

With the Naira at an historic low, declining to N480 to the Dollar in recent times, your game plan should include earning in Dollars.


One easy way to earn Dollars is to sell eBooks on Amazon. As seemingly easy as it sounds, it’s not easy at all to do. But it’s doable if you follow a proven path.


However, while you can make a living selling eBooks online, to make it really BIG, you need to build a Digital Empire online. Simply put, you need to do Online business.


Are You Doing Business Online?

So my question, are you doing business online? Like creating and marketing an online course? Or doing E-Commerce?


It’s something you should urgently think about. Building a digital estate, or simply learning how to do business online, is something that should agitate your mind.


The reason is simple. Business is now done online. Leveraging technology, you can scale to reach thousands of people all over the world.


You can do it even if you’re a mom ‘n’ pop shop, one-man company or an independent professional (accountant, architect, lawyer, medical doctor, nurse, banker, insurer, pharmacist, teacher, professor, you name it).


Indeed anybody with a unique passion can scale and reach thousands and reap financial rewards in the process.


Thanks to COVID-19 the process of moving businesses online is accelerating.


What Type of Business Can You Do Online?

The type of business you can do online is limited only by your imagination. Be careful here. When I talk about doing business online I’m not talking about being active on Facebook, or Twitter or Instagram and similar platforms.


I’m talking about adding value to others in such a way that they are willing to transfer cash to your bank account or pull out their debit or credit card and pay you.


One of the first persons to discover the value of doing business online was Jeff Bezos of Amazon fame. Another was Pierre Omidyar who founded eBay.  Another was Craig Newman who founded Craigslist. All this was in the mid nineties.


Since then the internet has matured and thousands are making it big online: 20 year olds, 35 year olds, 55 year olds, 75 year olds.


You can become one of the new internet or online business gurus if you dedicate to learning how to go about it even if you’re working full time. You have to do it scared.


What Does Doing Business Online Really Mean?

When we talk about being online the first thing that comes to mind is social media, in particular, Facebook and LinkedIn. You hear people say “I’m on Facebook”.


As I earlier mentioned, the consideration here is about doing business and generating income online and not just being on social media.


Facebook is one of the platforms you can leverage to earn income online but 99.99% of people on Facebook don’t know how to use Facebook to generate income.


Other platforms are Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, and a host of others. Each of these sites or platforms have their own uses and specific features you can leverage to grow your business. Yet the great majority of people on them have no clue other than entertainment.


In the case of LinkedIn, many professionals are there to trade their time for money. That is not what we are talking about here. We are taking about leveraging these platforms to generate income.


What you need to understand is that when it comes to internet business, one of the most prized assets is your mailing list.


One of the key uses to which you can put the social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pintetest, Twitter, and others is to use them to attract prospects that you can turn into your customers if you really know what to do.


By so doing, you turn your social media handles into assets that can generate income for you. Online business is really about lifestyle.


How Do You Classify Online Business?

Despite the vast array of businesses online, you can classify them into four major models or categories as follows:

  1. E-Commerce e.g. Amazon, Alibaba, Jumia
  2. Market Places e.g. eBay, Konga, JiJi
  3. Software As a Service (SaaS) e.g. Facebook, WhatsApp, WeChat
  4. Pure Service e.g. Blogging, E-Learning, E-Dating


Strategies to Make Money Online

Arising from the above four major models, you can select strategies to adopt to make money. There are six major strategies as follows:

  1. Sale of Physical Products
  2. Affiliate Marketing
  3. Drop Shipping
  4. Sale of Info-products
  5. Sale of Pure Service
  6. Advertisement


Although there are myriad of ways for making money online, they fall into the above four major models and six strategic categories.


Simple Methods To Make Money Online

Here are some of the simple methods you can use to make money online within 90 days:

  1. Sale of Your Own Products
  2. Sale of Other People’s Products
  3. Personal Coaching / Performance Consulting
  4. Selling Online Courses
  5. Podcasting
  6. Google Adsense
  7. Lead Sales
  8. Freelance Writing
  9. Sponsored Posts
  10. Webinars
  11. Building a Membership Community
  12. Virtual Assistant


As simple or straightforward as these methods appear to be, very few understand the intricacies of converting knowledge to cash online.


Unlike offline business where you are dealing face-to-face with a human being, when working online, there is a machine interface or algorithms. If you say you are dealing first with machines online, before dealing with humans, you won’t be entirely wrong.


