

HOW EXPERTS BUILD EMPIRE: The Paul Uduk Case Study – The Must-Read Ebook That Paves The Way For All Beginners Who Have Not Yet Made Their First $1000 Online


Months ago I wrote a blog post My Beginners Guide To eProduct Development, which was syndicated on hundreds of blogs, including Medium, and read by over a million net citizens.


Since then I have received tons of requests from BWC (Book Writing Clinic) Alumni Members (an exclusive membership community) on the way to go in building an Expert Empire. I took a shot at it and the result was the Paul Uduk Case Study eBook which I shared with BWC Members late last year.


To make the eBook widely available, I’m now sharing with the general public. Here is the 16 point summary any serious person desiring to crush it online should fully internalize.  If you want to get the full eBook free, click here. Happy reading.


  • The web evolves at the speed of light. You have to constantly be in a learning mode. Anything short condemns you to a technology derelict within a twinkling of an eye.


  • The web has less to do with technology as it has to do with building relationships. Learn relationship building. Technology is just a driver and a medium or channel.


  • Presenting on the web, whether coaching, teaching, or writing articles, is not a matter of transferring everything you have offline and dumping it online. You have to optimize it for the web.


  • No matter the space on the web you’re competing in, you’re competing against the-best-of-the-best. You better be the best at what you do – at least think in that term and give it your best shot.


  • Succeeding online is not a hundred meters dash, it’s a marathon, or better still, a triathlon. You must have a massive amount of patience and staying power.


  • Those who succeed online approach everything they do strategically and have focus. They build assets, which they milk over time. Failures jump from one thing to the other – today drop-shipping, tomorrow affiliate marketing, next tomorrow PLR (Private Label Rights).


  • To succeed online you can’t go it alone, you need mentors and coaches. Mentors will give you guidance and paid coaches are critical so they are committed to you, with clear goals in sight.


  • You can’t be successful online without what Alan Weiss calls a million dollar web presence. You need a SEO optimized website or blog. You can’t depend solely on social media and mobile apps like WhatsApp, Snapchat or WeChat.


  • You can succeed offline and transfer your success online, g. Tom Peters; and you can succeed online and acquire assets offline, e.g. Brendon Burchard. But you must be online because that’s the only way to scale today.


  • For you to succeed massively and have thousands or even millions of followers, you must be known for something, stand for something, focus on something. For example, Tim Ferriss: Podcasting; Joe Polish: Marketing Advice; Rosalind Gardner: Affiliate Marketing; Noah Kagan: Software; Ramit Sethi: Internet Biz Strategy; Carol Tice: Writing; and Jay Abraham: Strategic Marketing & Positioning. Obviously a lot overlap but at least you get the gist.


  • The internet is not paved with millions and riches you can amass to your heart’s desire for doing nothing. You must put in the hours, burn the midnight oil, and deliver value. Do these three and add a technology infrastructure to it, you’ll be able to scale and the millions will come. Read Ruth Soukup’s testimony.


  • There is no gospel truth, holy-grail, or the one true way about the web just as there is none in life or offline, otherwise everyone would be a millionaire. Cut, dice and mix. Listen to what the market has to say – follow the trends. Listen to your clients for their pain points, aspirations,  desires and dreams; add massive value, and you’ll be fine.



  • A word on tactics. Don’t be so busy selling, you don’t hear the customer. Learn to relate and not just sell, sell and sell like my friends Magwood and Alvear.


  • Learn the basics and be brilliant in them. Know how it all adds up. Know and appreciate the concept of cause and effect. Know drivers and enablers. Know the role of your products or offering(s); enlist social media in traffic building; use your blog or website or both to generate gravitas; employ mail delivery systems for building lists and embrace marketing and selling to bring in income. In short, know and master how to integrate and align the web ecosystem to help you build a profitable online expert empire. Then relax and enjoy the good life.


  • Finally, have character and integrity. Without these ingredients, your expertly built online expert empire will crash like a pack of cards. It’s better to lose at a transaction than for a whiff of suspicion about your trustworthiness to crop up. Offline or online, without trust, you’re dead in the water. Remember, you’re doing business and building a relationship one person at a time, sometimes with someone living thousands of miles across the globe. It’s somebody you’ve never met and may never meet. Be kind to your reputation as honesty remains the best policy.


There you are. The Paul Uduk 16 Dictum for building an online Expert Empire.


Click here to download my full free eBook.


Best regards,

–> Paul Uduk


PS: If you wish to dig deeper on how you can build your profitable online business register here for our annual Let’s Crush It Seminar: How Experts Build Empire billed for August 2020. The exact date will be announced. Send your completed form to

PSS: If you wish to start learning right away how to build a successful and profitable online presence, register here for my free seven-day Internet Success Mini-Course For Serious Newbies. You can also register your brother or sister for the course. Send your completed form to

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