How Would Your Life Change If You Could 10X Your Income?


A stack of $100 bills

IMAGINE earning 10X your current income. So, my question is, how would your life change if you could 10x your income? You’d cart home N10m monthly if you’re on N1m; N1m if you’re on N100K and N500K if you’re on N50K. How would your life change? Perhaps for the better. Right?

Here are a few things you can do with more money. You’d be able to go on holidays to exotic tourist havens like Dubai, Dublin, Kuala Lumpur and Rio de Janeiro with your boyfriend, wife and parents. You would also be able to pay bigger tithes and eat out now and then with cherished friends.

Yes, you’d be able to buy good birthday presents for your loved ones – spouse, kids, grandkids, and in-laws. And not to forget, you’d be able to attend your old boys or old girls association annual home coming events. And finally, you’d be able to engage in philanthropic gestures as a sign of gratitude for all the blessings from God.

Everybody secretly dreams of having more money, living in a better house, and in an exclusive neighbourhood. We crave eating healthy food, driving great cars like Porsche, Rolls Royce, Maybach or at worst, Lexus or Benz. And of courses, sending our kids to the best schools money can buy is never out of the agenda.

But, you know what? The majority of people simply eke out a living. Even a great number of those with highly paying jobs live hand-to-mouth. Retirees are worse off. As inflation soars, the take-home pay of retirees plummets.

Bank and government retirees are the worst hit. How do I know? It’s because I worked for the government and the banking sector for over a quarter of a century. Most government and bank retirees in Nigeria, Africa’s biggest nation by population, earn less than N50,000 (about $66) monthly as pension. Mine is N49,000 (about $65.33) from the government and bank combined. 

So, imagine how your life would change if a miracle happened and you suddenly started earning 10X your current take home.  Sadly, there are no miracles. To 10X your income, you need a plan of action cast in concrete, and you need to pursue it with messianic zeal. In short, you need to pay a price to win the prize.

I remember about 10 years ago when I retired from banking I spoke with my last daughter about setting goals. You guessed right, she laughed me to scorn. She said, in paraphrase, dad, life is too long so I can’t afford to set goals. I take whatever comes she added as she looked at me excitedly. And besides, she continued, you set goals all those years, worked hard, and even became a London chartered banker. Then she came in for the kill, but you have no money. Those were her exact words.

Since I had no coin jiggling in my pocket, convincing my daughter to set goals became an effort in futility. To convince her to think long term was a non-starter. However, a lot of water has gone under the bridge since I left banking and had that chat with my daughter.  I’ve reinvented myself and more than 10X my income. I even rejected a mouthwatering offer from a top bank because I wanted to live life on my own terms going forward.

Am I financially free? The answer is capital no! That’s why I’m setting sails to 10X my income yet again. What about you? How would your life change if you could 10X your income? What massive action steps, mental shifts and focused strategies are you deploying to tilt the playing field to your advantage?

To win at scale you have to learn to play at scale. You have to play to your strength, harness the Law of 250 and dig your well before you’re thirsty. And you have to learn how to produce perennial works of art so they work tirelessly for you round the clock. Your perennial works of art constitute part of your intellectual property (IP). When they work on autopilot through automation you position yourself to earn passive income at scale for years on end.

Nigeria’s president the other day said 133 million Nigerians are poor because the previous ruling party did a poor job. And guess what? The president has been ruling for almost 8 years. A lot of people look at the future with their rear view mirrors. Don’t be one of them. What am I driving at? I am warning you to beware and be warned because to be forewarned is to be forearmed. The year 2023 will not be a walk through the park.

To cut a long story short, reinvent yourself. Work quickly to produce cash spinning assets like books, eBooks, and collectibles and learn how to flip them on Amazon. If you are the bold and aggressive type, you can even add FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) to your kitty. Selling books and stuff on Amazon will jumpstart your passive income stream in the short term.

For the long term, focus on building your Digital Expert Empire.  This requires strengthening your IP with more perennial sellers, producing digital courses, and building a fanatical followership. Building your true fans requires mastering the effective use of social media channels to generate leads organically. As you gain traction and your cash flow skyrockets you can reinvest to generate leads inorganically. This is what the concept of digital marketing or internet mastery is all about.