Understanding the machine interface and the whole online business ecosystem is not easy and that’s the reason very few people make money online.


First you have to build trust because you’re dealing with strangers that don’t know you. These strangers may be living in other countries thousands of miles away.


While it is difficult to make money online, many are doing it so the question is, why not you?


It’s Time You Jumped Online With iBMC


While COVID-19 has caused untold hardship to people all over the world, it has also accelerated the movement of businesses online.


The advantages of doing business online are so compelling it doesn’t need elaboration. Think of capital. With online business, all you need to start is a laptop and a smart phone.


Altogether, with a little amount invested in a cheap used laptop and a cheap smart phone, and the knowledge to back you up, you can be up and running in a few days.


You ask, Paul, if it’s that easy why are people not moving en-mass online and making all the money?


The truth my friend is the knowledge to back you up is missing most of the time.


Laptop and smart phone alone cannot do the job; you need knowledge to back you up.


This is where online courses such as Internet Business Mastery Course (iBMC) comes in.


There are many other courses, such as, B-School, I Will Teach You To Be Rich, Elite Blog Academy, and Digital Course Academy, to mention a few, but at N1million for the cheapest among them, these courses are out of the reach of ordinary people like me and you.


iBMC on the other hand is very pocket friendly and easy to learn. The course is fully online and fully customized for beginners and those with some advanced skills.


Imagine a university course, which runs for four to six years, and at the end you’re given a certificate to go and search for a job that is nowhere to be found?


With iBMC, you get all you need to know to start making money online in as little as 4 weeks.


The course is structured so that even if you’re a complete beginner, you can catch up fast because 4 weeks are devoted to the basics and 8 weeks to learning how internet or online business really works to generate money for the owners.


If you’re already struggling online and nothing seems to work, iBMC is for you.


If you know how to use your phone to take pictures, and make short videos, and post them on Facebook and YouTube, you can start making money even before you finish the course.


Yes, even if you’re a complete beginner and don’t know what a mouse is, but you’re determined to learn and succeed, you’ll meet people like you right in the course giving you encouragement.


You may be wondering how it really works. Announcing iBMC (Internet Business Mastery Course).


iBMC Is Structured To Make You Succeed

The truth with internet business is that it is complex. As easy as it is to make money online, the sheer complexity makes it difficult for the majority of people to breakthrough.

Indeed the complexity scares away people. That is where iBMC comes in.


Before we continue, may I ask you, how do you eat an elephant? The correct answer is, one bit at a time.


Whether you want to learn how to create an online business, or how to create online courses, or do affiliate marketing, or network marketing, or freelance writing, or e-commerce, or coaching, or how to take your fashion design business online, iBMC has you covered.


You may be a solo accountant, or a medical practitioner or an architect or a nurse or any professional for that matter thinking how to triple or quadruple your earnings, iBMC has you covered too.


iBMC breaks down how to do business online into its component parts making it easy for even a beginner to wade through the maze effortlessly.


There are seven steps in the formula:

  1. Your Coherent Strategy
  2. Your Marketing & Sales
  3. Your Products
  4. Your Mailing List
  5. Your Relationship Building
  6. Your Online & Offline Visibility
  7. Your Aggressive Learning


What Do Past Students Say?


iBMC demystifies all the “which came first”?, chicken and egg myths.


Like one iMBC student who spent years struggling online attested, “I attest to the fact that many “trainers” do not drill down to the fundamentals, they mention it and carry on. iBMC is different because I’ve been forced to FOCUS. I have progressed.”

Another satisfied student said, “iBMC is a Master Class and can help anyone who is committed to succeed online.”


iBMC is open for registration.


To further educate candidate, I have a free ZOOM Webinar scheduled for Saturday 10th October at 9.30am.


iBMC will open its doors to new students on Saturday 24th October. Apply now to get in before the door closes.


Examples of People Who Turned Their Idea Into Huge Businesses

Let’s look at three vivid examples how people like you and me turned frustrations and setbacks into thriving online businesses worth millions of Dollars. You can do the same even if you’re in full time employment or are an utter beginner.


