Expert Empire Program 2019/2020 is Open


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At 00.00hours on January 1st Every year, everybody takes off from the same starting blocks with great expectations. However, by 24.00 hours on December 31st of that same year, the great majority (70%) become worse off, a big chunk (25%) remain stagnant, a minority (4.9%) become slightly better off, and a sliver (0.1%), massively scale up and become wiser, wealthier, healthier, and happier. What sets this tiny minority apart from the rest?

If I may tell you, a combination of simple corrective action steps taken purposefully! The recognition of the unwritten LAW that says ONLY ACTION WINS! The subscription to the PRINCIPLE that says your destiny is in your own hands. The undying determination to answer in the affirmative, Brendon Burchard’s life and death question, did I matter? By so doing, they win against all odds!

You cannot continue doing the same thing and expecting a different result. That is the first definition of insanity. If you want to be wealthier, healthier, and happier than the rest of your mates, then stop hoping, stop thinking, stop wishing, stop considering, stop planning, and start doing. The world is full of thinkers. What sets achievers apart is ACTION! Achievers take action to actualize their dreams. However, knowing the right action to take, mastering the requisite skills to deploy, and getting connected with a vibrant network and knowledgebase that enable you to skyrocket your impact all require a different set of skills not found in text books and shallow conferences.

You could cut your learning curve by five to ten years if you knew the right person to approach for guidance, joined the right network and positioned yourself accordingly. I learnt this lesson the hard way, spending thousands of dollars, man-hours and being frustrated until I met someone I submitted to tutelage and it has made all the difference. I wished I’d met Tony Elumelu much earlier in my career, I would have been wiser. I became acquainted with Tony in 2009, the tail end of my employment career. At each time, he always shared the story of his mentor.

Tony asserted his mentor made him what he is today, a multi billionaire. I decided to check out other billionaires and the biggest achievers in modern history, and what I found was indeed a revelation. This is what I found out from my mini-research: Warren Buffett was mentored by the economist, Benjamin Graham, Richard Branson had Freddie Laker as his mentor, Rich Schefren had Jay Abraham as his mentor, Bob Dylan was mentored by Woody Guthrie, Jeff Bezos had David Shaw as his mentor, and Tony Elumelu was mentored by Ebitimi Banigo. It’s also instructive to note that Bill Gates had his back covered by Paul Allen. Guess what, Steve Jobs also had mentors that included Nolan Bushnell and Bill Campbell.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]How much more we mere mortals if these titans needed mentors to succeed? If you’re ready to cut five to ten years from your learning curve, learn appropriate actions to take, hone the requisite skill, and join the type of network that will enable you finish stronger going forward then you need a coach? Are you ready to start constructing the roadmap that will radically change you, and position you as an Expert? Are you ready to position yourself as the person that both individuals and organizations are willing to pay thousands to train, develop and motivate their people at their annual retreats, workshops, and training programs? Are you ready to learn how to produce blockbuster E-products and build platforms that people are willing to pay thousands to buy and join? Then EXPERT EMPIRE PROGRAM (EEP) is for you.

At EEP You Learn How To Charge Premium Fees And Enjoy The Perquisites Of Life.


At The EEP You Learn How To Network With Celebrities

At EEP You Learn How To Earn The Respect Of Corporate Titans

At EEP You Learn How To Operate At The Highest Levels

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]THE FASTEST GROWING INDUSTRY
Consider how your life could change if you could manage to position yourself in such a way that organizations are the ones ordering their purchasing department to “get us that guy or lady”, as Allan Weiss asserts, rather than you going cap-in-hand begging for patronage? Think about how your life could change if you could develop platforms people are willing to pay you handsomely to be part of? As the world changes at alarming speed, now is the right time for you to reinvent yourself.

The fastest growing industry in the world today is not banking, oil and gas or telecoms, it’s INFORMATION MARKETING. It’s the reason why companies and individuals such as Google, Amazon, Oracle, Oprah Winfrey, Arianna Huffington, and Brendon Burchard, to mention just a few, are today the most valuable and successful brands on earth. The simple reason is this, whenever there is a paradigm shift, the playing field is reset to zero and organizations and individuals able to quickly master the new way come up tops. Any wonder Bill Gates is one of the richest men today? He discerned the stupendous wealth the computer age would create before most others and he set out to master the requisite skills. The rest, as they say, is history.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]If you’re ready to break free, I will coach and guide you as I have done to a select few. There is good news and bad news. The good news is that you don’t need 10 to 20 years’ experience to join EEP. The bad news is that I can take only five people a year. For these lucky souls, I will pull back the curtain and reveal to them how the Expert Industry really works and how they need to position themselves to tap this massive industry as EXPERTS. To get admitted into the EEP you have to proof you have what it takes to succeed with me.

