How to manage your reputation as an online course creator


Course creators


How to manage your reputation as an online course creator should be a priority as you begin your journey.

Reputation management matters both on and offline but more so online where information moves at the speed of light.

Not only course creators need to manage their reputation but influencers, thought leaders, designers, SaaS experts, entrepreneurs, etc.

However, this article is focused on course creators.

What exactly is reputation?

Reputation is what people know, think, and feel about you.

Reputation is the external representation of your character and integrity.

While character is your core, reputation is its external representation and how people regard you overall.

On the other hand, integrity is how you consistently behave whether people are watching you or not.

Character, integrity and reputation all go hand-in-hand.

Based on your character and integrity, people can vouch for your reputation.

Why is reputation management so important?

As a course creator, you have to watch your reputation as the apple of your eye.

Reputation management is so important because it’s at the core of the long term sustainability of your business.

It can take years to build your reputation but you can destroy it in seconds.

While big companies and brands spend millions in reputation management individual course creators hardly think about their reputation.

Hopefully this article will jolt you to attention about the need to put how you manage your reputation at the centre of your business.

You will find this post equally helpful.

What do you need to watch out for as you consider your reputation?

I decided to write this article as a result of what happened on Online Course Creators Community For Newbies And Advanced Beginners (OCCCNA), a Facebook Group I belong to.

An OCCCNA member asked other members to say “YES” if they needed a funnel built for them “For Free.”

A couple of members raised hand and said “YES”, but the member who made the offer was no- where to be found.

When he eventually resurfaced he asked members who said “YES” how much they wanted to pay.

A group member responded, but you said it was “FREE.”

I followed the thread of the exchange and felt disappointed with the “FREE OFFER” and decided to personally probe as the Group’s Admin.

To cut a long story short, the person who made the offer said the “FREE” was for the first three people to respond.

Sadly, this qualification was not in the initial offer.

As you can see, our friend’s reputation is irreparably damaged.

Indeed no one will take him seriously next time he makes an offer.   

So what do you need to watch out for as you consider your reputation?

Firstly, let your “YES” be “YES” and your “NO” be “NO”.

Secondly, when once you have made a commitment, do not renege no matter the cost to you.

Thirdly, never make a promise you can’t keep.

The law refers to the misleading adverts Marketers and advertisers air as an “invitation to treat” but as a course creator any offer you make is a promise.

Never go back on your promise and the corollary; never make a promise unless you intend to keep it.

Factors that aid your reputation

In managing your reputation many factors come into play but key amongst them is knowledge.

You must be knowledgeable in whatever you do otherwise you will be regarded a charlatan and that will damage you reputation.

Second, you must engage in continuous learning to be abreast of developments in your space.

Thirdly, avoid grey areas that are subject to interpretation – therefore tread with caution in things that could impinge your reputation.

What can you do when you stumble?  

You reputation is like a piece of china, it’s impossible to put it together once it’s broken.

Can you un-ring a bell?

Experts say watch your tongue because you can’t unsay what you have said.

As an online course creator, you have to know you’re competing against the best-of-the-best worldwide.

That means you have to learn how to manage your reputation as if your life depended on it.

While you can’t put back china, also remember human memory is short.

So whenever you stumble, the first thing to do is to apologize.

Forget about self-righteousness, who was right or who was wrong, whenever you stumble be on your knees and apologize.

If you do, the chances are that, you will be forgiven.

It may take some time for people to fully trust you again once you stumble but belief me they will forgive you.

That’s why we are humans.


A good reputation is an asset, don’t toy with it. Like anything precious, you can’t buy a good reputation. It takes years to build reputation but it can be damaged in seconds due to indiscretion. Whenever you stumble, apologize and luckily you’ll be forgiven.

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