Mini Case 1

Godwin Benson was in secondary school when an elderly man cheated him out of N5,000. The man had engaged the young lad to conduct lessons for his son who was weak in Mathematics. The agreed fee was N5,000. But after delivering the service, the man reneged. Benson took it as a lesson he could profit from. After graduating from university Benson co-founded a company that links students and teachers in any subject all over Nigeria. The company is called Tuteria. It’s Nigeria’s #1 online platform connecting students and teachers.


Mini Case 2

Derek Sivers was into music and did what musicians do: he recorded songs. But no shop would stock his CDs. After months of fruitless efforts, he took matters into his own hands. He designed a website to sell his songs. Along the way, he invited other indie (independent) musicians to sell their CDs on his website. The website is the popular CD Baby. Derek sold CD Baby after 10 years for a hefty $22m.

Mini Case 3

You probably have never heard about Management Consulted. This firm was set up in 2008 by a lady who was working in one of the top 5 global consulting firms after she lost her job. The company teaches applicants how to write CVs and prepare for interviews in the top global consulting firms. It was last valued at over $1billion.


These three mini cases should whet your appetite to jump online and join the gold rush. There is nothing you can’t sell online if you know the bolts and joints of the internet business. The best time to have started was 25 years ago when Amazon started, the next best time is now.


iBMC (Internet business Mastery Course) is open for registration and you can join here.



If you to get in apply right away by completing  this form, making the payment and getting admitted.


Our free ZOOM Webinar is scheduled for Saturday 10th October at 9.30am and iBMC will open its doors to new students on Saturday 24th October. Apply now so you don’t miss out as we can only admit 25 students. Here is the link


 What To Expect From iBMC

Now let me walk you through what you should expect when you join iBMC. The central message has been for you to create an online business so you can generate income online. Not just income but Income in the green back.


With the Naira at an all-time low, falling to N480 to the dollar at some point, there is no better time than now to earn foreign currency, especially, the almighty dollar.


Just imagine if you could earn $10,000 monthly; that would be at least N4million monthly.


Register for iBMC


As easy as it looks on the surface to set up a business online, making money online is hard.


The “gurus” may tell you it’s easy, I’d say believe them at your own peril.


But with iBMC (Internet Business Mastery Course) your chances of success is brighter than ever before though I do not guarantee you will succeed.


Only you can guarantee your success because the harder you work, as the saying goes, the luckier you become.


iBMC has simplified the process of creating a business online and profiting from it in such a way a complete beginner can do it just by doing the graduated assignments.


After just one week, a pioneer student of iBMC, Oseloka, had this to say, “My biggest achievement is the little visibility I have achieved in just seven days. It seems like I was living in the dark all the while.”


Register for iBMC


Oseloka is an engineer with background in Oil and Gas. Now he is into a variety of things including importation of wine.


iBMC has streamlined and simplified the end-to-end process of learning how business is done online. iBMC follows the learner perspective and not the guru perspective.


Funmi, iMBC alumni member who struggled for years to make headway online said this, “I attest to the fact that many “trainers” do not drill down to the fundamentals, they mention it and carry on. iBMC is different because I’ve been forced to FOCUS. I have progressed.”


As I indicated above, iBMC follows the learner perspective. Doing business online follows four primary phases:


  1. The Learning Phase
  2. The Product Phase
  3. The Audience Phase
  4. The Monetization Phase


Gurus are divided as to what comes first, Product or Audience. We side with those that go with Product first – especially for beginners.


The mistake the average online business wannabe does is to jump to Monetization, or Product or Audience, without the Learning Phase. This is a recipe for failure.


In iBMC, we ground you in the Learning Phase. When building an online business, as a beginner, YOU are the only known in the equation. People have to trust you. That’s why the Learning Phase is the key to success as you’re starting out.


Register for iBMC


After the Learning Phase, you can decide to go for the Product Phase or the Audience Phase. However, since iBMC is for beginners, we pass you through the Product Phase first.


The truth is, all the phases overlap. However, you have to be methodical, by taking it one phase at a time.


The iBMC approach is so magical that within four short weeks, an average student has started literally working on water.


Hear Oseloka, “Thanks to iBMC, I find the app [Animoto] a very useful tool for branding and advertising.”


iBMC is a combo, that is two courses in one. We structure it that way because the majority of student who register rate themselves as “Beginners.”


