
  • Do you have a blog on which you regularly post at least four times per week?
  • How many generic questions do you answer on Quora weekly?
  • How many questions in your core expertise domain do you answer on Quora weekly?
  • How many posts do you publish on LinkedIn weekly?
  • How many books have you written?
  • Which subject do people recognize you as the expert in, off and online?
  • How active is your YouTube channel?
  • What’s the title of your podcast?
  • How many tweets do you send out daily?
  • If you write your name on Google search console how many hits do you get in 20 seconds?
  • How many followers do you have on Facebook?
  • What of Instagram?
  • Do you have a Telegram account on which you post at least three times per week?
  • Are you on Discord and posting daily?
  • How active are you on X?
  • When last did you post on Threads?
  • Do you have a subscriber base of at least 10,000 across all social media platforms?

The above is just the tip of the social media iceberg. Learn and prosper, brush aside and atrophy.

I have 174 videos on YouTube and less than 300 subscribers whereas there are friends with less than half my number with over one million subscribers. They know more than me and I’m learning from them.

Begin learning if you feel there is something missing in your SM skill set. More than that, learn digital marketing to position yourself to win long term.

I teach these ideas in my All-New iBMC 2024.  If you want to join, hop over to the Programs segment of my website and get more details and join.

If you’re only interested in writing a book, the All-New BWC 2024 also on my website gives you all the details. Register and join.

Today the lame excuse, but Paul you know I’m in full time employment does not cut. Your employer expects outsized contribution from you and how you do that is up to you.

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