Four Questions For You As We Enter 2024


Here are my 4 short questions for you as we prepare to welcome 2024.

Will you win in 2024 and beyond?

Why should you buy something you don’t need?

Who knows you?

Are you sharing your ideas with the world?


Only you can answer that question with ironclad conviction.

Winning in this regard means living live on your own terms, highly fulfilled, doing what you love and care about.

It has little to do with money, which narrowly focuses on ‘financial success’. Of course having enough greenbacks to spend without worrying about where the next meal will come from helps.

Are you in a job that you hate or care little about but have ‘no choice’ but continue because you can’t afford to lose your pay check?

What about if you learnt an alternative to a paid job that would guarantee you don’t lose? Would you willing to give it a shot?

The world is moving rapidly away from industrial era jobs that Ford started in 1903 to digital era jobs that Microsoft kick-started in 1975 with MS DOS and the web browser amplified in 1990.

What are you doing about this new era where each and every one can act as an independent contractor according to Tom Peters? All you need is a web browser. Do you say that is for them, it doesn’t concern me?

The all-digital world is upon us, thanks to AI. You either embrace it or be quietly forgotten. Are you ready to embrace it?

You can decide to leave your comfort zone and embrace the new digital era with open arms and gusto. Or you can stick to your ‘status’ as a banker, engineer, doctor, architect, accountant, pharmacist, specialist, etc. until retirement day.

If I were you I’d leave my comfort zone and do all it takes to win as a ‘digital expert’. It starts with learning the BASICS.

SADLY, many give up because it’s not as easy as the fly-by-night gurus say it is. Over 80% give up when they encounter the ‘valley of despair’ as Alex Hormozi calls it.

Winners push through to the zone of ‘informed optimism’ and finally to ‘success and fulfilment’.

If you want to WIN, on your own terms, I invite you to join my All-New iBMC 2024. It’s designed to guarantee you don’t fail. No detail has been left out.

The All-New Internet Business Mastery Course is open to anyone who genuinely wants to WIN, including BWC and iBMC Alumni members who are yet to reach $10,000 MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue).

The All-New iBMC 2024 comes with mouth- watering discounts, valid till 31st December, 2023. On 1st January, 2024 all the discounts will be gone. Act today.


Sometimes you buy something not because of its direct benefits but the tangential ones.

Online business is wide, deep, complicated and sometimes confusing, if you don’t look beyond the surface.

To succeed, look for what has worked for others and model them.

Sometimes you subscribe for a membership, course or a paid webinar not because you really need it, but because you want to build a relationship with a guru.

You can even buy all his or books to unlock his or her worldview so when you meet face-to-face you can speak on equal footing.

The long-term aim is to be able to forge a strong friendship that could translate to collaborations down the road.

That’s how you become a JV (Joint Venture) partner with a guru years down the road.

Amateurs think in cents but strategists think in thousands and millions of dollars.

All you have to do is, believe in the process. It works.


Do you know your book is your passport to the White House, Buckingham Palace and the Kremlin?

Once you publish a book, you’re no more just ‘you’, you’re an author with all the perks and privileges.

Take the cases of Tom Peters (In Search of Excellence), Tony Robbins (Unlimited Power), John Grey (Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus), Jay Conrad Levinson (Guerilla Marketing), Malcolm Gladwell (Tipping Point), Jim Collins (Built To Last), John Maxwell (Developing The Leader Within You), Simon Sinek (Start With Why), and Robert Greene (The 40 Laws of Power. These are men with larger than life images and fame.

We know JK Rowling because of her books turned to movies. After publishing his Competitive Advantage in 1985, Michael Porter became a global phenomenon. He is perhaps the most well-known Harvard professor, treated as a head of state wherever he goes even though the internet has turned his theories belly up.

Nothing makes for a more enduring brand recognition than a book. Indeed nothing else comes close.

From a backroom credit risk manager in the banking industry, what opened doors for me was my Bridges to the Customer’s Heart.

With than book I was able to launch Book Writing Clinic (BWC). BWC has spawned Book Writer’s Club, Book Writers Form and The Book Connoisseurs.

Who knows you?

Wake up and as Brian Tracy would say, and “Eat that frog.” Write a book.


Are you sharing your ideas with the world? If not, why not?

Share whatever ideas you have with the world. Share whatever you’re doing or creating with the world.

The whole concept of virality (your ideas going viral or catching fire) depends on sharing your ideas with the rest of the world.

You need just one idea going viral for you to become an overnight celebrity like Jay Shetty.

Jay Shetty’s podcast, On Purpose, has surpassed 52 million downloads in 2023 making it consistently #1 on iTunes.

The reason most people don’t share their ideas is because of fear. Fear of being laughed at. Fear of being ridiculed. Fear of being told your effort is not good enough. Remember that BIG hairy imposter syndrome thing?

We all have imposter syndrome. The cure for imposter syndrome is self-believe and self-confidence.  Tell imposter syndrome get behind me, I’m good enough. Believe in yourself. Believe in your idea.  And stick to it. See it to fruition. You get self-confidence by repetition. You keep doing the same thing hundreds of times until it becomes second nature.

The reason you share is to get alternative angles not to change your idea. There are many ways for skinning a cat they say. In a world of 8 billion people you should expect a rainbow of ideas, but your approach may be unique. Stick to it if you believe it’s the best invention since sliced bread.

Share your ideas. Get enriched feedback and proceed to win. Avoid the lone wolf syndrome if you really want to win at scale. When you share you make yourself accountable.

Friends after a while will begin to ask you, how far with that project you shared with me? Like Amazon is on my neck to deliver a book, “General Koleoso And His Exploits”, I put on pre-sell.

So, what are you up to?

Are you on your memoir?

Are you on your entry-level or signature course? Share. The more people you share with the better.

Best regards,

Paul Uduk

CEO Vision & Talent

Creator BWC

Creator iBMC

Creator OCCCNA (10K Plus Members).

PS: My All-New BWC 2024 is on pre-sell. Want to jump in? This is the best time when the fee is still at rock bottom.

PSS: My All-New iBMC 2024 is also on pre-sell. The fee is at rock bottom so grab it now.

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