
What are you doing to position yourself as a global influencer?

If you believe you can’t make to the global influencer status just yet, why no gun for a local influencer or a KPI (Key Person of Influence)?

If you were asked to name the top global influencers, the following names would probably feature in your list:

1. Tom Peters

2. Malcolm Gladwell

3. Daniel Pink

4. James Clear

5. Alex Hormozi

6. Brendon Burchard

7. Tony Robbins, to mention seven.

Peter Drucker was a legend and stands apart. Tom Peters too.

How did they all get to become global influencers?

What sets the top apart is their IP (Intellectual Property). Through their IP they have thousands of followers. IP is not about only books, but includes top rated Podcasts, YouTube Channel, Blogs, Signature Programs, etc.

However, all the influencers mentioned above started with books:

Peter Drucker, according to Wikipedia, authored 39 books, including two novels, and an autobiography, The Adventures of a Bystander.

Tom Peters shot to stardom and fame with his first book, In Search of Excellence, co-authored with Bob Waterman Jr. He went on to write many other iconic books, including his magnum opus, Liberation Management, an 834-page tom on the future of management.

Malcolm Gladwell’s Outlier, Tipping Point, What the Dog Saw, and David and Goliath, set him up as one of the greatest story-tellers of our time.

Between them, James Clear, Daniel Pink, Alex Hormozi, Brendon Burchard and Tony Robbins have over 12 books, including epics like Atomic Habits, Free Agent Nation, $100M Leads, The Charge, and Money: Master the Game.

Building IP is not a walk through the park. You have to put in the work. The works have to be ground breaking. And it has to be done at scale. As they say, no cross, no crown.

You can’t become a global influencer in one year or even 10 years. It took Peter Drucker over 60 years, and Tom Peter recently retired after 40 years. Tony Robbins has been at it for some 43 years.

You don’t go out to be an influencer. You do the work first and the world carves a niche for you if you’re worthy. Start in your small necks of the woods.

Most of us dissipate our energies and are everywhere and nowhere. We are John Maxwell Graduates. BWC Graduates. iBMC Graduates. We release a 45 page book and hire a brass band. Sadly, this is not the way to go.

If you want to build empire, focus on what empire builders do and model, copy, steal, until you become a master. Pablo Picasso famously said, “Good artists copy, great artists steal.”

We have been conditioned in this part of the world to believe in miracles, our biggest industries, churches say “there is nothing God cannot do”, and we thunder Ameeeeeeeeeeeeeeen.

We are told our miracle is on the way if only we can pray, pray and pray. You are admonished to pray until something happens. You’re told to believe “you’re the head and not the tail”.

Yet, look at the sorry state of the most populous black nation on earth. A nation of over 200 million, which cannot generate up to 3000 Megawatts of electricity, while the Republic of Ireland and Belgium with populations of 5 million and 11.5million respectively generate 5,585 MW and 79,831 MW respectively

Heaven helps those who help themselves. The *InTerNet* is a leveller. If you play the game the right way the algorithm will reward you. It takes time but there is no discrimination.

Narrow your focus. Pull back from trite, pedantic, popular, featherweight activities you’re doing and start engaging in stretch activities you can write home about. You will stand out, you’ll get noticed and one day you’ll be regarded as a influencer or a person of influence.

It’s said, in every field, many are called, but few are chosen. Will you be one of the few?

Let time be your judge. Bon voyage.

Meanwhile if you believe it’s time you made the move to position yourself as a KPI why not get your first IP (a book) off the ground?

Get the link here or here to get started.


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Paul Uduk iSchool

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