How Raymond Aaron Became Book King



There is only one BOOK KING or KING OF BOOK in the world and that man is Raymond Aaron. To be KING OF POP, like Michael Jackson, or Elvis Preasley, or Madonna, or even KING OF PONZI, like Bernie Madoff, is easy, but to be KING OF BOOK, is a rare honour. Few achieve it.

You may think that Amazon or Jeff Bezos is the legitimate King of Book, and you’d be wrong. That is because without the Raymond Aarons of this world there would be no Amazon. Indeed, Amazon honours authors. That’s why it strives to build the most customer-centric company on earth.

I’m sure you know or have heard about global authors like Guy Kawasaki, Jack Canfield, and Robert Kiyosaki, but probably never even heard of Raymond Aaron. That’s probably because when Raymond Aaron wrote his first book, “How to Become a 39-Year-Old Life Loser” in 1984, Guy, Jack, and Robert never even dreamed of being authors.

The King of Book has authored and co-authored so many books, book lovers have lost count. But don’t take my word for it, just head to Google and type “Raymond Aaron Books” and see for yourself. Raymond’s most famous quote on book is, “Easiest WOW? Write a Book.”

Robert Kiyosaki who wears the moniker, the “Most Famous Wealth Teacher of all Time”, credits  the Book King with his meteoric rise to fame. Robert once thank the Book King, saying, “I thank Raymond Aaron and his tapes on goal-setting for helping me achieve more with less stress.”

While Raymond has achieved a life style many can only dream of, it was not always a stroll through the park for the King of Book. At age 39 he was a total failure. A $100,000 debt hung over his neck. He described himself as a life loser.

Hear the Book King, “I was born broke, got a job, got fat, got fired, dumped, and depressed.” By dumped, he meant his wife deserted him. That was the sad downward fall of the man who was to become the King of Book a few years later.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’d notice my regular past time is to encourage all and sundry to write books. Everybody has a book in him or her. Your work is to bring your book out.

According to the King of Book, there are many lies holding you back from writing your book. Here are nine of them:

  • But … I don’t have time.
  • But … I’m bad at English.
  • But… I’ve never written anything before.
  • But… I don’t know what to write about.
  • But… I’m just an employee.
  • But… I’m a professional.
  • But… I don’t know much.
  • But … What kind of book should I write?
  • But… What will it cost?


This is what the future King of Book, Raymond Aaron, did when he was in the gutter of utter despair. He wrote a book to tell the world how to be a failure. The title of the book I’d already mentiond is “How to Become a 39-Year-Old Life Loser.”

According to the Book King, that was the “turning point of my life.”  That is why mega author, Dr. John Gray, of “Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus” fame quipped, “I’d rather have a book, than a PhD.” That book has sold more than 50 million copies making Dr. Gray the world’s wealthiest author from a single book. You can hazard a guess who helped Dr. John Gray see the book to the tape.

As Seth Godin, author of iconic books such as “All Marketers Are Liars”, “Purple Cow”, and “Permission Marketing”, once growled, “Don’t wait to be discovered, discover yourself.” Your book will help the world discover you.

You’ve heard people say, “It’s who you know.” Others say, “It’s what you know.” If you asked the Book King, he would graciously tell you, “It’s not who you know. It’s not what you know. It’s who knows you.”

Having your book is the greatest leverage that will make the world know you. There are four steps to getting the world to know you. According to the King of Book, you move from invisibility, through visibility, credibility, to wealth. It can be a life long struggle to move from invisibility to wealth.

The secret of the book is that it can make you jump two steps, from invisibility to wealth. Your book is an instant credibility booster. The King of Book said, immediately he understood this wealth formula or principle, his life changed. He set about writing more books.

The Book King’s next book was “You Can Make A Million In Canadian Real Estate”, and that book made him his first one million dollars. Raymond Aaron, the King of Book, was soon out of debt. He pressed on and co-authored “Chicken Soup For The Canadian Soul.” His first royalty cheque for that book was $100,000.  From then on nothing could stop Raymond Aaron.

That is how he became the Book King. That’s how he came on his tag line or slogan, “Easiest WOW? Write a Book.” According to the King of Book, there is only one way you can make  people or the world know you: “BY CREATING YOUR OWN BRAND.”

You can create your own brand, Raymond says, by following four routes:

  • Branding By WOW!
  • Branding By Achievement.
  • Branding By Testimonial.
  • Branding By Association.

As the Book King has said, you create the easiest WOW through your book. When you write a book and celebrities, opinion leaders, business moguls, industry titans, government leaders, and the media all join hands to say WOW, what a great accomplishment; you’ve arrived. You too become a celebrity.

To achieve celebrity status, you’ve got to handle every step in the process right.  You must touch the right buttons at the right time. You must be in the right networks, e.g. in the one which the Book King himself belongs. You must learn to speak the celebrity language.

If you think achieving celebrity status will mystically come about because you’ve written one book, sadly it will not.  You have to write yet more books, and be willing to submit yourself to tutelage by those who have pioneered the way.

Example, if you want to write a book, who better to learn from than the King of Book, Raymond Aaron? The Book King’s “10-10-10 Program: Ultimate Author’s Marketing Guide”, is the definitive in the industry.

The 10-10-10 Program cost CAN$2800. If you can afford it go for it. The Book King will be the first to tell you that the 10-10-10 Program is the best thing that can happen to an aspiring author. He has piled so much into it that other premium products pale in comparison.

Here are the things you get:

  • Raymond will work with you to select the perfect topic for your book so you can make money
  • Raymond will work with you to select the perfect title for your book
  • Raymond will answer every one of your questions to help you create your success
  • You will learn how to monetize your book, so you get $$$, not just a book
  • You will finish your book even if you’ve never written before or if English is not your first language
  • You will be guided every step of the way through easy-to-follow instructional videos
  • You may write as many books as you wish, no extra charge, just by taking the course once
  • Raymond will host your Official Book Launch at his own expense!

If you can’t afford this premium product, start with entry-level products such as Book Writing Clinic; Write, Publish and Launch Your Book in 90 Days – Guaranteed; or you can go for Self-Publishing School by my good friend, Chandler Bolt.

The Book King, Raymond Aaron, celebrated his 75th birthday on the 7th of this month. I was blessed to listen to him as he encouraged us newbies in the book journey to press ahead and never look back until we achieve the EASIEST WOW – HAVING OUR OWN BOOK.

Thanks to the master motivator, Tom Hua of Click Seminars Live fame, for keeping us on our toes as we work to take our book game to the next level. Steve Jobs said “God’s greatest invention is death.” To me, God’s next greatest invention is book. I’m sure the Book King, Raymond Aaron, would concur.



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