Do You Want To Build An Expert Empire (With Books in 2022)?


Phil Maguagwu with her book Shades of Red

Yes, do you want to build an expert empire with books in the centre in 2022?

Again, do you want to pivot online, publish your first, second or third book and start building your Expert Empire in 2022?

It’s not too late as we still have 122 days to go but you better hurry and join my pre-independence day anniversary BWC on 30 September.

BWC and iBMC alumni members are specially invited as the marketing strategies to be unleased will blow your mind.

I’m saying all these to those who are interested in taking their game to the next level of excellence and prosperity.

Imagine if your book could sell 100 copies daily at $10 per copy, you’d be making $30,000 monthly on the average.

And imagine if you had 2 or 3 books?

I wished I knew all what I know now years ago while toiling in the banking industry I would have been a millionaire –  in Dollars.

As for you, the coast is clear as you don’t have to pass through the steep learning curve I had to.

If you want to be wealthy and prosperous, make up your mind to write a book and pivot online immediately you finish reading this post.

And I’m not kidding, I will help you as I’m helping myself and hundreds of my students.

Guess who are the biggest online success stories?

Experts with vast IP (Intellectual Property), with books at the centre.

Experts like Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Brendon Burchard, Russell Brunson, Marie Forleo, Jenna Kutcher and Lisa Nichols, to mention just 7, all have books and empires.

You may not consider me an expert yet because I’ve not appeared on CNN and Oprah, but I must tell you all the same, I have 7 books in my quiver.

So what has book got to do with wealth, online business, and prosperity?

In two words.

A lot.

Your book is at the centre of your IP (Intellectual Property).

Your book can power your Podcast as it has done for celebrity gurus like Tim Ferriss, Pat Flynn and Amy Porterfield of 4-Hour Work Week, Smart Passive Income and Online Marketing Made Easy fames respectively.

Your book instantly brands you when done well as it has done for Peter Diamandis of Singularity University fame, thanks to Joe Polish, the marketing guru.

Again, as I said, if you want to write a book and you don’t know how to start, I can help you as I have helped hundreds of my students.

Phil Diana Maduagwu
, my student braced the tape with her second book, Shades of Red, this past weekend and made me so proud because she kept to the promise she made to her class when she attended Book Writing Clinic in 2019 shortly before COVID-19 struck.

She had earlier launched her first book in 2021 immediately after COVID-19, exactly as she had promised.

Click this link and listen to what Phil said at BWC:

This is what Florence said of her experience with BWC:

If you’re interested in writing a book worth reading in a face-to-face BWC (Book Writing Clinic) on Saturday 30th September,
this is the link to sign up:

If you’re scared someone would steal your email address, please send me a WhatsApp message with your details to this number: 08033075133.

If you’re outside Lagos and you’re interested, I invite you to my virtual BWC webinar/workshop on 8th October: send WhatsApp message to 08152627510.

If you prefer email you can reach out to me through 

Best regards,

Hey, I’m Coach Paul
I Help Newbies And Advanced Beginners Pivot Online, Write Books and Build Expert Empires
Please subscribe to my official YouTube channel:
Host your courses online for life for only $99 (valid for only 36 hours):
My Motto >>>There is no defense against excellence

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