Facebook.

Digital marketing is not about having a beautiful website or having funny TikTok videos. It’s not even about knowing how to make money on Fiverr as a freelancer or being an expert in drop-shipping.

Having a website, being conversant with social media, and knowing how to operate as a freelancer all matter. However, succeeding at scale requires you knowing how the entire online ecosystem operates to unlock value for your target customers.

There are many ways of making money online. However, this piece is for anyone interested in unlocking value through online education through digital marketing. Specifically, it’s for “Newbies” (Beginners) and Advanced Beginners in the online education space.

The online education market is currently over $1billion per day industry in the US. It is expected to grow to about USD521billion by 2027; about $1.4billion per day.  

The truth about the industry is that you don’t have to have a PhD, MSc., or an MBA to join. While higher degrees may give you an advantage it could also be a disadvantage. Indeed a first degree or an ordinary diploma is good enough as there are uncountable sub-niches to operate in.

To make money online, as in any other business, you must first create and give value to the right customers. In effect, you must be customer-centric. Don’t just assume you know what your target customer wants, go out and ask. Ninety nine percent of the time what the customer wants is poles apart from what s/he needs.

Your experience will enable you to separate wants from needs. Wants are insatiable but needs help the customer solve an identified problem. As a “Newbie”, you must acquire skills on how to handle this wants-needs dilemma through learning.

To start with, you have to develop a can-do spirit, confidence and resilience. It starts with the knowledge or understanding that success online is not a sprint. As I have said, it all starts with learning.

So, to learn digital marketing the right way, let me repeat; start with a clear understanding of your customer. What are her dreams and aspirations, regrets and pain points? And what solutions do you have to bring about a transformation? Is your solution such that she can exclaim, this is what I always wanted. If you can transform the lives of just 100 customers you can become insanely rich because you can scale.

As an operator in the education space, you have to learn the basics how to create insanely valuable products. On top of that, you have to learn how to be visible on and offline and build relationships with the right audience. You also need to learn how to generate leads, market and sell digital products, and finally, how to scale, and become successful and financially independent.

Most dabblers into digital marketing focus first on monetization. You hear “experts” say “pay me N5,000 let me show you how to make N500,000 on Amazon or Amazon KDP.”  Some “experts” claim you can make millions on YouTube just by uploading videos and getting 100 subscribers.

To make “good” money through digital marketing requires sustained effort. It requires going all-out, burning your boat and never looking back. It demands pushing yourself to the limit and doing all it takes ethically to succeed. And as I said, you must give massive value.

Many beginners miss the above aspects because they are wrongly conditioned by the “experts.” Sadly, the majority of the beginners are greedy or foolish because you can’t reap when you have not sown. If you want to succeed on a sustainable basis, listen to the right experts.

There are many learning models a beginner or “Newbie” can choose from. The model I use for my students is The 7-step Internet Business Success Formula and it comprises:

  1. Learning
  2. Visibility
  3. Relationships
  4. Email list
  5. Creating
  6. Marketing & Selling
  7. Scaling

Step 7 is where the magic happens. It’s from the 7th Step that you begin to scale and transition from a “Crawler” to a “Walker” and to a “Runner.” Skipping any of the steps is a recipe for failure. So be patient, be consistent, and be persistent.

Not included in the “Model” or “Formula” are two critical elements: You and Technology.

When starting out, YOU are the brand customers want to associate with, so you better put your best foot forward. YOU must be the type of “expert” Russell Brunson refers to as “an attractive character.” In short, you must be trustworthy and able to under promise and over deliver.

As for TECHNOLOGY, many “experts” wrongly assume digital marketing is about technology. It’s not. Digital marketing and digital education is about solving a customer’s problems and transforming his or her life. TECHNOLOGY is an enabler.

Technology comes in the form of tools and systems. Amongst them are CRMs, CMSs, apps, HTML codes, SaaS, payment gateways, password verification and so on. Technology is found everywhere in the value chain. So, to succeed you must embrace TECHNOLOGY but don’t be enslaved by it. As a “Newbie” choose simple and affordable tools and systems.

By the way, how do you define a “Newbie”? A “Newbie” is a digital creator who is yet to amass 10,000 subscribers and make $10,000 monthly recurring revenue (MRR). As a “Newbie” you must set sights on amassing 10,000 subscribers and achieving $10,000 MRR if you wish to overcome gravity.

However, before you amass 10,000 subscribers and hit $10,000 MRR and begin to scale, you must first understand the BASICS. Otherwise your success will be short-lived and unsustainable. You’ll be here today and gone tomorrow. So, take a long-term view. Don’t  jump to the esoteric when you have not yet mastered the BASIC.

To succeed at scale, you must be methodical and strategic. Archimedes quipped, “Give me a place to stand and a fulcrum long enough and I will move the whole world.” But be warned, before you move the whole world, try and move the small corner of the patch you find yourself.

In summary, to learn digital marketing the right way in 2023, don’t chase money, chase value creation.  If you do that, money will run after you. Learn everything you need to know like lead generation, course creation, and social media. Add to the above, email and search marketing, creating sales funnels, creating sales letters and marketing automation. All these sound easy in theory but very hard in practice. If I may repeat, learning and reaching mastery requires dedication.

If you’re dedicated, persistent, consistent, flexible, curious and generous you’ll succeed at scale. I promise. By the way, not in 300 days, but based in the number of days you dedicate to learning – the right way.

If you are interested in joining my cohort-based digital marketing class, sign up here. If you are interested in the self-paced online class let’s speak by booking a call here.


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