How 101 Words Won Agnes Singbo OCCCNA’S Mega Challenge 2022


Agnes Singbo File Photo

OCCCNA Mega Challenge was set up to celebrate the 2nd year anniversary of Online Course Creators Community For “Newbies And Advanced Beginners” (OCCCNA). A “Winner Takes All” Challenge, it was opened to contestants from all over the world.

There were no terms and conditions, except submission of entry before the closing date.

The three Challenge questions were straight forward and asked:

  1. What did you do yesterday or last week or last month or last 90 days that really scared you?
  • What massive action did you take yesterday or last week or last month or last 90 days to take you to your “Dream Destination?”
  • What do you worship?

For Challenge question three, the organizers even went as far as hinting that it had nothing to do with God.  Additional hint was given that “Some people worship fear” meaning you have overcome fear and worship something more noble.

The stated prizes for the Challenge included:

  1. First class return ticket to any destination within Nigeria during 2022 Christmas.
  • Dinner with OCCCNA’S founder, Coach Paul Uduk, on Boxing Day at Radisson Blu, Victoria Island, Lagos, Nigeria.
  • A copy of Paul Uduk’s best-selling book, The Celebrity Speaker, bought on Amazon and delivered to the winner at an address anywhere in the world.

What the organizers did not announce were the mouth-watering bonuses totaling more than N3.5million, reserved for the winner.

Some of the bonuses like mentoring, coaching on personal leadership and training on digital marketing for one year are priceless.

Here is a breakdown of the bonuses:

 iBMC Course and Lifetime Access to iBMC course materials, curated assignments and past materials 
 iBFC Course and Lifetime Access to iBFC lessons, curated assignments and past materials 
 Fortnightly Group Coaching and 4 Progress Review Meetings (PRM) and access to over 24 past PRMs (N20,000 per Live PRM) 
 Lifetime Membership of iBMC Private Facebook Group Coaching (N10K value per month) 
 Lifetime Membership of iBMC Private WhatsApp Coaching Group (N5K value per month) 
 Lifetime Membership of iBMC Private Telegram Coaching Group (N5K value per month) 
 Access to Paul’s Members Only Monthly Webinar (N20K value per month) 
 Lifetime Access to Paul’s Book Writing Clinic – How Experts Build Empire (Full Course and Recorded Webinar Materials) (N35K value) 
 Lifetime access to Write, Publish, and Launch Your Book In 90 Days (Recorded Group Coaching on how to get your book published). Live monthly group coaching until your book hits Amazon KDP) (N70K value). 
 Access to Paul’s 10 Most researched Ultimate Guides in topics ranging from Goal Setting, Personal Development to Entrepreneurship for use as Private Label Rights (PLRs) (N20K/Guide). 
 Lifetime Access to Experience Annex Membership Site (N25 value per month). 
 Access to Legends Network (Premium by-Invitation-Only Private Masterclasses where members share winning strategies via FB Lives with online Legends and Face-to-Face (N60K value per month). 
 Access to Paul’s SWIPE File (an entire library of materials including course templates and slides of some of Paul’s most sought-after courses and 3rd party materials (Priceless – Available only on course completion and upon application). 
 Total ValueYou Guess

Hundreds of people all over the world participated in the Challenge but sadly most went on a tangent rather than pay attention to the simple questions asked.

Face your fears

As a teacher, Agnes Singbo focused on the questions and tailored her answers accordingly. She wrote to express not to impress. Her approach endeared her to the assessors and panel of experts.

Here are the 101 words that clinched Agnes Signbo the top prize:

Answer 1:

What I did in the last 90 days that really scared me. In July, I travelled to Lagos by road for a course (I am a teacher and I work in a school in Abuja). Due to the increase in air-fare and it was beyond my budget.

Answer 2:

The massive action I took in the last month was attending a transformational leadership course with Gemstone TLD Group. The course is intense and it has helped [me] become more reflective and intentional.

Answer 3:

[As to what I worship], I admire resilience, excellence, innovation, creativity, diligence, honesty and loyalty. I am intentional in living by these principles at my workplace and everywhere I find myself. These values are fast fading out so I also model and influence people within my friendship circle.

Agnes wrote just 101 words and earned more than N3.5million in prizes and became OCCCNA’S Ambassador for one year.

She will be exposed to training on digital marketing and coaching and mentoring on leadership and citizenship. She epitomizes the type of future-looking youths Nigeria yearns for.

As you can see, action trumps everything else. She said she didn’t believe she stood a chance since the competition was opened to people from all over the world. But she faced her fears an took action all the same.

On 17 December 2022 Agnes Signbo will be crowned the Winner of the OCCCNA Mega Challenge 2022 during the annual Let’s Crush It 2023 by-invitation-only event in Lagos.

If you wish to participate in the Let’s Crush It 2023 event, courtesy of Agnes, you can send a WhatsApp request to 08152627510.

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