How to Succeed Online – 30 Hot List For 2021


Have you been struggling to figure out how to succeed online for some years now? In short, have you been trying to make money online without much success? Have you been beating your head against the wall with nothing to tell home about? If you have, you’re not alone, so How to Succeed Online – 30 Hot List for 2021 is for you.

According to data shared recently by internet guru, Marisa Murgatroyd, only 1 in 100 people who dabble into online business make up to a $1,000 monthly. That’s an abysmal 1% success rate. According to Marisa, only 3 people out of 100 who register for online courses finish same. Another abysmal 3% success rate.

When I started my journey online I thought succeeding online was automatic immediately you throw up a website. My “Teacher” only taught me how to develop products. He said Paul, there is a tool or software called Camtasia, go grab it and start making your products and you’re going to make millions. Meanwhile, if you’re using Apple products, go grab Screenflow, he said. Of course I jumped into the fray.

All communication was via Skype. By the time the dust settled, I’d shelled out $5,100 in fees, including $3,600 in “coaching fees” and $1,500 for a “product website.” I managed to create five products, which I put into DVDs and they are all gathering dust in my drawers. Meanwhile by the time the product website was ready, the domain name and hosting had expired and I had no clue what to do next. I talked about this in my Paul Uduk Case Study.

As you can see, this piece is not for the Russell Brunsons, Ramit Sethis, Ryan Deiss, Marie Forleos, Brendon Burchards of this world. How to succeed online – 30 hot list for 2021 is for the die hard learner who is determined to grow his or her list to 10,000 and gun for $10,000 monthly recurring revenue come what may. The die hard is determined to join the ranks of the internet success stories and is willing to learn his or her way to success.

I started dabbling into internet business about 10 years ago without guidance and got my first coach in 2013. My coach only taught me about how to develop products using Camtasia. He didn’t mention anything about lists and the mindset required to succeed online. Over the years I learned my way to success by registering for courses by Ramit Sethi of Earnable fame, Jon Morrow of Smart Blogger fame, Michelle Schroeder-Gardner of Making Sense of Cents fame, Ryan Deiss of Digital Marketer fame.

I also bought books, attended free webinars and learned from gurus like Brendon Burchard, Marisa Murgatroyd, Amy Porterfield, Tom Hua, Danny Iny, and Eben Pagan, Russell Brunson, to mention seven. Podcasts by Tim Ferriss, Pat Flynn, Joe Polish and a host of others have also helped in positioning me to succeed online. In the process, I’ve also been able to launch my courses and help my students get started with the hope that we could succeed together online. Altogether 75 (excluding repeat students) have passed through my iBMC (Internet Success Mastery Course).

Recently I asked iBMC Alumni Members to say in one word, “What is the easiest way to succeed online.” Many came up with responses, which I want to share with you as the 30 Hot List For 2021.

Here is the unedited hot list:

  1. Get A Saleable Product
  2. Visibility
  3. Presence
  4. Hard Work
  5. Consistency
  6. Mailing List
  7. Sell Products
  8. Be Online Consistently
  9. Persistence
  10. Be Active Online
  11. Blow Your Trumpet Daily
  12. Produce Content
  13. Focus
  14. Have Success Mindset
  15. Be Visible, Engage Your Followers
  16. Build Quality List And Market
  17. Keep Being Online
  18. To Be Visible Through Product
  19. To Receive Training
  20. Be On Social Media
  21. Be Valuable
  22. Provide Valuable Products
  23. Be Consistent
  24. Keep Learning
  25. Sell Other People’s Products
  26. Be Present Online
  27. Continuous Learning
  28. Learning Is Key
  29. Email Marketing
  30. Use Social Media Management Tools
  31. Develop A Saleable Content
  32. Have A Functioning Website
  33. Develop A Correct Mailing List

As you can see, some of the responses are phrases rather than single words. There are more than 30 words and phrases in the hot list because there are some repetitions.

I decided to plug the responses into my Internet Business Success FormulaTM to see if a pattern would emerge. If you’re interested in the summary send me a quick email at and I’ll send it to you.

The One Word that emerged as the Easiest Way To Succeed Online is Consistency. This is not a word I picked randomly. Consistency is not about strategy, tactics, or technology, which I regard as an enabler, but about YOU, the Driver of your business. It’s about your mindset. To succeed online, consistency is the key.

In his Secrets Trilogy, especially in Traffic Secrets, Russell Brunson emphasized consistency as the key to success. Russell said, “The first commitment that you have to make is that you will be consistent.” So to succeed online, the primary lever is that you remain consistent. No matter how bad you strategy and tactics are. No matter how bad your products, no matter how bad your lists, you’ll eventually succeed if you’re consistent because you’ll always improve over time if you’re consistent.

On the other hand, if you have a blockbuster product and a list as long as the Amazon River, your subscribers will abandon you if they don’t hear from you for three weeks. Indeed, nobody will even remember you ever existed and your blockbuster product will be consigned to the museum.

This is what I sent to iBMC Alumni Members after our micro competition:

The truth is every entry is correct. However, the key is CONSISTENCY. Day in and day out you have to be at the front lines winning one subscriber at a time, tweaking your product, tweaking your funnels, tweaking your landing pages, tweaking your lead magnets, updating your scripts and pitches, updating your profiles, posting on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, networking and encouraging your community, etc.

Remember it’s a flywheel, you have to keep pushing until it budges. You can’t afford to be hot today, warm tomorrow and cold the next. Be hot every day until the needle moves and you hit the bull’s eye. As the holy book says, when you put your hand to the plow, never look back. If you adopt CONSISTENCY as your battle cry you’ll never lack bread in your pantry. As the great internet guru Russell Brunson said, “If you can publish every day for a year, you’ll never have to worry about money problems again.”

So if you want to succeed online, remember what I call the 30 Hot List For 2021. Keep them all at the back of your mind but be consistent and you will taste the sweet aroma of success.

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