Here Are Your March 2023 Virtual Training Programs


Advertorial Unmatched Virtual Training Programs by Vision & Talent

1. Service Excellence
Gary Hamel warned, “In the past, companies frequently profited from customer ignorance. Today, customers are in control as never before – and in a world of near perfect information, there is less and less room for mediocre products and services.” Martha Rogers cautioned way back, “Everybody everywhere wants your most valuable customers and will approach them from all channels” … and if you do not do it right you may lose them within a twinkling of an eye. Service Excellence goes beyond customer satisfaction and as PwC stated, “It is about improvement in cost position, delivery performance, time taken to get products unto the market, and responsiveness to changes in the market-place. It is a bottom line issue that addresses the very roots of a business.” This program shows you how to position to win in the age of the customer.  

. Overview And The Context Of Service Excellence
. The Content Of Service Excellence
. Understanding Service: Characteristics, Levels, Types, Forms, Dimensions And Philosophies
. Service Competency Framework
. Listening And Reading The Customer’s Body Language And Market Trends
. Managing The Three Cs: Collaboration, Cooperation And Coordination
. Customer Relationship And Experience Management Frameworks 
. Building a House of Service and Crafting Your Customer Bill of Rights  
. Cases: Chiangi. Zappos. 

Date: 15 – 17 March  
2. HR Excellence (The People Plan) An organization is a business idea and strategy wrapped around people. The People Plan is an overarching process for the people side of the business strategy. One of the best ways to set your organisation’s human resources strategy is to align your people management goals with corporate objectives. That means keeping an eye on how your programs and decisions on talent management, performance management and people development will impact the bottom line. The People Plan shows you how to execute your people processes in a tumultuous marketplace.  

. The CEO in the HR Equation
. Crafting a Teachable Point of View.  
. The People Plan Framework That Converts the People Process into Strategy.  
. Knowledge Management: Strategies For Creating A Smart Enterprise  
. Performance Management Strategies Of The World’s Fiercest Competitors  
. Talent Management.: Groundbreaking Practices Of The World’s Best Companies  
. Solving The “Who” Problem: Recruitment and Selection of “A” Players  
. Managing The Leadership Pipeline, Coaching & Succession Planning
. Linking Business Strategy Process And Operational Plan To The People Plan  
. Designing The Organization For Employee Engagement  
. The Context And Concept Of Employer Branding  
. The Evolving Workplace And Working With Intelligent Machines: AI (ChatGPT), Robots  

Date: 22 – 24 March  
3. Communication Excellence  
Communication is the bedrock of an effective organization. The CEO and top management must lead with and leverage communication opportunities to focus the organization on the bright side of the future. Managers must communicate plans clearly and have clear metrics conveying whether the organization is progressing according to it. This program shows you how to use effective communication in a time-efficient way to build a resilient culture, boost cohesion, transparency, performance and outsized profits.  

. Fundamentals of Communication.  
. Forms, Modes, Styles, Tools and Types of Communication and Embracing Listening.  
. Thinking, Presentation, and Conversation as Special Forms of Communication.  
. Crafting Teachable Points of View (TPOV) Up, Down and Across the Organization.  
. Managing, Prioritizing, Leveraging and Conducting Communication for Cohesiveness, Team Alignment and Goal Orientation.  
. Creating Communication Opportunities and Making Communications to Flow Freely While Avoiding Anonymity and Vagueness.  
. Communicating With Customers and Other Top Stakeholders.  
. Coaching Supervisors and Managers How to Communicate Well Using Storytelling.  

Date: 27 – 28 March  
4. Sales & Selling Excellence This program shows you how to optimize your sales system to remain resilient even as markets fragment, products lack differentiation and oversupply becomes the norm. Successful sales teams know that nobody really cares about your products, what people care about is solving problems and making their lives better. The program exposes participants to selling best-practices and principles that enable you increase your customer conversion and retention success rates, and remain top of mind thus rendering the competition irrelevant independent of the industry.  

. The World Of Sales
. The Sales System
. Forces Behind The Sales System
. Adapting to a Changing World of Product Oversupply and Commoditization
. B2B And B2C Selling Skills
. Managing The Customer Relationship Experience
. Mastering Negotiation Principles That Tip The Scale In Your Favour
. Selling To The C-Suite And Other Very Important Top Officers
. Managing Key Accounts: An Overview
. Case Study  

Date: 29 – 31 March  
5. Presentation Excellence
Presentation is a special form of communication. Life as Tony Jeary says, is a series of presentations. Each time you open your mouth to speak you are presenting.  Organizations that master the art of presentation put their ideas across convincingly and with clarity. They command the trust of their customers, peers, the market, regulators and other stakeholders. They are winners.  As an employee, your long term success will depend upon how you approach the millions of presentation opportunities before you. Life largely consists of interaction with the people around you. The way in which we present our thoughts and ideas to people could have a profound effect on the shape of our own lives and careers. This program shows you how to use effective presentation to achieve the outcome we desire as individuals and organizations.  

. Fundamentals of Presentation.
. The 8 Essentials and 10 Steps to Successful Presentation.
. Effective Presentation And What It Takes To Present Well.
. Preparing For A Presentation I and II
. Researching And Involving The Audience
. Making Your Presentation Come Alive: Body Language, Vocal Variety And Visuals.
. Managing The Presentation Effectiveness Continuum
. Making a Presentation That the Audience Remembers For Years.  

Date: 30 – 31 March  

Registration/Joining Instructions for the five programs
Email names of nominees to or via WhatsApp to +2348152627510 to receive joining instructions.

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