How To Craft Your Social Media Profile


Paul Uduk in an helicopter enroute an assignment

You must learn how to craft your social media profile if you want strangers all over the world to follow you online. For people to follow you as Russell Brunson, the co-founder of Click Funnels, says, you must be “an attractive character. Russell has elaborated on this in his best selling books: Dotcom Secrets, Expert Secrets and Traffic Secrets. If you want to dig deeper check them out.

When you do anything cool, the first question people ask is, “Who is that guy?” And if you do anything awful, they ask, “who is the idiot.”

Like it or not, people are asking the question, “who is that guy” about you too, so you better put your best foot forward. 

Arik Air’s founder, Sir Johnson Arumemi-Ikhide, asked me the question, “who are you?” in a dramatic fashion. It was the day I solved a problem that delayed Arik Airline’s flight from Lagos to Port Harcourt for another one hour after the initial three hours delay.

There was commotion. Tempers had flared. The flight had been delayed for three hours. It was already past 10 pm. No one was wanted another delay. Sir Johnson Arumemi-Ikhide was in the flight. The flight attendants were confused. To cut a long story short, I stepped in and executed as a consultant. Sir Johnson was astounded. He asked more in curiosity than admiration, “who are you?” All I did was give him my complimentary card and my best-selling book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart.

So this is a brief about me.
“Paul Uduk is One of Nigeria’s most authentic experiential writers.”
                                                                             –Richmond Dayo Johnson.
One of Nigeria’s most sought after trainers; Paul is the creator of game changing courses such as BWC (Book Writing Clinic) (Watch why you should write a book here:, HEBE (How Experts Build Empire), and iBMC (Internet Business Mastery Course). Watch the evolution of my internet business success formula by following this link 
In these Courses I teach determined candidates how to write books, sell digital products and build Expert Empires Online. Over 300 students have registered in these course. The majority of the students come through word of mouth. 
His free eBook, Paul Uduk Case Study: How Experts Build Empire (Part 1) has been downloaded 15,000 times while my FB Group, Online Course Creators Community For Newbies And Advanced Beginners, has over 7,000 members from all over the world. 
Paul is the author of seven books, including Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, dubbed The Customer Service Bible with over 5,000 copies sold.  
Paul’s students include ordinary Nigerians, Professors, Medical Doctors, Nurses, Bankers, Trainers, Pharmacists, Pastors, Architects, CEOs, Public Sector executives and many other professionals. Paul goes to great lengths to ensure his students and clients succeed. 
A few days ago we finalized my friend’s book for publishing. This is what he said, “When I met Paul Uduk, the CEO of Vision and Talent, I knew that this book would be out some day. Paul Uduk is an author of several books, and he runs a Book Writing Clinic. As soon as our paths crossed, he made my writing a book his war cry. I had written a business article for his blog, and I also gave a health interview for his YouTube channel. After these, he was convinced I could do an autobiography. He goaded me on until I caved in. He became the agent for the book. Thank you, Paul, for helping make this book a reality.” 
You can get Bridges to the Customer’s Heart on Amazon or get a free PDF copy by sending your email address to me via with the subject line Free Bridges. 
You can browse for my free courses on If you’re a corporate training manager or HR executive, check out for corporate training courses.
So that’s a brief intro about me in case someone asks you, ‘who is that guy?’ Craft your own profile because you never can tell when you’ll need it.

A profile is not a curriculum vitae, a resume or a bio, so watch out. Don’t send someone your resume when they ask for your profile. I hope this brief post on how to craft your social media profile helps.
Paul Uduk
Creator iSchool (Coming Soon)

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