
Books by BWC Alumni Members

Book Writing Clinic began as a little untried idea in 2015 and has now become a movement. The aim is to create 100 million authors all over the world, especially Africa.

When people think about writing a book, what comes to mind is the complicated processes and the overwhelm. They think about agents. And they think about their poor score in English at WAEC. They think about the long time it takes to get a book published. They hear other writers and authors talk about the long lonely writing hours. Book writing can be paralyzing. That’s why 80% who start writing a book never finish. Click here to join Book Writing Clinic waiting list.

I was talking with my friend Sola early this morning and he told me he started his book in 2020 and later gave up. He went on to say he started writing another book in 2022 and also gave up. What he told me reminded me of what I’ve always known about writing a book. It’s a tough lonely process so you need a community, help and guidance. I’m already jumping ahead of myself so let’s come back to how I started Book writing Clinic. This is Book writing Clinic’s (BWC’s) origin story.

My dad was a teacher and typical of teachers of his day, he encouraged us his children to read. He never spared the rod. His mantra was Read! Read! Read!

One day at about age 10, my dad whispered to me, “If you don’t have money, no woman will love you. This is your mother; do you think she would have married me if I didn’t have money?” Sadly, my dad didn’t have a lot of money. Indeed, we eked out a living. As a teacher, his reward was said to be in “Heaven”.

I read everything and anything I could lay my hands on. Reading helped me academically. I made it through the university with honours. My Russian professor told me point blank after graduation, “Go back and develop your country.”

I had huge dreams to make a difference. When I landed in Nigeria, I was given a choice to serve during my national youth service in the then capital city, Lagos. However, I chose to go up north and work with our poorest peasant farmers.

Based on what I saw, I felt challenged to do even more, so I joined a well funded federal government bank. The bank’s sole responsibility or mandate was to develop Nigeria’s agriculture. I put in over 10 years of my youth and my best effort. Sadly, I never got the promotions and recognitions I rightly deserved in all those years.

I stagnated financially, and career-wise. As a matter of fact, I had no career to talk about. I was betrayed by my government. The system let me down. The bank’s management deceived me. I felt like an abject failure. I hated the system that kept me moribund.

Then, an idea struck me. An idea to write a book and tell the world my story! I thought perhaps if I wrote a book I could redeem my image and change the system. Yes, also make some extra income to take care of my family.

That’s why I started writing books. I wrote my first three books while working full time. Since then, I have written five other books and I have never looked back. My book, Bridges to the Customer’s Heart, was all about how to make service excellence a national mantra.

My books have opened huge doors of opportunity for me. They have given me access to Fortune 500 companies and some of Nigeria’s biggest corporations. Thanks to my books I have met and made friends with some of Nigeria’s most celebrated business founders and corporate titans. Not only that, my books have helped me in founding a movement: THE AFRICA BOOK MOVEMENT. The aim is to produce 100 million authors all over the world, especially Africa.

I want to invite you to join the MOVEMENT. Click here to join Book Writing Clinic waiting list.

Hundreds of Nigerians have joined, among them, Phil Maduagwu. I like writing now and then about Phil because what she said after her BWC experience turned out prophetic. Here is Phil’s story.

I spent close to two years inviting, goading, cajoling, prompting, pestering, begging, prodding, harassing, disturbing, pleading, imploring, and persuading Phil to tell the world her story. In short, write a book.

Phil always managed to wriggle out of every enticement. Then one day after another bout of harassments, she showed up for BWC. Phil put everything she got into BWC (Book Writing Clinic). Indeed, she came, she experienced, she believed. Her end-of-session speech was, “This Clinic has really enabled my dormant dream to write a book come alive. Next time you hear from me I will be inviting you all to my book launch.” Click here to watch and if that does not work use this link:

Phil has so far written three books. One, “The Exciting Adventures of a Boring Consultant”, is a must read. Phil was the HR leader at AIICO (American International Insurance Company Plc). AIICO was formerly part of AIG (American International Group), with current market capitalisation of USD 39.60billion. You too can write a book if you make telling your story a priority, even if you are working full time.

Here is your invitation to Lagos BWC billed for Saturday, 17th June.  Click this link to register and this link if the first one does not work: If you are in the Owerri or Abuja areas, BWC is coming on 22nd and 29th July respectively. Click this link to register:

If BWC is not for you, register for your community members, friends or loved ones: Daughter, son, brother, sister. And don’t forget your nephew, niece, in-law, pastor, or a complete stranger. He or she will speak well of you in his or her book.

Are you a pastor, CEO, community mobilizer, take BWC to your church, company or community. Are you a consultant? Then write a book or stop calling yourself a consultant. A consultant with no book of his own is a charlatan. Here is the link to register: Click this link to join Book Writing Clinic waiting list.

Best. Be generous. Write a book to bring enlightenment to mankind.

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