Invite To Join Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community (Membership Site)


Coach Paul Alumni Members celebrate with portraits after course.

Here’s Your Invite

In celebration of the 2nd Year Anniversary of Internet Business Mastery Course (iBMC), and the 7th Year Anniversary of Book Writing Clinic (BWC), I’m inviting you to join Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community (Membership Site).

Why You Need Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community

If you’ve always wanted to be coached, mentored, held by hand and showed step-by-step how to write books, build businesses and assets online, connect with business titans, operate as a ghost writer, build experts empire, make money as a coach and consultant, operate as a content marketing writer, this is your chance. I’m admitting 100 pioneer candidates all over the world to my Digital Ninjas Community (Membership Site). Within a year of joining Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community, you’ll become a certified digital ninja.

Why Coach Paul?

In the past 40 years I have trained over 10,000 professionals in the financial services industry and others, and in the past 2 trained, mentored and coached hundreds on how to build businesses online. I have equally trained hundreds on how to write books, amassing in the process over 360,000 training man-hours. I’ve written 7 books and networked with the most successful biz titans to gain wisdom. Not only that, I have equally subjected myself to training with successful online influencers on how to build online assets resulting, for instance, in Online Course Creators Community For Newbies And Advanced Beginners with 2600 members from all over the world on Facebook.

What You’ll Get

I’m giving away all my Courses for, you guess right, FREE, with a Total value in excess of $1,000. Here are the actual fees I charge for some of my courses:

  • Internet Business Foundation Course –  $97
  • Internet Business Mastery Course –  $159
  • Book Writing Clinic – $99
  • How Experts Build Empire – $249
  • Content Marketing –  $197
  • iSchool – $259

But success online goes beyond courses. You have to understand how search engine and social media algorithms work. So, a lot is involved.

In addition, you have to understand how to set up dynamic and subscriber-converting Websites and Blogs. You have to create a suite of Intellectual Properties and learn how to operate in at least 6 dimensions as author, trainer, speaker, coach, consultant, workshops expert, and information marketer.

You also need to know how to operate as an influencer and how to harness the power of social media and the search engines to explode your reach through search engine optimization and search engine marketing.

Other than the Courses, membership of the Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community will expose you to my:

  • Influencer Blueprint
  • Facebook Blueprint
  • YouTube Blueprint
  • Coaching and Mentoring Blueprint
  • Consulting Blueprint
  • Networking with biz moguls blueprint
  • Ghost writer blueprint

On top of all the above, you’ll also get free access to my SWIPE files, which I have accumulated over the past 10 years, and lots more.

Needless to say all these will enable you create your personal ATM (not Automatic Teller Machine, but Audience, Traffic and Monetization) strategies. All you need is just one effective blueprint to start with. I’ll show you one-on-one all the secrets I used to build my various Blueprints, which I learnt in bits and pieces over many years. The lucky candidates will get all these secret strategies on a platter of GOLD.

A short Background story and what you need to know

When I first invited my friend, Jude (iBMC-6 Alumni Member), to join Internet Business Mastery Course, he refused point blank. He insisted on seeing my bank statement to confirm I was actually making millions, else he won’t sign up. You know what, I simply laughed. It took me over two years to convince him before he signed up for iBMC. Now he’s an apostle, asking me Paul, where did you learn all these stuff? Once again, I laughed it off. Guess what? Now, he’s in the verge of launching his mega Aviation Blog and I’m even green in envy, asking him, Jude, how did you do it?

Get 10 plus 1 things to jump-start your online business empire.

What is internet business all about?

Internet business mastery is not about your current bank balances. It’s about seeing what others don’t. Remember, when queried why he was leaving his lucrative appointment to start Amazon, Jeff Bezos told the doubting Thomas’s, I see what others don’t. It’s not about age. It’s not about how many degrees you have. It’s not about having the right connections. It’s about knowing how to monetize ideas in the age of the internet. It’s about understanding how SM and YouTube algorithms work to create your personal ATM.

Read my earlier blog post on what internet business mastery is about by clicking this link.

In the analog age you needed tons of money to create value. In today’s digital age, all you need is a mentor, a mobile phone, a laptop and tons of passion. You also need internet strategy and tactics. If you want to move from a paper tiger to digital Ninja, join COACH PAUL DIGITAL NINJAS COMMUNITY. Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community will show you what others can’t see. Are you ready to change the narrative in your favour? You’re invited to join.

Available spots

Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community is a members’ only community. I’m admitting only 100 candidates from all over the world. Only the first 100 will get in. If you’re interested, this is your chance. Apply right away. The closing date is July 19, 2022. The bad news: only 69 spots are available as 31 have already been taken. The good news: don’t wait till the last day, apply today as I’ve created a Wait List, and the chances of you getting admitted are high.

What is the fee?

I’m glad you asked. The truth is, what I’m giving you is priceless. A price tag of $150 monthly would be justifiable. But you won’t pay even $100 per year. Not even $50.  You’ll only pay between $20 and $39 (and between N10,000 and N20,000 if you live in Nigeria. Here is how it works. I’m auctioning the slots to the highest bidders. Once the 100 spots are gone (preference is given to the highest bidders), membership will close, subject to the closing date of 19th July. Simply state the fee you wish to pay within the range.

Your membership is for one year, renewable yearly for 10% of your initial membership fee. Others will pay 10 times what the pioneers pay. The fee is rock bottom simply to say thank you for the confidence you repose in me as you take a leap of faith.

How to pay

First, you membership has to be pre-approved before you can pay. To apply for membership of the Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community (Membership Site) send email to, with Coach Paul Digital Ninjas Community as the subject and I will email you a Form to complete. If you’re admitted, you’ll be given a bank account details either in the US or Nigeria to pay.

My mantra is, do what works. If I can do it, so can you.

Read let’s writ a book together, join the book monetization challenge.

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