Altogether, iBMC runs for 12 weeks. In the first four week we cover the Basics, with “YOU” at the center. In the remaining eight, we cover the seven planks:


  • Learning The Nuts And Bolts
  • Online and Offline Visibility
  • Building Relationships
  • Creating Your Mailing List
  • Creating Your Pilot Product
  • Mastering Marketing & Sales
  • Developing Coherent Strategy to Win Long Term


Although I promise that magic will happen, it’s only you the students can say magic happened.


Kingsley, a senior banker, said with an air of finality, “iBMC is a Master Class.”


Olakamma, a Certified Coach, Speaker and Trainer with the John Maxwell Team, did not mince words: “To me iBMC is a game changer”.


Register for iBMC


iBMC Lessons are dripped out one per week. Each Lesson is spiced with Assignments, which when completed changes the game for you for that week.


Each week’s lesson is preceded with a private interactive ZOOM Meeting to explain the concepts and how the lessons all come together.


Immediately you join iMBC, you’re given an Accountability Partner and admitted into iBMC’s Private Facebook and WhatsApp Groups, which enriches the learning experience.


Further, daily, and sometimes two to three time per day, guidance notes are sent to members through the Private Facebook and WhatsApp Groups.


iBMCers, as students are known, are fully engaged throughout the 12 Weeks, with WEEKLY Code Word and Code Phrase released to energize members.


iBMC’s Private WhatsApp and Facebook communities are vast learning grounds by themselves as students share their wins and experiences.

Register for iBMC


What’s The Fee For iBMC?

For a 12-Week Course loaded to the brim, you’d think iBMC would be out of reach but it’s not as everything has been done to cushion the effect of the harsh economic climate.


The fee for iBMC is a one-time payment of N75,000 or $200.


However, if you prefer to pay in installments, you can choose to pay N45,000 in two installments or N35,000 in three installments.


Register for iBMC


Registering and paying for iBMC is simple. If you register and pay before the formal launch of the Course on 10th October, your fee is N65,000 in full and final payment.


The fee structure announced above, which starts from N75,000, kicks in on 10th October. The essence is to reward action takers because the internet favours action.


To register, just complete the form, pay and you’re in


Once I receive those details, you will receive a Thank You Note and a welcome video.


I hate to release this secret. But here is the secret. iBMC is so structured that you’ll be able to recover your full fee before the Course is over as you’re automatically enrolled in iBMC’s affiliate marketing program.


Register for iBMC


Frequently Asked Questions

Now let’s look at the questions people ask about iBMC.


  1. What is E-Commerce?

Electronic Commerce (E-Commerce) is the selling of physical products online. A typical example is Amazon, which is the biggest E-Commerce site in the world.


  1. How does Affiliate marketing work?

Affiliate marketing is the marketing of third-party or other people’s products. The merchant gives you a unique code (cookie) which you embed in your marketing script. If someone buys through your link you earn a commission.


  1. How does blogging work and can I make money from blogging)

Blogging (short for web log) is a form of online communication where you write on anything of interest you’re passionate about with the hope that people would be interested in what you write about.  You host what you write in your blog, a form of dynamic website that you update regularly. Less than 1 in 100 blogs make money.


  1. How do I serve others on-line and receive payment?

Serving people online is about creating value that a target audience is willing to pay for. To receive payment you need a shopping cart linked to you bank account.


  1. How do I sell books on my personal website?

You can sell physical, e-Books and audio books on your personal website. With physical books, you must have fulfillment process in place to deliver the book after a buyer has paid. E-books and audio books are delivered electronically.


  1. Is there any way I can create a free website?

Yes. You can create a free website at Weebly ( or WIX (


  1. How I can make my side hustle (mini-business) visible online?

First you must be online, have a dynamic website, and optimize your side hustle with the appropriate key words (using Search Engine Optimizations or SEO).


  1. How can I make extra income online while avoiding scammers?

You can make extra income online by engaging in one of the various online businesses such as affiliate marketing, selling your own products e.g. courses. To avoid scammers you must have various levels of authentication. You need the help of knowledgeable webmasters.


  1. How do I create online courses?

If you can create courses offline, you can create courses online. You need a course topic or idea and an outline. Once an outline is in place, you can develop your course content. The key is to know what your audience want and need.


  1. How do I make money through my website?

To make money through your website you must have something to sell, preferably an eProduct such as an e-book or online course. E-Books and online courses are the easiest to create and monetize.


You can reach me via phone (text or whatsapp message) +234-8033075133 or email

E:  or by leaving a message on my website W: 

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