At EEP You Learn How To Network At The Highest Levels


This is not a quick fix. There is no miracle involved, only hard work, striving, and the willingness to learn new skills. Indeed, the willingness to reinvent yourself. In today’s ever-changing world, fanciful educational certificates don’t matter anymore. Don’t get me wrong, education does matter but not paper certificates. What matters today is your ability to master the secret of the new way. It’s about being able to master the expert industry being driven by the digital revolution. It’s not about being able to post pictures on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest or posting a profile on LinkedIn. It’s not about having a website even though that matters a lot.

I am looking for five determined individuals who are willing to move mountains, pay any price and push to the front until they win. Are you willing to do whatever it takes to actualize your dream of becoming a recognized Expert. Are you willing to stay the course and not quit? You may just be the person I’m looking for. I’m looking for non-quitters. You may be talented, but talent is not enough. Winners are those that never, ever quit.

If you have read up to this point then you may just be the person I’m looking for. To join, all you have to do is to email me at, with copy to, with EPP as your subject head, briefly explaining why you’re the right candidate for EPP. If you meet my criteria, I will send you an application form to complete. If we review your application and are convinced you qualify, we will contact you. It’s that simple.

EEP is a blended program, with 80% web-based and 20% face-to-face with me quarterly. When practicable, EPP Alumni Members will join me on client assignment to witness real life presentation. Occasionally, we will arrange group conference meeting via Zoom or Skype.

There are five core products and seven bonuses. Here are they:

  1. My eProduct Development Blueprint MP4 that shows you the step-by-step process for producing quality and professionally finished eProducts that you can easily sell to monetize your expertise.
  2. My comprehensive Book Writing Blueprint MP4 that gives you the insider information on how to write and market your book worldwide even if you hate writing.
  3. My Speak Like the Orators of Old MP4 that positions you as a motivational speaker who commands thousands in speaking fees once you acquire platform mastery.
  4. My Advanced Networking Blueprint MP4 that shows you everything you need to know how to connect with movers and shakers without mortgaging your family house.
  5. My Priority Management Blueprint MP4 that shows you how to leverage your effectiveness with minimal effort without burning out.

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]On top of the above five unbeatable products, you will get the following seven spectacular bonuses absolutely free:

  1. My proprietary template for constructing your 7-Dimensional Expert Profile that will guide you on your journey to building your Expert Empire.
  2. My offline List-Builder Secret Formula that works 100% of the time noting that your list is YOUR MOST IMPORTANT ASSET in your Empire building drive.
  3. My 1-2-3 Campaign Formula on how to set up and run simple online marketing campaigns that pulls in clients using one of the freely available platforms such as Mailchimp.
  4. My Make Video Right-Now Breakthrough Formula on how to make professional-quality videos online with the pictures you shoot with your smart phone.
  5. My Masterminding With The Masters list of the “top 10 online gurus” I follow that will revolutionize the way you think, act and build your Expert Empire.
  6. My Stand-Out Profile sampler on how to write your profile that makes you twinkle like a thousand stars and positions you as the go-to-person that organizations call.
  7. My No-More Tears Done-For-You Functional Website that enables you monetize your E-products right away and positions you in the new world of information marketing. (Terms and Conditions Apply here.)

The total value of everything you learn from the EXPERT EMPIRE PROGRAM easily exceeds N3.5million priced individually. In fact they are at great undervalue considering that you’ll shave off more than five years, and for some people, more than ten years, from your learning curve and noting that for just one item above, I coughed out $3,600 to learn via Skype. And why am I lumping so much in one Program when I could easily market the products individually at three times the fee? First, I want to reward generously the determined souls that have entrusted their journey into Expert into my hands. Second, due to the simple truth that I am also still learning so we are in it together. However, though I’m still learning, I have come farther than most having invested the past eight years in what I will be sharing with you.



Then You’ll Learn How To Think Like A Colossus

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]WHAT WILL YOU PAY FOR THE EXPERT EMPIRE PROGRAM?
EPP gives you everything you need to build your Expert Empire at the shortest time possible without holding back anything. Your progress will depend on your hard-work and how far you’ve already travelled on the journey. You’ll neither N3m nor N1million. You’ll not pay N500,000, indeed you’ll not pay N400,000. Your fee will be $695 or N250,000 if you pay by 27th February, 2019. If you pay by 30th March, 2019, your fee will be or $975 or N350,000, and if you pay by 30th April, 2019, your fee will be $1,250 or N450,000. For each additional month, add $300 or N100,000. Your journey begins immediately you pay. This EPP will run throughout 2019 and end February 26th 2020.

Register now and save over $300 or N100,000 compared to registering in March. If you’re ready to start constructing your roadmap to EXPERT, register by email to, with copy to If you need clarification on any matter concerning EPP, please email me at with EPP as the subject line or call +2348033075133.

All alumni members automatically qualify for new EPP material. Links are sent to all paid members individually to log in.
The EPP qualifies you as my Strategic Mentee, the highest level of my Inner Circle Mentee Members where you accompany me on fee-paying engagements to learn more.

To your success!

Paul Uduk


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