Beware, the Gods of Quality are no respecter of persons or institutions. They will strike back without mercy at any institution that desecrates the hallowed chambers of Quality with impunity once their patience runs dry. In this entertaining thriller of a book, supported with facts, figures, and statistics, the man who brought us the highly acclaimed Bridges to the Customer’s Heart digs deep into recent history and reveals why one of the world’s most iconic banks, founded in 1917, a scion of the prestigious Barclays Bank of England became a victim of the gods’ wrath.
In The Gods of Quality Strike Back, you will feel the excitement of the author’s efforts, the agony of being stopped in his tracks as he sought to alert the management of the Big Three of his research findings, and finally the drama of The Gods’ devastating strike. In the end, you come away ready to take your game, be it personal, institutional, or business to the next level knowing the Gods are watching.
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