Participants at Let’s Crush It 2019

If you do 10% of what I’ve highlighted above well, you’ll be able to 10X your income within 1 – 3 years. Of course, the time frame depends on where you’re starting from. Contrary to what my daughter said, the future is short and the market place rewards those who take massive action. There are no miracles. However, if you want a miracle, talk to your pastor.

I’ve just shared with you the exact same strategies my coaches shared with me and that enabled me to 10X my income within 10 years. I’m in the process of multiplying my income ten times again and I’m inviting you to do the same. The aim as I said is to build a Digital Expert Empire. It requires new mental models, mindset shifts and being willing to put yourself out there to build your personal brand. You’ll have to leave your comfort zone and start doing what is not comfortable.

The digital marketing experts, thought leaders and bloggers you hear about today started 10, 15, and 20 years ago. Some gurus even took much longer. All the gurus took a leap of faith not knowing where it would lead. But as Steve Jobs famously said, the dots will always connect. And you can only connect the dots looking backwards. Deepak Kanakaraju, Russell Brunson, Gary Vaynerchuk,  Ramit Sethi, Brendon Burchard,  Jenna Kutcher and Gloria Atanmo all connected their dots.

I’m happy for my sister, Gloria Atanmo, the travel blogger from Nigeria. I salute my teachers: Deepak, Russell, Ramit, Brendon, Jenna and Gloria. Gary’s Crushing It! led to my launching Let’s Crush It in 2019. Tell you what? My dots are slowly connecting and I want to invite you to take steps to start connecting your dots.

Gloria Atanmo smiling ear-to-ear

On 10th December 2022 I’ll be doing a webinar on how to launch books and eBooks on Amazon and Amazon KDP. A 30-page eBook is all you need to jumpstart your journey as an author with a thriving IP. You’ll learn how to write a book’s outline in seven simple steps and write a book in 12 hours. You’ll also learn how Amazon works to make you money. Do you know Amazon needs you more than you need Amazon? Don’t miss the webinar and it’s free.

To enter the New Year with aplomb and confidence, come 17th December, 2022, LET’S CRUSH IT 2023 will come alive in Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria. The focus will be on how to build a Digital Expert Empire. All you need is learning how to build an audience and matching your skill to market demand. With the mastery of search engines, social media and the help of your personal brand you’ll be on your way. You’ll learn so much and the seminar is free.

Don’t under rate what you know (skill) as my friend and mentor, Uyi Abraham, shared in his book, Catapult.  Uyi recently bought a Rolls Royce for his wife for agreeing to marry him when he was dirt poor. Guess what? Uyi likes telling whoever cares to listen that he arrived America with just $100 and a big dream. Uyi became a serial entrepreneur and with Vonza (the name of his digital company) he became a multi-millionaire. The only thing Uyi did differently was to learn digital marketing.

On 17th December you’ll master the BASICS of digital marketing. Beware; it’s not a get-rich-quick scheme. Don’t even bother to show up if you hate hard work that brings in BIG money. But don’t miss any of the events if the thrill of earning 10X your current income is important to you.

PS: My latest book, The Perennial Winner, is due out on 19th May 2023. It will sell for $22, $15 and $7.99 for the hardcover, paperback and ebook. Book your FREE copy in advance. All you need to pay for is shipping. To receive your free paperback copy and audio book anywhere in the world, send $10 to UDUK PAUL at Guaranty Trust Bank Plc., account  number 0052854746, with the narrative, The Perennial Winner – FREE.

PSS: Don’t miss the free Zoom webinar to learn how to profit from Amazon. Date is 10th December at 9am

PSSS: LET’S CRUSH IT 2023 is billed for 17th December at LCCI Building, Alausa, Ikeja, at 9am. It’s free. You can get the recording at N5,000 if you are unable attend the LIVE seminar by wiring the money to Vision And Talent International  at FCMB, account number 6454795018.

PSSSS: iBMC-9 (internet Business Mastery Courses cohort 9) is registering candidates. If you’re interested download and complete the CCI Form. If you qualify, you’ll be admitted.

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